"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Islamization of Europe > Muslim promises to decapitate woman and dog in Belgium; Europeans beginning to rise up against Islam


The movement to the right in Europe is about to provoke the Muslim hordes to rise up against the authorities. This summer could be a very intense time of struggle on the continent. I wrote many years ago that this is an inevitable confrontation after Frau Merkel's madness, and the longer it takes to come about, the more horrific it will be. Thank God it is finally starting, but it could be a very nasty summer.


Why is this not grounds for imprisonment and/or deportation? This is no joke when Hamas actually decapitated babies on Oct 7th.

Belgium: Pro-Hamas ‘peace activists’ tell Jewish woman ‘we are going to take off your head and your dog’s too’

Feel the love, feel the peace.

‘We are going to take off your head,’ Jewish woman told

by Belgian student activists

by Michael Starr, Jerusalem Post, June 30, 2024 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

The same day that the anti-Israel protest encampments at universities in Brussels were cleared by police on Tuesday, a Jewish woman alleged that she had been threatened and pelted with objects by student activists.

The People’s University of Brussels group and Pro-Palestinian organizations alleged brutalities against their activists as police removed them from French-speaking Free University of Brussels’ Building B, which they had occupied since May 7 and renamed after deceased Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist Walid Daqqah.

Belgian pro-Palestinian groups shared a post on Instagram on Tuesday promising to continue with their activism, proclaiming “It is not an expulsion: It is the beginning of a movement!”

Video of the raid posted by People’s University of Brussels and photographs published by the European Jewish Congress showed that the interior of the building had been defaced, with graffiti in multiple languages lining the walls. EJC claimed that some slogans on the wall called for Tel Aviv’s destruction….

The same day as the encampment’s clearing, Belgian League against Antisemitism President Joel Rubinfeld shared the claim of a Jewish woman who said that while walking her dog past the encampment she had received abuse from the student activists who allegedly called her “Jew” in Arabic and “dirty Bourgeois”. The activists were accused of throwing objects at her, resulting in a cut. She was also threatened, supposedly told “we are going to take off your head and your dog’s too”, and “you are going to pay for the others.”…

Europeans beginning to rise up against Islam, finally

Two days ago, Spaniards began to stand up against Muslim brutality

A demonstration in Portugal where Portuguese citizens demand the ban and closure of mosques and everything related to Islam. Will we soon witness demonstrations in Europe also demanding the closure of mosques and the banning of Islam as it is a terrorist religion, or will citizens remain asleep until the sword of Islam reaches their necks? What do you think?

Greenfield's language here sounds more than a little provocative, but if you know your history at all, it is unfortunately very accurate.

Geert Wilders’ Party Takes Over

Dutch Immigration Ministry

Will the invasion finally be turned back?

Despite repeated victories by Geert Wilders and his PVV parties, the political establishment in the Netherlands and the EU did everything possible to block him from actually taking office. And despite the massive PVV victory in the last election, that’s still the case.

But Wilders’ PVV is the largest party in the new governing coalition, which includes a mix of good and bad parties, and will hold the immigration ministry.

Migration is at the heart of the crisis in America and Europe.

PVV’s first choice for immigration minister, Gidi Markuszower, was sidelined because being Jewish, they wouldn’t be able to call him a Nazi, which is what they’re already doing with Marjolein Faber, the second choice, who was forced to apologize for previous comments about the invasion of the country.

Now, seven months after the election, PVV may finally be able to do what Dutch voters have repeatedly authorized it to do, reduce the mass Islamic invasion of the Netherlands which no dikes have been able to hold back.

The PVV is the last hope of the Netherlands. The mass invasion of Europe is about to bring down the curtain on thousands of years of history. The hour is late. And the enemy is abroad in the streets of the greatest cities of Europe.

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