"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Friday, July 26, 2024

Islamization of Europe > Sir Keir Himself continues to appease UK Muslims with a Chamberlain-like attitude; German migrant charged with 96 crimes


Tempting God is never a good idea. But Sir Keir doesn't seem to know that.

Far-left Starmer to withdraw UK’s objection

to ICC arrest warrant for Netanyahu

Starmer is wasting no time pleasing Britain’s new masters.

Report: New UK government to withdraw its objection 

to ICC arrest warrant for Netanyahu

Times of Israel, July 25, 2024:

The new UK government, led by the Labour party, is reportedly expected to back away from the last government’s objections to the International Criminal Court prosecutor’s request for an arrest warrant against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the war in Gaza.

Citing “two people briefed on the government’s deliberations,” the New York Times reports that the decision by new UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is likely to come by the end of this week….


Muslim Migrant A One-Man Crime Wave In Germany

Just one Moroccan migrant, who has been living illegally in Germany for the past ten years, has been responsible for his very own crime wave, having been charged with committing a total ninety-six crimes. Yet whenever he is let out of prison, he goes back to committing more crimes. And the German government cannot deport him back to Morocco because the Moroccans refuse to take him back. This grotesque tale is told here: 

The most criminal migrant in Germany?

One asylum seeker terrorizes small town

by John Cody, Remix News, July 25, 2024:

Even as German authorities shut down press outlets critical of mass immigration, the country has never seen so much crime from foreigners, with the share of foreign crime hitting a record high in 2023. To exemplify this trend, the case of the small town of Apolda in the eastern German state of Thuringia highlights one of the most extreme cases in the entire country. There, a Moroccan asylum seeker has been terrorizing the small town for nearly 10 years, with local authorities seemingly powerless to stop the mayhem.

The 42-year-old Moroccan migrant has had his asylum application rejected numerous times and despite committing crimes nearly non-stop, attempts to deport him have been unsuccessful, as the Moroccan government refuses to accept him back despite German authorities confirming his identity. Born in Casablanca in 1982, the man is known to Interpol for various crimes, but Moroccan authorities deny that he is their citizen.

Morocco, understandably, doesn’t want to accept back this one-man crime wave, and so it lies, claiming that he is not their citizen. For now, Germany appears to be stymied, but of course, if it summons the political will, it has many ways to pressure Morocco to take him back.

The man’s asylum application was already rejected in 2014 since he entered Germany through Italy. At that time, he was supposed to be sent back to Italy under Dublin rules, which posited that migrants are supposed to remain in the first country they register; however, for millions of migrants, these rules were completely disregarded. In April 2015, authorities finally managed to send him back to Italy, but just four days later, he made his way back to Germany despite having a five-year residence and entry ban.

After just four days in Italy, the Moroccan criminal was able to sneak back into Germany from Italy. The German authorities knew he was under a five-year entry ban, knew of his extensive criminal record in Germany, and yet they were unable to identify and prevent him from returning to Germany. More money, and manpower, is clearly needed to guard Germany’s borders from these Muslim migrants who keep trying to enter the European country that offers them the most extensive welfare benefits.

Upon his return, he was arrested numerous times for resisting arrest, assault, property damage, and threats. The police launched 46 cases against him, and in 2016, a regional court in Erfurt sentenced him to 23 months in prison.

While imprisoned, he submitted an unsuccessful asylum application, and in 2017, authorities issued an order that he must be “forcibly required to leave the country.” However, upon being released from prison in July 2017, he attacked yet another police officer in his newly assigned asylum center and was arrested for a drug offense.

He’s not afraid of a German prison. From his point of view, he’s assured of room and board, and then when he gets out he can return to his life of crime. Robbery, theft, physical assault, fraud in his claims for multiple benefits from the state, and drug dealing constitute his way of leading a comfortable existence in Germany, where he has faced absurdly mild prison sentences. His life behind bars in a German prison is doubtless much preferable to the hardscrabble existence he led outside prison in Morocco.

It gets much worse from there. In April 2019, he was imprisoned once again after committing 50 additional crimes, including physical assault, theft, trespassing, multiple fraudulent benefits claims, resisting arrest, and property damage. At this point, he had close to over 100 crimes since arriving in Germany, that would be far from the end of his criminal record….

Local authorities have gotten so desperate that they are appealing to state Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow for help, with district administrator Christiane Schmidt-Rose (CDU) of the Thuringian district of Weimarer Land and Apolda Mayor Olaf Müller (CDU) writing a letter to Ramelow, where they detailed the extreme nature of the asylum seeker’s crimes.

“These recent incidents have once again made it clear that the offender in question cannot be controlled,” reads the letter. The letter notes that most recently, at the end of July, after being released from prison, he triggered four police operations within 24 hours and officers had to arrest him using force after the fourth operation.

Notably, the officials who wrote the letter are not asking that the man be deported, which is not possible in Germany due to various laws, including Morocco’s refusal to take the man back. Instead, they want to pass the problem on to someone else. They are requesting concrete action from the state prime minister and that the offender to be placed in another district or city.

Whaaaat? Really? Do they just want to share the pain? How about compounding sentences for his crimes - each crime results in the doubling of the sentence? Or, a three strike rule? A ten strike rule? A 50 strike rule?

How will removing this career criminal from his asylum housing in Apolda and sending him to another German city stop him from continuing his criminal activities? It won’t. He will continue the mixture as before. The only way for Germany to deal with him is to force Morocco to own up to its responsibility, admit that he is their citizen, and take him off German hands. And the way to do that is to pressure Morocco economically. In 2020, Germany allocated 1.2 billion euros in aid for Morocco, focusing on sustainable economic development and employment, renewable energy, and water management. Much of that aid has not yet been delivered, and Germany can simply tell Rabat that the rest will not be forthcoming until this one-man crime wave is taken back. What the Moroccans then do to him is their business. If he continues his life of crime in Morocco — what else, at this point, can he do? — I suspect that they won’t be nearly as mild in their punishment as what the Germans meted out. Will he receive five years in a Moroccan prison little better than an oubliette? Or even ten? Why should the Germans care? Why should we?

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