"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Islamization of Europe > Expect record immigration again next year for UK with Labour delays; Drunken Muslim arrested for 37th time in France; Church in Paris vandalized


UK: New Labour Party government ‘delays’

election manifesto pledge to cut mass migration

Although media reports are saying that Labour is “delaying” or “postponing” plans to counter the illegal invasion into Britain, “scrapping” such plans or “reneging” altogether will likely occur.

Most baffling is that anyone would have believed Labour’s vow before the party’s sweeping election victory. Obviously, Keir Starmer was lying and playing the public for fools. In light of the fact that leftist leaders mostly support open-door migration policies, to think the far-left Labour Party would reverse such a stance was a mistake.

The UK public had already been expressing frustration over former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s failure to stop illegal migration, despite promise after promise to do so. The rule of law has deteriorated in Britain. 

Britain already has a problem with Islamic hate preachers, Muslim rape gangs, and soaring violent crime connected to unvetted migration (which comes mostly from the Middle East and Africa).

Expect much worse.

Labour delays huge crackdown on foreign workers

after record population increase

by Katie Harris, Express, July 16, 2024:

Labour has delayed a crackdown on foreign workers amid the biggest population increase in 75 years.

Sir Keir Starmer’s party is set to push back the introduction of legislation requiring companies to limit foreign labour until a second session of Parliament next year.

The measures will not be included in the King’s Speech tomorrow and are instead expected to be introduced in the autumn of 2025.

A source told The Telegraph: “All that work will happen. There will be guidance, consultation and business engagement, but it is a longer lead time to develop legislation that has the desired effect.”

The Prime Minister pledged to cut net migration – the difference between the number of people legally arriving in the UK and leaving – in Labour’s election manifesto….



France: Muslim migrant with 31 convictions screams 

‘Allahu akbar! I’m going to blow you all up, you infidels’

Moktar’s lawyer, Séverine Lheureux, says: “I don’t see what’s terrorist about the fact that he said ‘Allah akbar,” which phrase La Dépêche tells us means “God is great, in Arabic.”

Actually, it doesn’t mean that. It means “Allah is greater,” i.e., greater than your god. It is a declaration of supremacism. Séverine Lheureux doesn’t “see what’s terrorist” about the phrase because has been lied to about its meaning and has no idea of its implications.

Glorification of terrorism, mistreatment of a cat and contempt against police officers, a homeless man convicted 36 times and banned from residence, imprisoned until his trial

translated from “Apologie du terrorisme, maltraitance sur un chat et outrage contre des policiers, un sans-abri condamné 36 fois et interdit de séjour, écroué jusqu’à son procès,” by Max Lagarrigue, La Dépêche, July 13, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

Glorification of terrorism, torturing a cat and insulting police officers: homeless man convicted 36 times and banned from staying in prison until his trial.

The 52-year-old homeless man Moktar B. is a regular at the criminal court in Montauban. He wears a shaggy pepper-and-salt beard, rimmed glasses on his nose and a light brown, stained parka.

The Moroccan national, who was born in Algeria and charged with public glorification of acts of terrorism and mistreatment of a pet, among other things, will be tried in summary proceedings on Friday the 12th of July 2024….

The suspect, who was arrested by the municipal police for shoplifting, was intoxicated and insulted the officers. He also allegedly threatened them by saying: “Allah akbar! I’m going to blow you all up, you infidels (sic),” said chairwoman Anne-France Ribeyron.

At the same time, the operator of the Montauban town hall’s CCTV said he saw him playing football with a pet cat. The animal was entrusted to the animal welfare organisation. The man was taken into police custody and still had a blood alcohol level of 1.38 g after nine hours of sobering up….

The magistrate also points out that the defendant has an extensive criminal record with 36 entries, including 31 convictions….

Before the court recesses to deliberate, the defense lawyer protests against the accusation of glorifying terrorism. “This is a choice of words that plays into the hands of the extremists and is regrettable on the part of the public prosecutor,” rages lawyer Séverine Lheureux in her blunt manner.

“I don’t see what’s terrorist about the fact that he said ‘Allah akbar (God is great, in Arabic),’” complains the defense lawyer.

Except that Muslim terrorists say exactly that almost always just before they commit some heinous act of indecency. 


France: Muslim breaks doors at church,

writes ‘submit to Allah infidels,’ 

‘Bastard Jesus only one god Allah’

The dawah of fear and intimidation is becoming more common in France and all over the West, and will bear fruit.

‘Bastard Jesus one god allah’: anti-Christian tags

and vandalism in a church in Paris

translated from “[Info VA] « Batard Jesus un seul dieu allah » : tags anti-chrétiens et vandalisme dans une église à Paris,” by Amaury Brelet, Valeurs Actuelles, July 16, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

A break-in, anti-Christian tags and damage were noted this Monday, July 15 in the morning at the Notre-Dame-du-Travail church in the 14th arrondissement of Paris, according to our information. The acts were committed between Sunday July 14 at 8:00 p.m. and this Monday at 7:30 a.m.

The author(s) entered through the emergency door and wrote in black marker on several pillars of the building: “submit you to Allah infidels prayer 5 times a day”, “Bastard Jesus only one god Allah”, “sette big babylon destroyed satan the church”, “the church here we are burning the first part”, “the last profet Mohammed”, “the head cut off from those who exceed / I will make war on you Christian world”, “we Muslims, we we cannot accept this whore of religion / marry here is your destiny”, “go to hell satan burns”.

I almost feel some pity for people who state such blasphemous things. For they will stand before that very same Jesus Christ in judgment and it will not be a pretty sight.  

Cupboard doors were also broken, the reception area was searched, a small cash register was forced and papers were burned, a police source told Valeurs Acteulles. Finally, a knife was stuck in the throat of a wooden statue of the Virgin Mary. A complaint will be filed. An investigation was opened and the PJ seized.

Muslims are so jealous of Mary. They don't have a Mary in Islam. In fact they don't even know the name of Mohammed's mother. Yet they celebrate Mohammed who did no miracles and ignore the virgin born Jesus who did many. Go figure!

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