"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Islam Hates Christians > >50,000 Nigerian Christians Murdered in 15 years; Terrorists destroy 70 churches in 2 small counties in Nigeria; Pro-Hamas mob spit on Christians in Australia


Nigeria: Muslims have murdered over 50,000 Christians

since 2009

The world yawns. It can’t be blamed on Israel, and it can’t be fit into the media narrative of Christians as white oppressors and Muslims as brown victims. And so it doesn’t exist.

ICC Releases Report on Concerning Religious Persecution Trends

in Nigeria

International Christian Concern, July 10, 2024:

7/10/2024 United States (International Christian Concern) — International Christian Concern (ICC) released a report on Wednesday outlining the concerning religious freedom conditions for Christians in Nigeria.

For almost two decades, the right to religious freedom has rapidly deteriorated in the West African country. Since the rise of Islamic terrorist groups in 2009, Nigeria’s Christian community has faced extremist violence at an alarming rate. From then until today, more than 50,000 Christians have been slaughtered by violent insurgency groups — and the silence from Western nations on this genocide is appalling….


Terrorists Shut Down 70 Churches in Nigeria;

Priest Released

Morning Star News, July 8, 2024:

ABUJANigeria (Christian Daily InternationalMorning Star News) – Terrorist attacks have forced a denomination to close 70 churches in central Nigeria’s Plateau state, and in the country’s northwest, a kidnapped a priest was released on Sunday (July 7), sources said.

The Rev. Amos Mohzo, president of the Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN), told Christian Daily International-Morning Star News that attacks by Fulani herdsmen and other terrorists have forced 70 congregations in Plateau state’s Mangu and Bokkos counties to stop services in the past two years. The Christmas attacks last December directly affected COCIN congregations, he said.

“Our members were killed, people were killed, people lost their houses, many traumatized, and we couldn’t do anything,” Pastor Mohzo said. “We were stranded, but we had to face the challenge, and Christmas was celebrated by displaced Christians in Internally Displaced People’s (IDPs) camps in spite of the tragedy.”

In the Mangu area, attacks forced at least 40 COCIN congregations to close, he said.

“Most of these members of our church were displaced, and many of them are living in camps outside their communities,” Pastor Mohzo said. “Most of these Christians have been moving here and there trying to survive or find succor.”

In the Bokkos area, the denomination lost “about 30” congregations, he said.

“All our worship church buildings in these communities were burned down by the terrorists,” Pastor Mohzo said. “Internally Displaced Christians from these communities are still living in camps outside their communities. And even now, most of them who are farmers are unable to go to their farms.”…

Australia: Pro-Hamas mob targets Greek Orthodox church,

spit on people entering as prime minister visits

Antisemitic elements within the Orthodox Church likely have no problem with this, as they have no idea that they’re next on the target list.

Another Satanic Reversal as these two stupid women accuse Zionists of what they themselves are.


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