"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Friday, July 12, 2024

Islamic Insanity > Americans to remove $230mn pier they just built in Gaza; Hezbollah - Narco org as well as terrorist org;


Islamic Insanity in this blog not only refers to the insanity Dr Wafa Sultan refers to when she said, “I came to the absolute conviction that it is impossible…impossible…for any human being to read the biography of Mohammed and believe in it, and then emerge a psychologically and mentally healthy person.” But it also refers to the madness of non-Muslims, primarily woke, left-wing fools who make incredibly stupid decisions to mollify the madness.

After spending $230,000,000 of taxpayer money

on Gaza aid pier, Biden regime is removing it


It was all just an anti-Israel stunt from beginning to end. The Biden regime spent $230,000,000 not really on the aid pier, but on keeping Muslim Arabs within its coalition.

US to permanently remove Gaza aid pier

JNS, July 10, 2024:

The United States military is pulling the plug on a Gaza aid pier that has been plagued with problems since it began operations in May, the Associated Press reported on Tuesday, citing several American officials.

Announced by President Joe Biden at his State of the Union address in March, the $230 million floating dock was intended to increase the flow of humanitarian aid via a Mediterranean sea route from Cyprus. More than 19.4 million pounds (8.6 million kilograms) of aid has entered the enclave since it was installed.

It will be reinstalled on Wednesday for several days to clear out the remaining aid that has piled up in Cyprus and get it on to the Gaza beach before the project is dismantled permanently….

So, apparently, it is not needed at all. Millions of people must not be starving to death. Could it be that the Americans realized that the vast majority of that aid ended up in the hands of Hamas, not the Gazans who needed it? Or, perhaps they don't need it at all. Perhaps the starving Gazans is just another Palestinian lie.


Hezbollah, The Drug Trafficking Criminal Organization - WaPo

Hezbollah is not only a terror group. It is also a criminal enterprise, and one of the world’s biggest drug dealers. It’s a worthy rival to, and occasional partner with, the Sicilian Cosa Nostra, the Neapolitan Camorra, and the Calabrian Ndrangheta. It may even have ties of mutual convenience to the Russian Bratva. Heroin, cocaine, opioids, amphetamines, and manufactured versions of other illegal drugs for which there is a sufficient market – they’re all supplied by Hezbollah to willing customers. In the Infidel lands, its drug trafficking serves a dual purpose. Not only does the sale of those drugs make money for Hezbollah, but their use in those lands helps to destroy from within the fabric of Infidel societies. From Hassan Nasrallah’s point of view, what could be better? The Washington Post explored Hezbollah’s drug trade in 2020, in a story that is well worth revisiting: 

Hezbollah operatives seen behind spike in drug trafficking,

analysts say

bJoby Warrick and Souad Mekhennet, Washington Post, August 4, 2020:

…Law enforcement officials have linked Hezbollah to a string of major drug seizures, in locations ranging from the empty desert along the Syria-Jordan border to urban centers in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, to central and southern Europe. Many of the cases involve counterfeit Captagon, a synthetic drug that Hezbollah operatives began manufacturing more than a decade ago and has gained prominence as a moneymaker as the group’s military and financial commitments have expanded, intelligence analysts say….

Heroin and cocaine have long been Hezbollah’s mainstay drugs, but the amphetamine Captagon has become a new and popular product, with an especially lucrative market in southern Europe and in Gulf Arab states, particularly Saudi Arabia and the UAE, where it’s the feelgood pill of choice for the bored and very rich youth of those countries.

In June, a report by the European law enforcement agency Europol warned that Hezbollah operatives were believed to be “trafficking diamonds and drugs” and laundering the proceeds, using European countries as a base….

The “diamonds” Hezbollah deals in are “conflict diamonds” (also known as “blood diamonds”). Hezbollah receives them from two African sources. In West Africa, and especially in Sierra Leone, there is a very large Lebanese Shi’a population of traders linked to Hezbollah, while in the Congo, the extended family of Ahmed Tajideen, a rich Shi’a businessman, deals in these “conflict diamonds” (uncut diamonds mined in an area of armed conflict and traded illicitly to finance the fighting). These Hezbollah-linked operatives buy the diamonds cheaply from the local Africans, then smuggle them into Western Europe for sale.

When it comes to making money, they [Hezbollah] don’t care about sectarian differences or religious differences,” John Fernandez, head of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s Counter-Narcoterrorism Operations Center, said in a recent briefing on Hezbollah at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. “We’ve seen them working with Sunni criminals, Christian criminals — and even with Jewish crime syndicates.”…

How nice to see Interfaith Outreach at work among drug-traffickers: Shi’a, Sunnis, Christians, Jews, all of them working for the same cause – their own enrichment. But unlike the other groups, the Shi’a of Hezbollah use the money they make from drug trafficking for a higher purpose – mainly, to extend the terror group’s power over the Lebanese state, to fight on the side of Assad in the Syrian civil war, to help the Houthis in Yemen and, most important of all, to fund its ongoing war with Israel.

From its modest beginnings in the Bekaa Valley, the drug trade controlled by Lebanese Shi’a grew, and extended its tentacles throughout the world. Hezbollah’s traffickers are active in South America, in the lawless Triple Frontier or Tri-Border Area of South America (TBA), that encompasses three cities in three different countries (Puerto Iguazu in Argentina, Ciudad del Este in Paraguay and Foz do Iguaçu in Brazil), and in Colombia, buying heroin and cocaine for distribution to networks of dealers in Europe. It sells the cocaine and heroin mainly in Europe, still its largest market, while the amphetamines, such as Captagon, that Hezbollah produces in factories in Syria, find their biggest market in the Gulf Arab states.

By now, hundreds of millions of dollars have gone into Hezbollah coffers just from the South American and European operations of Hezbollah-linked drug traffickers.

And now Captagon, that Hezbollah has been manufacturing in its own factories in Syria, has turned out to be a real money-maker for the terror group.


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