"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Monday, July 15, 2024

Islam Hates Jews > Muslima lied to cops about threats from Jew roommate, no penalty


U of Washington: Muslima who lied that her Jewish roommate threatened her with a knife will face no repercussions

Muslims are chronic liars as they have permission, if not direction, from Mohammed in the Quran to lie to non-Muslims. They often accuse Jews of the very things they themselves do, or wish they had done. This is Satanic Reversal - Satan is the father of lies and liars are his spawn.

Actual incidents of “anti-Muslim hate” are so rare that they have to be invented in order to shore up the left’s sagging victimhood narrative.

Beautiful girl. Although you can't tell if she has hair on her head.

Muslim student ‘lied that her Jewish roommate threatened her with a knife following dispute about October 7’ Hamas attack in viral post

by Bethan Sexton, Daily Mail, July 11, 2024:

A Muslim student who allegedly lied that her Jewish roommate had threatened her life following a dispute about October 7 will not face any repercussions.

University of Washington student Isha Hussein claimed that her roommate made Islamophobic remarks and threatened to stab her with a knife as she prayed.

The roommate denied the allegations but was temporarily removed from her dorm and later moved out due to the hostility she faced.

However, a campus police report concluded it ‘could not establish probable cause’ after a witness contradicted Hussein’s account.

In a viral post which garnered almost 44,000 likes, Hussein claimed her roommate had made racist remarks to her when they moved in together in September 2023.

‘My roommate noticed I was a black Muslim and started making comments such as, ‘My family and I don’t like black people’, ‘That’s why my religion is better than yours’ and ‘Muslims are suicide bombers’,’ she wrote in the post.

Their relationship came to a head around the time of the October 7 attack after the two clashed during a discussion about Israel’s response, according to both parties.

During one exchange Hussein’s roommate said to her that she would, ‘pull a knife on her while praying […] then grabbed a knife from the kitchen drawer’, a campus police report states.

The report was filed on October 24 when officers were called to the dorm to reports of harassment.

Both students’ names have been redacted, however the allegations match those made in Hussein’s Instagram post.

At the time of the alleged knife incident, Hussein told campus police during an interview she did not want to assist with prosecution, but just wanted the incident to be documented, the report states.

She also complained to the university, who she accused of failing to take her concerns seriously in the Instagram post shared in February.

Her statement further alleged that one of her other roommates went on to assault her in November as the fallout continued.

‘As a black Muslim woman, the University of Washington Housing and Food Services failed to protect me on the multiple occasions described,’ Hussein wrote.

Her claims sparked a huge backlash, with a ‘Justice for Isha Hussein’ rally held by the Somali Student Association the following month.’

However, the police report states that officers conducted an interview with a third roommate, who ‘did not witness any threats of open hostility towards the victim from the suspect.’….

Isn't a police call-out based on a lie a crime? I thought it was. 

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