"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Monday, July 22, 2024

Islamization > Olympics fears, Chicago terrorist, Malmo bus chant, Canadian neutralized in Israel


France races to head off Islamic State

jihad threat to Olympics

You’d think that with the Islamization of France proceeding apace, that ISIS would be content to wait. But the jihadis are impatient.

France races to head off ISIS-K threat to Paris Olympics

by Gabriel Stargardter and Juliette Jabkhiro, Reuters, July 19, 2024:

PARIS, July 19 (Reuters)Tajik journalist Temur Varki received a disquieting call from Paris police in late March, days after Islamic State militants from his homeland allegedly carried out a massacre in Moscow. The two officers questioned him about France’s tiny community of immigrants from Tajikistan, an impoverished former Soviet republic in Central Asia.

“Who do you know? How many? Where?” Varki recalled the officers asking, with one of them speaking Russian, a commonly used language across Central Asia. Varki, a political refugee in France who has worked for outlets including the BBC, told the police callers he knew a handful of Tajiks in the country, mainly fellow emigres and dissidents.

“But I don’t know any jihadists,” he told them.

Ahead of the Paris Olympics that begin on July 26, French security services have been racing to address an intelligence blind spot and forge deeper ties with Tajiks and other Central Asians in the country, according to more than a dozen people with knowledge of the drive. They include current and former intelligence officials, police, diplomats and Central Asian migrants who have been contacted by authorities….

French authorities say they have already foiled one Islamist attack on the Olympics, with the arrest in late May of an 18-year-old Chechen man suspected of planning a suicide mission on behalf of Islamic State at Saint-Etienne’s soccer stadium, where France, the United States and Ukraine will play….


Chicago: Muslim gets 11 more years prison

for car bomb jihad plot, attacked fellow

prisoner over Muhammad cartoon

If he gets out in sixteen years, or 27, or 100, will he become a loyal, stable, productive citizen? What will be done while he is in prison to disabuse him of his jihadist sentiments? Absolutely nothing. That would be “Islamophobic.”

A judge adds 11 years to the sentence for a man in a Chicago bomb plot

Associated Press, July 19, 2024:

CHICAGO — A man convicted of plotting to blow up a Chicago bar will have to spend another 11 years in prison.

U.S. District Judge Matthew Kennelly resentenced Adel Daoud to 27 years in prison on Friday, the Chicago Tribune reported.

U.S. District Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman originally sentenced Daoud to 16 years in prison in 2019 but a federal appellate court threw that sentence out in 2020, saying the punishment wasn’t tough enough, and ordered him resentenced.

Daoud, of suburban Hilldale, was arrested in an FBI sting in September 2012 after pushing a button on a remote he believed would set off a car bomb outside the Cactus Bar & Grill.

Daoud said he wanted to kill at least 100 people, according to government court filings. He was 18 years old at the time.

Daoud entered an Alford plea, a legal maneuver in which a defendant maintains innocence but acknowledges prosecutors have enough evidence to convict him if he were to go to trial. He also entered Alford pleas to charges that he solicited the killing of an FBI agent who participated in the sting and that he attacked a person with whom he was incarcerated with a shank fashioned from a toothbrush after the person drew a picture of the prophet Muhammad….

I'm thinking all Muslims who want entry into a non-Muslim country should be shown an image of Mohammed. Their reaction would determine whether or not they are allowed in. Does that sound like a reasonable idea? 


Sweden: Muslims on crowded Malmö bus

scream ‘Allahu akbar’

The scream of “Allahu akbar” is designed to “strike terror in the enemies of Allah” (Qur’an 8:60). 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta reminded himself to “shout, ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers.”

Muslim from Canada flies to Israel, goes to Gaza border,

repeats Hamas lies, tries to stab IDF soldiers

Hamas lies are deadly.

Terror near Gaza border: Canadian attacker thwarted near Netiv Ha’asara

Jerusalem Post, July 22, 2024:

A terror attack occurred near the Gaza border Kibbutz of Netiv Ha’asara on Monday, the IDF and police said.

“A suspect arrived at the entrance of Netiv HaAsara, exited his vehicle, and threatened with a knife members of the community’s rapid response team operating in the area,” the IDF later stated of the incident.

The knife-wielding terrorist was thwarted after the rapid response team opened fire on the suspect.

Israel’s emergency service, Magen David Adom (MDA), paramedics reported that the terrorist had been apprehended and that a 61-year-old woman was suffering from shock….

According to Israeli media reports, the terrorist was a Canadian citizen who arrived at the entrance to the kibbutz, claiming “the IDF is killing civilians in Gaza.


Netiv HaAsara terrorist identified as Canadian citizen

by Ilya Egorov, Israel Hayom, July 22, 2024:

The civilian security team of Netiv HaAsara thwarted an attempted stabbing attack today (Monday), eliminating the terrorist, later identified as a Canadian citizen.

The attacker – a Muslim Canadian – tried to stab IDF soldiers stationed at the entrance to the town, located in southern Israel, near the northern border with the Gaza Strip….

Sources say the terrorist landed in Israel yesterday, rented a car for two weeks, and paid for it in advance. This morning, he left Ashdod, passed through Yad Mordechai, and then arrived at Netiv HaAsara….

Was he thinking he was going to wake up in Paradise with 72 black-eyed virgins? I'm sure he has found out the truth by now.


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