"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Hamas War > IDF prevent terror attack planned in Turkey - A NATO ally


Is Turkey coming late to the party?

The Bible warns of a coming attack on Israel led by either Russia or Turkey and most likely including several Muslim countries. President Erdogan is a rabid Muslim who believes all Muslim are, or should be, radicalized. He is ambitious enough to want to rebuild the Ottoman Empire with himself as Caliph. The problem is, he is getting older and may be running out of time.

In 2023, he spoke from the pulpit of The Haggia Sophia, the center of Christianity for more than 1000 years. The largest church, indeed building, for nearly 1 thousand years. Could that have been the fulfillment of Jesus prophecy in Matthew 24:15,16:

“So when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains."

Israel Foils Hamas Jihad Terror Attack

Directed by NATO Member Turkey

The latest example of Erdogan’s anti-American and anti-Israel embrace of Muslim terrorists is discussed here: 

Israel Foils Hamas Terror Attack Directed by Turkey

Foundation for Defense of Democracies, July 21, 2024:

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz announced on July 21 that the Shin Bet internal security service had foiled a major terrorist attack orchestrated from Turkey. The attack was planned by the Hamas cell at Birzeit University in the West Bank, at the direction of Hamas headquarters in Turkey. Five terrorists were captured by the police’s Gideonim elite unit. According to Katz, they were “planning to carry out a terrorist attack in Israel with the military training, weapons and thousands of dollars they had acquired.” The terrorist cell was led by Mahmoud Anjatz, a resident of the village of Kharbatha Bani Harith, who recruited four others under the banner of “Kutla Islamia,” an Islamist student group. At the time of their capture, an M-16 rifle was seized, along with tens of thousands of dollars provided to the terrorists following coordination by high-ranking Hamas officials in Turkey, the Shin Bet investigation concluded.

But no one in Washington has called for Turkey to be expelled from NATO.

“Time after time since October 7, Turkey is identified as a major Hamas enabler. The example of this terror plot makes it clear that Turkish support for Hamas is not just in the abstract. It is at a level of support that provides weapons and funding to carry out further terrorist attacks, seeking to murder Israeli citizens.”  Sinan Ciddi, FDD non-resident Senior Fellow

Hamas leader Saleh al-Arouri was killed in Beirut in Jan. 2024. In Aug. 2020, Erdogan welcomed a large delegation of Hamas officials to Ankara. According to the Jerusalem Post, “the delegation included Hamas deputy chief Saleh al-Arouri, chief of Hamas abroad Maher Salah, Hamas head of Arab and Islamic religions Ezzat al-Rihiq and Hamas representative in Turkey Jihad Yaghmor.”

Saleh al-Arouri was not only a terrorist, but one with a $5 million bounty placed on his head by the American government. In its profile on al-Arouri, the State Department wrote that he “funds and directs Hamas military operations in the West Bank and has been linked to several terrorist attacks, hijackings and kidnappings. In 2014, al-Arouri announced Hamas’s responsibility for the June 12, 2014 terrorist attack that kidnapped and killed three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank, including dual U.S.-Israeli citizen Naftali Fraenkel. Al-Arouri publicly praised the murders as a ‘heroic operation.’” Al-Arouri was seated, by design, next to Erdogan, on his immediate right. A place of honor. Yet Erdogan’s Turkey is still in NATO.

Erdogan’s neo-Ottoman dreams of expansion can be seen in his attempt to extend Turkish power in Libya, not only by providing indispensable aid to the GNA, but by using that military aid to exact from the GNA its promise to join Turkey in redrawing its maritime borders, in what has been Erdogan’s attempt to extend those borders far out into the Mediterranean. He has also obtained drilling rights, both on land and under the sea, from the GNA. Erdogan often speaks, too, about the “Libyan Turks” – ethnic Turks who since the 18th century have been settling in Libya, especially in Misrata, where two-thirds of the population consists of those Libyan Turks. For Erdogan, the Libyan Turks help to justify his intervention; his troops are helping to “protect” them. There is no evidence that they need special protection, but when has the truth ever stopped Erdogan?

Turkey has sent research vessels to look for natural gas in both Greek and Cypriot waters, while chasing away from Cypriot waters an Israeli research vessel. Erdogan appears to consider the Eastern Mediterranean as a previous Fascist with whom Erdogan has a good deal in common, Benito Mussolini, considered the entire Mediterranean to be — “mare nostrum.”

He wants to unite in a grand alliance all those in the Middle East who are linked to the Muslim Brotherhood. This would include, as the obvious head of such an alliance, Turkey itself, where Erdogan’s AKP Party traces its roots to the MB, as well as Hamas, the anti-Israel terror group which is an offshoot of the MB, and Qatar, which helps to bankroll the MB and provided a platform for the late Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who until his death in 2022 was the world’s foremost Sunni preacher and an MB leader (though he refused to be its official chief), to broadcast on Al Jazeera to his 40-60 million followers.

Despite this, Turkey is still a member of NATO.

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