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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Antisemitism > Evil reveals itself in Congress

Satan is a show-off. He and his minions love to reveal themselves. Whether it's a parade down mainstreet, a jihadist holding up a severed head, or something far more subtle, evil likes to brag and make a scene.

Why are anti-Netanyahu activists attacking

a freed hostage?

Anti-Netanyahu activists direct intense online vitriol against Noa Argamani, because she agreed to accompany the prime minister on his trip to Washington.

By World Israel News Staff

Anti-government activists are attacking former Hamas hostage Noa Argamani online, including saying that she should not have been rescued from captivity, because she agreed to accompany Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Washington for his speech in front of Congress.

Argamani, 26, became an internationally-known symbol of the October 7th atrocities after a viral video of her pleading for help while being whisked off to Gaza on a motorcycle was viewed millions of times.

In June, she was rescued in a daring rescue operation by Israel’s Yamam special forces unit, along with three other hostages: Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv, who were being held in a separate location close to Argamani.

During the rescue operation, elite counterterror officer Arnon Zamora was killed by Hamas gunmen.

“I would have preferred she remained in captivity and Zamora was alive. Why did he fall, why did he sacrifice his life, so her father, the Bibist [Netanyahu supporter], could lead Noa to the Netanyahu family’s lavish plane?” wrote prominent Israeli businessman Roni Mana wrote on social media platform X.

After intense backlash, Mana deleted his tweet and walked back his remarks.

“I want to apologize to Noa Argamani for the things I wrote about her,” he posted. “There is no place for that, and I ask for her forgiveness.”

But Mana was far from the only anti-government voice to slam Argamani for joining the Israeli delegation to Washington.

On X, retired left-wing journalist Dan Margalit called Argamani’s participation in the trip “a disgrace.”

Haaretz journalist Uri Misgav said that Argamani and her father “should be ashamed” of themselves for agreeing to join Netanyahu.

Speaking at an Evangelical Christian event in the U.S., Netanyahu said he was “shocked” by the level of vitriol directed at Argamani.

“Noa endured torment in Hamas captivity, longing to return to her mother before she died,” Netanyahu said.

“And now, as she stands with the prime minister in Israel’s official delegation for a crucial speech before Congress, she faces a campaign against her with messages like ‘shame you left captivity.’ Is there no limit to this madness? Enough is enough.”


Pelosi blasts Netanyahu’s speech with cruel, obnoxious comment

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasts Israeli premier over his address to Congress, calls on him to achieve hostage deal with Hamas.

By World Israel News Staff

California Democrat and former Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi lambasted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address before a joint session of Congress Wednesday, calling it the “worse presentation” she has ever seen by a foreign leader in the Capitol.

Shortly after Netanyahu’s hour-long address, Pelosi tweeted her response, not only criticizing his speech but also calling on him to reach a ceasefire deal with Hamas.

“Benjamin Netanyahu’s presentation in the House Chamber today was by far the worst presentation of any foreign dignitary invited and honored with the privilege of addressing the Congress of the United States,” the 84-year-old lawmaker said.

Funny! I've seen several people suggest that it was the best speech ever made in Congress. 

“Many of us who love Israel spent time today listening to Israeli citizens whose families have suffered in the wake of the October 7th Hamas terror attack and kidnappings.”

“These families are asking for a ceasefire deal that will bring the hostages home – and we hope the Prime Minister would spend his time achieving that goal.”

“What made it ‘the worst presentation’?” Canadian professor and pundit Gad Saad tweeted in response. “Could you provide the necessary details?”

The non-partisan Stop AntiSemitism organization chided Pelosi, accusing her rejecting Netanyahu’s speech over political differences.

“Love him or hate him, his speech was fantastic and communicated what needed to be – once these fanatics are done with Jews, they’re coming for America next.”

“And partisan politics should not get in the way of keeping this country, or our allies, safe.”

Actually, Europe is next, then America.

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY.) also criticized Netanyahu’s address, telling MSNBC it was “fundamentally dishonest,” and accusing the Israeli leader of extending the war in Gaza for political gain.

Extending wars is a NATO and Western war industry policy; it keeps the war inventories moving and makes the rich richer. It's not an Israeli policy; Israeli policy is all about survival.

“I thought it was fundamentally dishonest.” Nadler said.

“He says he wants peace, but his political interest is to keep the war going as long as possible, because he knows that as soon as the war over he’ll have to face a commission of inquiry [over] why he was telling Qatar to arm Hamas before the election, and why he ignored warnings from the military about the attack on Oct. 7, which they had warnings about a few hours earlier.”

These are good questions. I'm not sure they are not fundamentally dishonest, but it will be interesting to hear the answers anyway.


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