"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Friday, July 12, 2024

Islamic Insanity > Pakistan closes breast milk bank a month after it opens; Chicago Imam tells kids their #1 goal in life; al-Baghdadi's wife to be hanged in Iraq; US Imam prays for death of Jews and Christians


Pakistan: Breast milk bank closes after Islamic clerics withdraw approval

The problem here was with the mixing of milk from different sources, so that it would be impossible to know who was whose foster mother. This comes from a hadith:

“Aisha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Salim, the freed slave of Abu Hadhaifa, lived with him and his family in their house. She (i.e. the daughter of Suhail came to Allah’s Apostle (ﷺ) and said: Salim has attained (puberty) as men attain, and he understands what they understand, and he enters our house freely, I, however, perceive that something (rankles) in the heart of Abu Hudhaifa, whereupon Allah’s Apostle (ﷺ) said to her: Suckle him and you would become unlawful for him, and (the rankling) which Abu Hudhaifa feels in his heart will disappear. She returned and said: So I suckled him, and what (was there) in the heart of Abu Hudhaifa disappeared.” (Sahih Muslim 1453b)

The idea that a man and a woman who were not married could lawfully be together if the woman first breastfed the man, thus becoming his foster mother, was originally in the Qur’an:

“It was narrated that ‘Aishah said: ‘The Verse of stoning and of breastfeeding an adult ten times was revealed, and the paper was with me under my pillow. When the Messenger of Allah died, we were preoccupied with his death, and a tame sheep came in and ate it.'” (Sunan Ibn Majah 1944)

Yet when we called attention to this absurdity some years ago, we were called “liars” and “Islamophobes.” And now here is the same Islamic ruling we supposedly made up being confirmed in the far-left Guardian.

Pakistani breast milk bank closes after Islamic clerics withdraw approval

by Zofeen T Ebrahim, Guardian, July 8, 2024:

When he heard a hospital in Karachi was setting up a milk bank for babies, the news was a “huge relief” to Mohammad Munawwar.

With his wife very sick and their premature son Ayan in hospital, the 52-year-old father had had to collect milk five or six times a day from different female relatives who were breastfeeding their own babies.

His elation was short-lived; last month the bank closed before a single ounce could be deposited after complaints from Islamic clerics. Doctors who had been working on the bank for more than 12 months share Munawwar’s disappointment.

“We had been working on the bank [for] a year and had been in intense discussions with the religious clerics from Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi [for] the last eight months,” said Dr Jamal Raza, executive director of the Sindh Institute of Child Health and Neonatology (SICHN), which had established what should have been the first-ever milk bank in Pakistan, in collaboration with Unicef.

He said the scholars had raised several concerns, all of which were addressed, and after finally getting a nod from the seminary, the bank was inaugurated on 12 June.

But the seminary has now withdrawn its fatwa of assent, saying it had new advice that the hospital would find it not only “difficult but almost impossible to adhere to the strict conditions” set down by the institution’s clerics.

“The objective of the doctors who wanted to set up the human milk bank may be in good faith, but we concur with Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi, and do not think it needs to be encouraged,” said Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi, chair of the Pakistan Ulema Council, though he refused to elaborate.

The complexity arises due to the kinship bond. In Islam, when a baby feeds from a woman who is not the biological mother, any future marriage is forbidden between that baby and any of the woman’s own children.

Further exacerbating the concern is that in the 750 milk banks in nearly 70 countries, donors are anonymous and milk can be combined from several sources.

However, Raza said this would not have been an issue. “The original fatwa allowed us to mix a maximum of three to five mothers’ milk but we intend to keep it to one mother donating to one child at a time.”

Dr Azra Pechuho, health minister for Sindh province said: “When there is a properly developed digital identification system in place in Pakistan, keeping a record of which child got milk from which woman is not difficult.”

She said the state should not let this opportunity of “saving the lives of premature babies lapse because of this issue which is clearly resolvable”….


How can this possibly be allowed in America? What madness!...

Chicago: Imam tells children that their number one

goal should be to die as a Muslim and go to paradise

This would just be a pious hope were it not for the fact that the Qur’an guarantees a place in paradise not just to those who die as a Muslim, but to those who kill as a Muslim.

“Indeed, Allah has bought from the believers their lives and their wealth, because the garden will be theirs, they will fight in the way of Allah and will kill and be killed.” (Qur’an 9:111)

Chicago Mosque Class For Children: Your Number One Goal In Life Is To Die As A Muslim And Go To Paradise

MEMRI, June 30, 2024:

Colorado Imam Karim Abuzaid taught a children’s class at Chicago’s Darul Quran Mosque on June 30, 2024, in which he instilled into the children that their number one goal in life is to die as a Muslim and go to Paradise. He also instructed the boys in the class not to look at the girls while they were delivering their answers. Video of the class was streamed live on Karim Abuzaid’s YouTube channel.

Karim Abuzaid: “What would be your number one goal in this life? What do you want to achieve out of this life?


“One goal – what do you want from this life? Okay, we said no collective answers, raise your hand and I’ll pick you. I am going to pick the sisters sometimes, but I expect you not to look at the sisters, and if a sister speaks, you are not going to look at her, right? Because you are supposed to lower your gaze, right?


“What is your number one goal in this life?”

Children: “To go to Paradise!”


Abuzaid: “What does it take to get to Paradise? Here is the answer – to die as a…”

Children: “Muslim!”

Abuzaid: “…Muslim.


“Now, I am going to ask the question, and I want you to answer collectively. What does it take to get to Paradise?”

Children: “To die as a Muslim.”

Abuzaid: “By Allah, Sheik Faysal, is that people who want to die as Muslims? Come on, say it like you mean it, man. I want to die as a Muslim, man.”

Children: “To die as a Muslim!”

Abuzaid: “No, no, no, the second one, I want to die as a Muslim.”

Children: “I want to die as a Muslim!”

Abuzaid: “I want to die as a Muslim. I want to die as a Muslim. Why do I want to die as a Muslim? Why? Why? Why? Because I want to go to Paradise. I want to go there and live forever. I want to eat and drink without having to go to the bathroom.”



Iraq gives death sentence to wife of Islamic State caliph al-Baghdadi

“It’s highly likely that given how family members of senior leaders were involved in terrorist operations, propaganda, it’s likely that she is involved.”

Overstated. It’s much more likely, given the role of women as delineated in the Qur’an and Sunnah, that she was just another slave who did what she was told.

Iraq issues death sentence against wife of late ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

by Greg Norman, Fox News, July 10, 2024:

The wife of late Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is set to be hanged after an Iraqi court on Wednesday issued a death sentence against her for committing “crimes against humanity,” genocide against the Yazidi people and “terrorist actions.”

Asma Mohammed was arrested in Turkey in 2018 before being handed over to the Iraqis last year, The Associated Press is reporting, citing court and security officials.

Bill Roggio, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the editor of its Long War Journal, told Fox News Digital that in Iraq, “there’s a lot of jihadists and their family members in prison” and that “this is how Iraq appears to be going to deal with it, at least with the high-profile detainees.”

“It’s highly likely that given how family members of senior leaders were involved in terrorist operations, propaganda, it’s likely that she is involved,” he added.

However, he also suggested that Mohammed’s hanging “will be used by the Islamic State as recruiting fodder,” with the terrorist group potentially aiming to turn her into a “martyr.”

Iraqi officials allege ISIS gangs kidnapped women of the Yazidi religious minority and that Mohammed held them prisoner in her home in Mosul, according to Reuters.

“The criminal court today sentenced Baghdadi’s wife to death by hanging for crimes against humanity and genocide against the Yazidi people and also for contributing to terrorism actions,” one Iraqi court official told the news agency….


This insane, murderous ideology needs to be outlawed in America...

Lafayette, Louisiana Imam At Friday Sermon:

'Oh Allah, Annihilate The Jews And The Christians...

Their Helpers, Kill Them One By One,

Do Not Spare A Single One'

Source: Online Platforms - "Islamic Center of Lafayette on Facebook"

In a June 21, 2024 Friday sermon at Lafayette, Louisiana, the imam said in his supplication: "Oh Allah, annihilate the Jews and the Chris… Oh Allah, annihilate the Jews and their helpers. […] kill them one by one and do not spare a single one of them." The sermon was streamed live on the Facebook page of the Islamic Center of Lafayette, which gave no indication as to the identity of the imam. However, online research suggests that the imam was Mohamad El-Saleh, whom according to news reports, represented the Islamic Center at a November 7, 2023 interfaith prayer for peace in the Middle East along with Christian and Jewish faith leaders and government officials at the Lafayette city hall. The Islamic Center of Lafayette has ties to the Muslim Students Association of the University of Lafayette, and is located near the University of Louisiana, Lafayette campus.

Mohamad El-Saleh"Oh Allah, grant victory to our oppressed Muslim brothers in proud Gaza. Oh Allah, oh Lord of Mankind, grant them victory.


"Oh Allah, our Lord, they are waging Jihad for Your sake. Oh Allah, they are waging Jihad for Your sake. Oh Allah, oh Lord of Mankind, grant them victory. Oh Allah, oh Lord of Mankind, grand them victory over their enemies.


"Oh Allah, annihilate the Jews and the Chris... Oh Allah, annihilate the Jews and their helpers, for they are no match for You. Oh Allah, count them, kill them one by one, and do not spare a single one of them, oh Lord of Mankind."

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