"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Islamization of Spain > Spanish man stops gang rape of 15 y/o girl, 3 Moroccans beat him to death


3 Moroccan migrants beat Spaniard to death

for stopping the rape of 15 y/o girl

Spain: A Spanish man was beaten to death with a baseball bat by 3 Moroccan immigrants because he tried to save a girl (15) they were trying to rape.

Spaniards surrounded the mosque the immigrants attended and demand the closure of mosques. David leaves behind 5 children and a widow.


Spain: Muslim migrants beat man to death after he stopped them from raping a 15-year-old girl

Tensions Boil In Spain After Squatters ‘Beat a Local Man to Death with Baseball Bats’

– Just Weeks After Taking Over a Luxury Villa in a British Expat Hotspot

by Laurence Dollimore, Olive Press, June 28, 2024:

A BRITISH expat haven is in uproar following the brutal murder of a local family man, allegedly at the hands of recently arrived squatters.

David Lledo, 39, was beaten to death by three men last Saturday in the small village of Gata de Gorgos, just north of Alicante on the Costa Blanca.

He was savagely attacked with a baseball bat and clubs, suffering fatal blows to his head, neck and torso.

The alleged killers are a trio of squatters from Morocco who had ‘moved into’ the area a month ago – after taking over a luxury two-storey villa with a swimming pool in the upmarket Gata Residencial urbanisation.

The area is hugely popular among foreign tourists and expats, particularly the British.

Two English residents told El Español there is a specific area where Moroccan people have settled.

They told the paper: “They are squatting in those homes, everything was quiet until they came. I don’t know how they do it, but they get into the banks’ houses and a mafia rents them. Here only those of us who work lose.”

The alleged ringleader of the trio, named only as Mohamed, is also accused of sexually assaulting the partner of David days before his murder.

David had been looking for Mohamed to confront him, and a week earlier had defended a 15-year-old minor who was being harassed by the group.

It is alleged that the group wanted to take ‘revenge’ on David for standing up to them, and waited for him outside his house.

When he left to buy a bottle of water, the group allegedly struck him with bats and killed him almost instantly.

Since their arrival, the group are said to have been wreaking havoc by chasing young girls and trying to kick people’s doors down.

Following David’s death, the local town hall flew its flags at half mast to pay respects.

On Tuesday, some 1,000 people took to the streets to march in David’s honour….


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