"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Islamization in Europe > Jews hunted on Paris streets; Hard-left Paris MP says Jews not welcome; Arab Christian badly beaten in Crete - mistaken for a Jew; Migrants stab teacher in Germany


France: Muslims hunt Jews on streets of Paris

after Israel-Mali soccer match

Celebrating diversity and brutalizing Jews go hand in hand.


France: Hard-left politician says Israeli athletes

not welcome at Paris Olympics

Fury in France after politician says Israelis ‘not welcome’

at Paris Olympics

by Jane Prinsley, The JC, July 22, 2024:

French Members of Parliament for La France Insoumise (LFI) parliamentary group, Thomas Portes (L), has been accused of putting Israeli athletes under threat with his comments (Photo: Getty Images)

A hard-left French politician has sparked outrage after saying that Israeli athletes were not welcome at the Paris Olympics.

Thomas Portes, an MP for the radical-left France Unbowed party (LFI), encouraged protest against the Israeli presence at the Games.

Portes told an anti-Israel rally in Paris on Saturday: “We are just a few days away from an international event to be held in Paris, the Olympic Games. And I’m here to say that no, the Israeli delegation is not welcome in Paris.

“Israeli athletes are not welcome at the Olympic Games in Paris. We have to use this deadline and all the levers we have to mobilise.”

Head of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France, Yonathan Arfi, condemned Portes’s comments as “irresponsible”.

Writing on X, Arfi accused Portes of “putting a target on the backs of Israeli athletes, already the most threatened in the Olympic Games” and recalled the 1972 Munich Olympics where 11 Israeli athletes were “murdered by Palestinian terrorists”.

But Portes doubled down on his comments, telling a Parisian newspaper that “France’s diplomats should pressure the International Olympic Committee to bar the Israeli flag and anthem, as is done for Russia”.

“It’s time to end the double standard,” Portes said.

Portes’s comments have been criticised by politicians from the left and right of the French political spectrum….

Portes should not be welcomed at the Paris Olympics





Greece: Christian Arab tourist from Israel

is mistaken for a Jew and brutally beaten

Who could have done this? Greece is full of Muslim migrants, and they might have done it. It could also have been the jihadis’ leftist allies.

Whoever it was, they are a godless group.

Greece condemns attack on Israeli tourist mistaken for Jew

by Etgar Lefkovits, JNS, July 22, 2024 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

The Greek Embassy in Israel on Monday strongly condemned a brutal attack in Crete on an Israeli Arab tourist who was mistaken for a Jew and said that a “thorough investigation” was underway by local authorities.

The violent assault on the 24-year-old Christian tourist from Nazareth, Fahad Qubati, who was vacationing in the coastal town of Malia last week, left him hospitalized with injuries to his jaw and head.

The attack, which took place last Wednesday, was first reported by Israel’s Ynet news website.

The assailants, who heard the victim playing Hebrew music in his car after he gave some Jewish tourists a ride, began beating him ruthlessly until he showed them the cross he was wearing. The Christian tourist is reportedly a recently discharged IDF soldier.

“This was not just an attack, it was an attempted murder,” the victim’s mother Jacqueline Qubati told Ynet….

Probably a good thing they didn't know he was an IDF retiree. It's surprising they stopped because he was a Christian.

Germany: Muslim migrants stab teacher

multiple times in the neck

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an 47:4)

Did two young brothers want to kill a teacher (67)?

translated from “Wollten zwei junge Brüder einen Lehrer (67) töten?,” RTL, July 19, 2024 (thanks to the RAIR Foundation):

Three arrests after bloody crime at adult education center in Schleswig-Holstein!

A 67-year-old lecturer was critically injured in a bloody crime on the grounds of an adult education center in Wedel near Hamburg. The lecturer was stabbed in the school’s parking lot. Two suspects were arrested after a short manhunt. They were two brothers. Both were in their early 20s – one was born in 2002, the other in 2003. The background to the crime was initially unclear.

At least one of the perpetrators stabbed the victim with a stabbing tool, probably a knife or something similar, as the police explained in an interview with RTL. The officers classify the crime as an attempted murder. In the late afternoon, the police arrested two brothers and their father. The brothers, who according to the police are two Syrians, are still in police custody. The father is not currently considered a suspect, the police said in response to an RTL query. The arrest also took place in Wedel.

The attack took place on Friday (July 19) at around 2 p.m. in the parking lot of a community college. The police are calling it a crime of passion. This term is used when the perpetrator and victim knew each other. The police spokesman did not want to rule out that the suspects were students, but did not want to confirm it either. Initially, they were looking for up to three perpetrators. But now it looks like there are only two perpetrators, said the spokesman. The homicide squad will take over the investigation.

The victim is a 67-year-old lecturer. He is also said to have a migrant background, the police told RTL when asked. Rescue workers took care of the man at the scene, and he was then taken to hospital. Even hours after the crime, the man’s life is still in danger, according to the police.

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