"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Islamization of Europe > Sir Keir Himself ensures Islam's invasion of Europe will be successful


EU leaders in UK for summit addressing illegal migration

as new PM pledges European ‘reset’

Whenever a leftist uses the term “reset,” it is no secret what the agenda is: a globalist one that inevitably excludes the freedom of expression, the rule of law, responsible migration, and respect for Judeo-Christian heritage, and includes a complete commitment to wokeism. 

UK’s Starmer pledges European reset at summit

AFP, July 18, 2024:

U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer on Thursday vowed to renew relationships with European allies soured by Brexit as he welcomed dozens of leaders to a summit designed to reaffirm backing for Ukraine and tackle irregular migration.

Starmer, elected premier two weeks ago, told more than 45 European leaders the U.K. would be a “friend and partner” as he started work to improve ties hit by the country’s tortuous departure from the European Union under his Conservative predecessors.

“We want to work with all of you to reset relationships, rediscover our common interest and renew the bonds of trust and friendship that brighten the fabric of European Life,” Starmer told them as he opened the European Political Community summit….

…. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg attended a European Political Community meeting for the first time, as did the heads of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Council of Europe…..

Starmer, who opposed Brexit, vowed to “put the fight against irregular migration at the heart of his bid to rebuild ties with Europe,” a troubling thought given that the EU has been ineffectual and deceptive, and has merely bought time for the invasion of illegals.

In 2023, EU lawmakers gave the “green light” on reforms endorsing “new rules seeking to speed up the return of migrants who entered Europe without permission and to prevent these migrants from traveling to other countries within the EU.” But Tom Vandendriessche, an MEP for the Flemish Vlaams Belang party, warned that there was more to the new reform than what the legacy media was stating, as it tried to make it look as if the EU was tightening its loose immigration policies. Vandendriessche said that the new migrant pact will do just the opposite, by enabling “forced mass migration to occur within the continent.” For example: the wording about the reforms in European Parliament news:

An annual “solidarity pool”, prepared by a new EU Relocation Coordinator and based on projected annual needs, will translate into pledges by the individual member states on how many people they will host (at least 80% of pledges) or capacity building measures provided (up to 20%). If the Commission determines these national pledges do not correspond to what is needed, it will (via so-called implementing acts) propose further relocations, to be distributed across EU countries according to a distribution reference key based on the population and the GDP of each member state.

The European Parliament’s explanation amounted to a shifting around of migrants throughout the EU, under the direction of the European Commission. 

In 2020, the European Commission president proposed new EU asylum rules to force member states to take migrants. Under Dublin agreement regulations, “asylum seekers must apply for asylum in the first European Union member state they enter,” but the EU began moving toward redistributing the migrants all over Europe.

The new reforms in 2023 appeared to be the next stage of what started in 2020. The aim under that proposal of what European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen called a “new strong solidarity mechanism” was to firmly establish and coordinate open-door immigration policies all over Europe. It was a move to welcome as many economic, mostly Muslim migrants from Africa and the Middle East as wished to come. In essence, it was a sophisticated means to legitimize illegal migration, in full accordance with the previously agreed-upon UN Migration Pact.

“Ukraine, illegal migration, energy security and defending democracies are top” of Starmer’s agenda, but when far leftists such as Keir Starmer talk about “defending democracy,” they mean just the opposite. Expect much the same in renewed promises to deal with migration. It will work out to be just the opposite of what is deceptively being presented to the public. And anyone who does not ultimately align with leftist views will be deemed a “threat to democracy.”

Reckless, suicidal immigration policies drove support for Brexit, and the Conservative-in-name-only leaders who did not change such policies were feeble people who betrayed their nation. Now with the Labour Party at the helm, expect much worse: a longterm “reset” of UK demographics, mainly with Muslims from Africa and the Middle East.

Starmer has promised zero tolerance for racism and antisemitism. Yet with an increased Muslim population comes greater antisemitism.

Britain is well on its way to becoming unrecognizable, and that change is now being fast-tracked by Starmer’s “reset” plans.


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