"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Friday, July 12, 2024

Antisemitism > Disgraceful Canada Supports ally's enemies not allies, Joly must resign!


While Canada pretends to support democracies, it continues to provide weapons for Ukraine and money for UNRWA which is an unofficial arm of Hamas. Meanwhile, they are divesting interests in Israel and reducing military aid. 

16 years ago I first said that the West would abandon Israel in its time of need, and now we are seeing it from Canada, Europe, and America. God's Judgment cannot be far behind.

Israeli defense contractor taking Canada to court

after military contract disqualification 

Pro-Hamas groups have been pressuring the Trudeau government to stop supplying weapons to Israel, even though Canada has spent more than quadruple the amount to fund the Hamas-linked UNRWA than it has spent on sending military parts to Israel. In March, Knesset member Dan Illouz sent a letter to Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly after an arms embargo vote in parliament, warning that Canada was “appeasing radical elements.” Joly also responded to accusations of Israeli sexual violence, saying We believe Palestinian women”; meanwhile, she posted a photo of herself holding hands with Mahmoud Abbas. A picture was formed.

Palestinians, both men and women, are prolific liars ever since they forced all the Christians out of the hostile enclave when Hamas took over. Accusing the IDF of raping Palestinian women is a Satanic Reversal - it's accusing the enemy of doing the things that they themselves have done.

Now Israeli defense contractor Elbit Security Systems Ltd. “is taking the Canadian government to court after the company says it was taken out of the running for a multimillion-dollar military equipment contract without explanation.” Rather than come right out and admit to boycotting and sanctioning the Israeli company, one can see how it might be easier to disqualify its contract without explanation. At the moment, only Canada’s stance toward Israel has been noted, but much will come out in the court case about the real reason Elbit Security Systems was taken out of the running.

Israeli arms firm taking Canada to court after military contract disqualification

Canadian Press, July 10, 2024:

An Israeli defence contractor is taking the Canadian government to court after the company says it was taken out of the running for a multimillion-dollar military equipment contract without explanation.

Elbit Security Systems Ltd. says in an application filed in Federal Court last month that Public Services and Procurement Canada has refused to explain its “purported disqualification” from a contract for hand-held laser rangefinders for the Canadian Armed Forces.

Elbit says the government’s refusal to give its reasons until after the contract is awarded prevents the firm from having “a full and fair opportunity to compete.”

The company says it can’t “meaningfully participate” in the procurement process because the federal government is “improperly withholding” information about why it disqualified Elbit’s bid.

Elbit has been targeted by protesters in Canada, including at last year’s Scotiabank Giller Prize ceremony. Protesters with signs saying “Scotiabank Funds Genocide,” taking exception to the bank’s investments in Elbit, jumped on the stage at the ceremony in November….

Elbit claims the contract is potentially worth tens of millions of dollars and was supposed to have been awarded late last month, but Public Services and Procurement Canada’s statement said the procurement process “continues and a contract is expected to be awarded later this summer.”…

The company wants the Federal Court to quash the disqualification decision and to stay the contract award pending the court case’s outcome. It also wants an order for the government to disclose its reason for disqualifying Elbit….

What reason could they come up with to hide the facts that they are antisemitic and intimidated by Muslim lobbies and protesters? It's time for Melanie Joly to step down if she cannot be honest and fair and supportive of our allies rather than their enemies.


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