"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Islamization of Europe > Muslims arrested for attacks on Jewish establishments in Athens; Afghans riot in Vienna market on video


Greek Police Arrest Three Iranians & Two Afghans

for Attacks on Israeli Targets

Afghanistan International, July 5, 2024 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

The Greek anti-terrorism police announced on Thursday the arrest of seven suspects, including three Iranian and two Afghan nationals, accused of setting fire to a synagogue and a hotel owned by Israelis in central Athens earlier this year.

According to the report, a 25-year-old Greek woman, two Iranian men aged 36 and 46, and their 44-year-old Afghan accomplice were arrested in connection with an attack on a building housing an Israeli-owned hotel and restaurant.

The attack, carried out on May 16, involved a homemade incendiary device.

The arrested individuals are accused of endangering lives through arson and causing damage to foreign citizens’ property in a racially motivated attack.

In another incident, a 44-year-old Greek man and a 26-year-old Afghan man approached a synagogue in Athens on June 18, and set its entrance on fire using incendiary materials. A 30-year-old Iranian man was also involved in this operation. All these individuals have been arrested and charged with arson, theft, and possession of weapons….

What happens now? If convicted will they be exiled to Britain or Germany?

Unbelievable: Afghans riot in a Viennese supermarket and injure customers

translated from “Unfassbar: Afghanen randalieren in Wiener Supermarkt und verletzen Kunden,” Exxpress, July 12, 2024:

“News from the open psychiatry of red Vienna!”, Gerald Grosz comments on X about the unbelievable scenes that took place on Thursday, July 4th in a supermarket branch in Vienna Meidling. A 4.27-minute cell phone video that is currently circulating online is causing fear and anger. The video, which was taken by a shocked witness on a cell phone, was uploaded a week later, on Thursday evening.

A group of three men, Afghans (22, 23 and 25) according to the police, are said to have entered the grocery store in Wolfganggasse, two of them – for unknown reasons – first started to riot in the fruit and vegetable department, then threw goods across the room and kicked shelves. 

Customers try to avoid the riot but are still drawn in, one user on the Internet posted about the footage: “Incredible. Now you have to have close combat training when shopping.”

Another said: “Welcome to Vienna, the new adventure playground, where shopping becomes an adventure, everything Dadada.”

Afghans attack customers: couple had to be treated in hospital An employee tried bravely to calm the situation again and again. A man (36) and his partner (47) were also attacked and injured by the three Afghans, as the police confirmed to “oe24”. They first beat the 36-year-old, then threw fruit and vegetables at him. Meanwhile, several wild insults were thrown. The couple, who were followed to the cash register and beaten there, had to be treated in hospital afterwards. The man suffered a concussion, a bloody wound and bruises, reports “oe24.”

Several reports and arrest after fight
The Vienna police arrived on the scene a few minutes after the alarm was raised. “The three suspected perpetrators were reported on suspicion of bodily harm and damage to property. One of the three, a 23-year-old man who was apparently drunk, was temporarily arrested for aggressive behavior. The men’s motive is still unclear,” police spokesman Markus Dittrich told “Heute.”

 So, the police let him go while he was still drunk? Really? The men don't need a motive, they're Muslims. They are susceptible to hysteria at the drop of a hat. European police are not very bright if they think Muslims need a motive other than the Quran. It justifies everything they do.

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