"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Has America surrendered to Islam already? They've surrendered the flag! They've endorsed the burning in effigy of Netanyahu! What a disgrace!


America is tolerating the most unAmerican activity all for a few Muslim votes in Michigan. Democrats have sold their souls for a few votes. They are inviting God's wrath on the American people.

Anti-Israel rioters burn US flag, attempt to breach Capitol Police line as Netanyahu addresses Congress

Anti-Israel protesters rip down, burn American flag outside DC train station, put up Palestinian flag after Netanyahu speech
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Anti-Israel rioters burned the US flag, flaunted blood-soaked effigies and even attempted to breach the US Capitol Police line in Washington, DC, Wednesday — as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress.

The hateful demonstration got so out of control that Capitol Police were forced to deploy pepper spray to beat back the aggressive mob.

The rioters also tore down American flags flying outside of nearby Union Station before hoisting Palestinian flags up the poles and burning the Stars and Stripes. 

Anti-Israel demonstrators burn a U.S. flag and an effigy depicting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on the day of Netanyahu’s address to a joint meeting of Congress, on Capitol Hill in Washington.REUTERS
Protesters screamed the usual chants of “Free Palestine,” and vandalized monuments outside with scrawls of “Free Gaza,” while climbing them and waving Palestinian flags.REUTERS

US Park Police were able to rescue one of the flags before the mob could set it ablaze. 

The chaos began as Netanyahu was set to speak, with thousands of protesters flooding the streets of Washington, DC, just a few blocks away from the Capitol building. 

At least one Hamas flag was spotted in the crowd.

Another pro-terror protester was captured with a chilling sign that read, “Allah is gathering all the Zionists for the final solution,” with a photo of a nuclear mushroom cloud over the Israeli flag.

An anti-Israel march outside of Capitol hill ahead of Netanyahu’s speech.JIM LO SCALZO/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

The demonstration then devolved when the rioters began pushing against the security buffer zone. 

One of the protesters who was pepper sprayed told The Post that officers unleashed chemicals because others around him were trying to break through the Capitol’s defenses — despite warnings to stop.

In anticipation of the upheaval, Capitol Police barricaded off a perimeter around the Capitol building, to give a buffer around the congressional domain fortified by metal fencing, concrete barriers, and officers.

At one point in the mutiny, the mob also set a scowling effigy of Netanyahu ablaze near the station amid a cacophony of screeds against Israel from a bevy of anti-Israel protesters in the background. 

Protesters also vandalized the Christopher Columbus statue outside the railroad and metro station, with one ominous piece of red graffiti reading, “Hamas is coming.”

Protesters clashing with Captiol Police officers near Capitol Hill.JIM LO SCALZO/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Other pieces of graffiti outside Union Station read “F— Israel” and “Free Palestine.”

A sea of Palestinian flags dominated the protests.

Chants of “No justice, no peace,” “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be freed,” and “Intifada” were shouted repeatedly.

“I never imagined seeing the flag of a terror group holding eight Americans hostage for 292 days waved in the streets of our nation’s Capitol,” Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) said on X. “Over a million Americans have given their lives to protect that right — including my own father.”

A protester pouring water on himself after getting pepper-sprayed.REUTERS/Nathan Howard

Initially, the storm of protesters converged on Pennsylvania Ave NW, right around the National Gallery of Art East Building, where they heard from an array of speakers including Green Party presidential hopeful Jill Stein.

Protesters fashioned a paper mache, blood-soaked Biden, which was held above the crowd. Many others had signs accusing Israel of “genocide” in the Gaza Strip.

Others constructed a giant Netanyahu head accompanied by two crafted hands dripping with red paint representing blood.

An effigy of Netanyahu being carried by protesters near the Capitol.Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images

“Prime Minister of Genocide,” one sign near the display read.

Another called the prime minister “Satanyahu.”

Overnight, hours before the main demonstration got underway, anti-Israel agitators dyed a city fountain located not far from the Capitol blood red — and unleashed a scourge of maggots and other creepy crawlers at the Watergate Hotel where the Israeli delegation was staying.

Large posters of Netanyahu and President Biden being carried by demonstrators.JIM LO SCALZO/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Video posted on X shows the bugs crawling across a table flanked by Israeli and American flags in the background — prompting questions about how the anti-Israel activists were able to access the area in the hotel being used by the visiting Israeli delegation.

“Palestine protestors manufactured chaos at the Watergate Hotel last night so that Netanyahu, Israeli Mossad agents, and the Secret Service had no peace as they continue to terrorize our people,” the Palestinian Youth Movement posted on X.

A law enforcement source told The Post that even though the conference room appeared to be set up for official business, it was “not part of our agreed-upon security plan with the Israeli security services and our local partners.”

Iman Potter, 70, who lives in Virginia and joined the demonstration while parading around a sign that said “United States of Israel,” explained that she was “appalled” by the invite Netanyahu received to speak to Congress.

A sculpture of Netanyahu with blood on his hands getting carried outside of his speech.JIM LO SCALZO/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

“This is a catastrophic moment in history. We are appalled that our government would host a war criminal like him,” she told The Post. “They have no shame.”

“We want to vote all of them — all the dual citizens, all of the zionists in Congress — out. They all take millions in AIPAC [American Israel Public Affairs Committee] money,” she added. “It’s sick. They’re bought and paid for.”

The crowd was so large that outside law enforcement agencies – including the New York Police Department – were on hand to help with security.

A protester dressed as Netanyahu wearing a prisoner uniform.JIM LO SCALZO/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

One speaker at the protest claimed New York’s Finest “sent 200 cops to Washington, DC” to safeguard Netanyahu “because that’s who they are.”

“Their motto in New York is to serve and protect,” the speaker screamed. “Well right now, they’re serving and protecting a genocidal lunatic.”

At one point, a trio from DiploAct, an organization that aims to “fight the antisemitic propaganda,” elicited the wrath of protesters, some of whom seemed baffled about how to handle them.

An anti-Israel protester holding a sign calling for Netanyahu to be arrested.AFP via Getty Images

“Do not engage with zionists” one man was heard shouting to bystanders. Eventually, the trio left after being swarmed by the anti-Israel protesters.

One of those DiploAct members, Barack Swarttz, 29, claimed that he and his partners attempted to talk with dozens of the protests. They had cameras and microphones with them.

“As soon as you introduce yourself and ask where you’re from and what you’re doing, he gets labeled and I get labeled as genocidal baby killers. Does it look like either of us are here to defend an accusation of a genocide,” he later told The Post. 

Unrest also took place inside the House gallery, where a total of six people were arrested for unlawful conduct, according to Capitol Police.

With his Wednesday speech, Netanyahu, 74, has now delivered four addresses to Congress, which has set a new record. He is slated to meet with President Biden on Thursday and former President Donald Trump on Friday.

The lower chamber is set to break early for its August recess next week after running into hurdles wrangling through appropriations bills. The Senate will reconvene next week. 


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