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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Question is: When will America abandon Israel?


It's not a question of if, but when. I stated way back in 2008 that America would abandon Israel in it's greatest hour of need. That hour is approaching rapidly. Kamala Harris is a political prostitute who will do whatever her wealthy sponsors tell her to do. She did it in San Francisco by refusing to prosecute Catholic pedophile priests after the church contributed to her AG election campaign. Listen to the videos by Tulsi Gabbard on X, if you want confirmation of what Harris is like. She has no discernment of good or evil. 

This article reveals a frightening attitude by a potential President toward America's most important ally in the Middle East, and at a time when they are being attacked on 4 fronts while the western world turns against them for defending themselves from brutal massacres.

Who will be President when America abandon's Israel? Biden, Harris, Trump, Kennedy? We won't have to wait long to find out.

Kamala Harris skipping Netanyahu’s speech to

Congress to address sorority event instead

Vice President Kamala Harris is snubbing America’s biggest ally in the Middle East for a sorority party. 

On Tuesday, Israeli officials described Harris’ decision to skip Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress this week as a “boycott,” and said it was “disappointing.”

Harris will “boycott” Netanyahu’s speech on Wednesday.
AFP via Getty Images

The unnamed officials told the UK’s Telegraph newspaper that, “The free world cannot afford leaders who are unable to distinguish between good and evil.”

The Israeli officials said Netayahu is speaking to American lawmakers during the Jewish state’s “difficult war against Iran and its terror proxies.” One official said Harris’ decision was, “not a way to treat an ally.”

Harris aide said she will miss Netanyahu’s address due to a previously scheduled event where she will address the historically black Zeta Phi Beta sorority’s “Grand Boule” in Indianapolis, CNN reported.

Her decision to skip Netanyahu’s appearance drew criticism from some Republicans.
Getty Images

The timing for that appearance was set before the prime minister’s speech was scheduled, the outlet noted.

The vice president will instead have a bilateral meeting with Netanyahu, where she is expected to express her view that it is time to end the Israel-Hamas war.

Her decision to skip Netanyahu’s appearance drew criticism from some Republicans.

House Speaker Mike Johnson condemned Harris’ decision not to meet with Netanyahu on Wednesday, claiming she is effectively abandoning America’s ally

The vice president will instead have a bilateral meeting with Netanyahu.

“It is outrageous to me and inexcusable that Kamala Harris is boycotting Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech,” Johnson said. 

“The idea that Democrats are making political calculations when our ally is in such dire straits, fighting for its very survival… is unconscionable to us,” he added. 

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) slammed the move as a “sign of the pro-Hamas” bias among Democrats.

Harris has tried to distance herself from President Biden’s initially strong support for Israel during the controversial war in Gaza, which resulted from the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attacks that killed 1,200 people. 

Biden has known Netanyahu for four decades and had been a staunch ally of the Jewish state despite pressure from his own party over the war. 

However, he has been sharply critical in recent months as critics of the civilian casualties in Gaza and an anti-Israel wing of the Democratic Party became more vocal. 

Like Biden, Harris has said Israel has the right to defend itself against the threat that is Hamas, but she has also been quick to criticize the civilian death toll. 

Harris has also been more sympahetic to anti-Israel protests that engulfed college campuses. “They are showing exactly what the human emotion should be as a response to Gaza,” she told The Nation in June, while saying she rejects of the messages of the protesters.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich slammed the move as a “sign of the pro-Hamas” bias among Democrats.
POOL/AFP via Getty Images

And in March, Harris suggested Israel could face consequences if they ignored Biden’s warning not to cross a “red line” and invade Rafah.  

It also remains to be seen how Harris’ personal life might influence her policy when it comes to Israel. 

Her husband, Dough Emhoff, is the first Jewish spouse of an American president or vice president, and he has been an outspoken advocate condemning antisemitism and Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist attack. 

Harris and Netanyahu’s relationship won’t be starting from zero, as she has been on nearly every call between Biden and the prime minister, according to the White House. 

With Harris away, Senate President pro tempore Patty Murray (D-Wash.) was set to fill the seat behind Netanyahu during his address, but the senator is among the lawmakers who have declined to attend to protest the Israeli leader.

It is unclear how many Democrats plan to skip the speech, but several lawmakers have previously said they will boycott unless Netanyahu comes out in clear support of a cease-fire, including members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. 

Netanyahu arrived in the US on Monday, just 24 hours after Biden announced that he was suspending his re-election bid.

“This will be an opportunity to thank him for the things he did for Israel in the war and during his long and distinguished career in public service, as senator, vice president, and president,” Netanyahu said of the outgoing president.

“Regardless of who the American people choose as their next president, Israel remains its most indispensable and strongest ally in the Middle East,” he insisted.


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