"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Islamization of Europe > Rivers of Blood planned for Paris - Hamas; Euro24 massacre avoided by a few hours; Will Belgium kick Mohammed out? Spain is inviting the Wrath of God; Choudary guilty again


Hamas promises ‘rivers of blood flowing through the streets of Paris’ at Olympics

All those who have been out demonstrating for Hamas should pat themselves on the back.


Islamic State jihad massacre during England’s

Euro final ‘foiled hours before kick off’

Before too long in the West, this kind of plot will be so commonplace that law enforcement authorities will be overwhelmed. That is ISIS’ stated strategy, as I discuss in The Complete Infidel’s Guide to ISIS.

Isis terror attack during England’s Euro final ‘foiled hours before kick off

by Jen Mills, Metro, July 21, 2024:

A terror attack was allegedly planned on England’s fan zone in Berlin during the Euro 2024 final against Spain.

Police raided a series of addresses hours before kick off on July 14, fearing an imminent attack.

The assault was planned on fans gathering to watch the match in Breitscheidplatz in Germany’s capital, it was claimed.

Three suspects were detained after coordinated raids in nearby Potsdam, the Sun reported.

They were reportedly under surveillance as they were suspected of being terror supporters, with plans to target the football tournament.

After photos were allegedly found taken on phones of Breitscheidplatz and a large church, the concerns became greater.

A spokesperson for Berlin Police said: ‘The homes of three men were searched at three addresses in Potsdam.

‘Forces from the special task forces were involved in the operation.

‘The measures were carried out in connection with an immediate threat from the Islamist spectrum.’…

Belgium: Muslim leader who celebrated Oct. 7

may be expelled, far-left groups defend him

After years of “religion of peace” nonsense, now all the hatred and bloodlust is coming out into the open.

PFLP-affiliated NGO leader ‘extremist hate preacher’

may be kicked out of Belgium

by Michael Starr, Jerusalem Post, July 18, 2024:

A leader in an NGO affiliated with a Palestinian terrorist group may have his refuge status in Belgium revoked over his extremist activism, the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network said in a statement on Tuesday.

Samidoun Europe coordinator Mohammed Khatib was called to a hearing before a Belgian asylum office for his connection to the Samidoun, the Masar Badil Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, and radical statements made at pro-Palestinian rallies.

“We note that this is not only an attempt to target Mohammed as an individual and Samidoun as an organization,” Samidoun said. “It aims specifically to silence the movement to liberate Palestinian prisoners and to uphold the legitimacy and justice of the Palestinian resistance, especially the armed resistance, as part of the international, Arab, and Palestinian global intifada.”

As is normal behaviour for Palestinians, Samidoun lies relentlessly. The Oct 7th massacre was not an act of resistance. Global intifada is not a policy of resistance. These are terrorist acts motivated by a hatred of Jews. Consequently, Samidoun should be expelled along with Mohammed.  

Khatib has in the past been described by Palestinian outlets Quds News Network, the Palestinian Information Center (PIC), and Quds Press as a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) operative and spokesperson. The European Union lists PFLP as a designated terrorist organization….

Khatib had also embraced the October 7 massacre as “a glorious day for the Palestinian people” during an online seminar with Hamas official Basem Naim, as Israeli ambassador to Belgium Idit Rosenzweig-Abu noted on social media in March….

Multiple far-left organizations, such as the Union of Progressive Jews of Belgium and the Brussels Panthers, issued statements in April defending Khatib.

Progressive Jews, like Progressive political people everywhere are mostly godless. Godless Jews are a bane to God and mankind, in my humble opinion. 

Spain: Muslim group plans public celebration

in Madrid of first anniversary of ‘glorious Oct. 7’

Imagine a public celebration in New York of “glorious September 11.” This sort of thing only happens because of the weakness of the relevant authorities.

A platform related to the terrorist group Hamas will hold events in Madrid,

one year after the attack on Israel

translated from “Una plataforma afín al grupo terrorista Hamás hará actos en Madrid, cuando se cumpla un año del ataque a Israel,” El Observador, July 18, 2024:

Next fall, Madrid will host a series of events organized by a group that defends some of the tenets of Hamas. The planned calendar runs from October 1 to 7, coinciding with the date on which the terrorist group perpetrated the chain of attacks against Israel in which they murdered more than 1,000 people and kidnapped several hundred.

And, raped and gang-raped dozens of girls, beheaded babies, mutilated women, videoed their atrocities and sent them to the families of the victims. In other words, inhuman acts of barbarity the likes of which should not exist in the 21st century, or the tenth century, for that matter.

It is inconceivable that Spain would allow such madness to occur on their soil. Anyone who authorized this should be referred to the ICJ for crimes against humanity.

The Masar Badil platform is in charge of organizing these events, which will be held under the slogan “from the river to the sea”; the same one that Hamas uses to justify its terrorist activity against Israel and that would mean – according to what the Hebrew country points out – not only the creation of a Palestinian State, but also the geographical obliteration of Israel.

As published by the Spanish newspaper El Confidencial, this group chose Madrid to begin a “new phase of struggle” starting next October 7, and in their call they celebrated “the dawn of the glorious October 7 and the sacrifices of our people in the Gaza Strip.”

Masar Badil made a manifesto precisely on October 7, 2023, coinciding with the terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel, where they highlighted that “all the Palestinian popular masses in the homeland, the diaspora and all our Arab peoples are today behind the vanguards of their brave armed resistance in Palestine and with our people in occupied Palestine until Operation Al-Aqsa Deluge achieves its objectives.”

“We meet again in Madrid with the aim of continuing to expand a Palestinian, Arab and internationalist movement that surpasses the Madrid-Oslo stage,” the organization points out.

“This year our conference will take place in a context marked by a new stage in our struggle for national liberation,” they add. “Our responsibility is to provide full support to our resistance and our people in Palestine and in the Diaspora.”

The motto chosen for these days is “From the river to the sea… Victory for our Palestinian people and the resistance,” announces the organization, using the anti-Semitic motto of the terrorist group.

In addition to having specific events, an “international popular march” is planned to be held in Madrid on Sunday, October 6, 2024, the eve of the anniversary of the Hamas attacks against Israel.

The meeting promises to elaborate on the “forms of resistance of our people abroad, the expansion of the scope and areas of popular movements and the activities of students, workers, feminists and unionists”, as well as the “development of broad boycott campaigns and the confrontation of the genocidal war committed by the Zionist entity against our people in the Gaza Strip and throughout occupied Palestine under open American and European auspices, in light of the silence and complicity of the official Arab regime.”

Another Satanic Reversal here. The Zionists are not genocidal, the Palestinians are genocidal - 'from the river to the sea' means the end of Jews in the Middle East. 

In the middle of the 20th century, millions of Jews who weren't murdered by Hitler, were driven from Europe to America or to Israel. More than a million more were driven from Middle East Arab countries, and right across North Africa, most landing in Israel. 

Do you see a pattern here? Like closing a giant fishnet, or driving herds of buffalo into a box canyon where they can be slaughtered at will. I doubt that Muslims are smart enough to plan such a thing, but Satan is.

Spain is inviting the wrath of God if they allow this madness to occur.

Radical British preacher Anjem Choudary convicted of directing a terrorist group

ByBRIAN MELLEY Associated Press
July 23, 2024, 5:26 AM

LONDON -- Radical British preacher Anjem Choudary was found guilty Tuesday by a London jury of directing a terrorist group.

Choudary, 57, was convicted in Woolwich Crown Court of membership in a banned organization, the radical Muslim group al-Muhajiroun, or ALM, and for drumming up support for the group.

ALM was outlawed by the British government in 2010 as a group involved in committing, preparing for or promoting terrorism.

“ALM’s tentacles have spread across the world and have had a massive impact on public safety and security,” Metropolitan Police Cmdr. Dominic Murphy said. “There are individuals that have conducted terrorist attacks or traveled for terrorist purposes as a result of Anjem Choudary’s radicalizing impact upon them."

Prosecutor Tom Little, who described Choudary as having a “warped and twisted mindset,” said that he had stepped in to lead ALM after Omar Bakri Muhammad, the group’s founder, was imprisoned in Lebanon between 2014 and March 2023.

A “warped and twisted mindset,” means he is a devout Muslim.

Choudary, who was previously convicted of supporting the Islamic State group, denied at trial that he promoted ALM through his lectures, saying ALM no longer exists.

Prosecutors said the group has operated under many names, including the New York-based Islamic Thinkers Society, which Choudary has spoken to.

The Islamic Thinkers Society was ALM's U.S. branch, said New York Police Deputy Commissioner Rebecca Weiner, who called the case historic.

“It is usually the foot soldiers, the individuals who are brought into the network who go on to commit the attacks who are brought to justice," Weiner said. "And it’s rarely the leader, which is what makes this a particularly important moment.”

Choudary was convicted with one of his followers, Khaled Hussein, who prosecutors said was a dedicated supporter of the group.

Hussein, 29, of Edmonton, Canada, was convicted of membership in a proscribed organization.

The two were arrested a year ago after Hussein landed at Heathrow Airport.

Sentencing is scheduled for July 30.


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