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Thursday, July 18, 2024

European Politics / Military Madness > Germany cuts Ukraine assistance in half


Germany to cut Ukraine military funding to

$4.4B to help plug massive budget shortfall

German Finance Minister Christian Lindner told a press briefing on the country's 2025 preliminary budget in Berlin on Wednesday that military funding for Ukraine would be halved to $4.38 billion next year. Photo by Clemens Bilan/EPA-EFE
German Finance Minister Christian Lindner told a press briefing on the country's 2025 preliminary budget in Berlin on Wednesday that military funding for Ukraine would be halved to $4.38 billion next year. Photo by Clemens Bilan/EPA-EFE

July 18 (UPI) -- Germany's cabinet approved plans to slash funds allocated for military assistance for Ukraine in fiscal 2025 by around $4.38 billion, down from $8.75 billion this year.

The drastic cuts by Ukraine's second largest backer after the United States were part of a draft budget for the financial year commencing Jan. 1, adopted by Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government on Wednesday after weeks of behind-the-scenes wrangling over how to plug an $18.59 billion deficit.

In comments posted on X, Finance Minister Christian Lindner said Ukraine would have to look more to alternate European funding but insisted military support was "secure for the foreseeable future" thanks to a G7 group of nations-backed loan deal paid for with interest earned on $325 billion of Russian assets frozen in Western banks and financial institutions.

"The aim is to make $50 billion available this year, Ukraine can then decide for itself how to use them," he added.

$50 billion dollars for the remaining 5.5 months of 2024! All for war! You could actually make the world a better place with that kind of money.

The cut from Europe's largest economy came amid growing trepidation, in Kyiv and European capitals, over the potential impact on U.S. funding for Ukraine's struggle to repel Russia's military invasion of a Donald Trump-J.D. Vance administration, come the November elections.

Both men have said Europe needs to up its contribution.

Is that in lieu of finding a peaceful resolution? Does 'upping their contribution' mean America's military industries will benefit? Are Trump and Vance thinking Europeans should be paying for their own colonization?

U.S. funding for Ukraine's military could be reduced, or halted, given previously-expressed skepticism by Trump and Vance over U.S. involvement in the conflict and questioning of whether American taxpayer dollars could be better spent elsewhere.

Pending final approval by the Bundestag, the budget will, however, see a 2.5% rise in German defense spending to $58.22 billion -- and although the allocation was far short of the $6.6 billion increase Minister Boris Pistorius had been seeking, it would achieve its commitment to meet the NATO's 2% of GDP defense-spending mandate.

Speaking on the campaign trail in February in South Carolina, Trump threatened that the United States would not come to the aid of NATO allies who do not meet the spending target if they were attacked by Russia.


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