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Monday, July 29, 2024

Hezbollah massacres 12 children in northern Israel rocket attack on soccer field


12 children killed, 30 wounded in Hezbollah

rocket attack on northern Israel

This is the deadliest attack yet in the ongoing skirmishes between Israel and Hezbollah.

By Vered Weiss, World Israel News

At least 12 children were killed and 30 others injured in a Hezbollah rocket attack on Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights on Saturday.

The attack occurred on a soccer field where children were playing.

IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari said in a statement, “All the fatalities are children aged 10 to 20. We share in the grief of the families and embrace the Druze community in its difficult time.”

This was the deadliest attack yet in the ongoing skirmishes between Israel and Hezbollah.

After an IDF investigation it was determined that the sirens went off “for too short a time.

Hagari added, “From the Israeli Air Force’s investigation, it has emerged that a single rocket” struck the soccer field in Majdal Shams,” and that the IDF is investigating the incident further.

Hezbollah denied launching the rocket at civilian targets in Majdal Shams, although it did admit firing rockets at a nearby military base.

However, the IDF refuted Hezbollah’s denial and released a statement, “Following assessments carried out in the IDF and the intelligence available to us, the Hezbollah terror group carried out the rocket fire at Majdal Shams.”

The Ziv Hospital in Safed has admitted 26 wounded and is treating 5 at the trauma ward, with others 11 in moderate-to-serious conditions, and 10 with light injuries.

Officials from Baruch Padeh Medical Center near Tiberias reported that four people who were moderately wounded were admitted.

Additional casualties were taken to Rambam Hospital in Haifa.

Channel 12 reported that an Israeli official declared there will be a severe response to the deadly attack.

The official said, “The events in the north will bring about a dramatic turn in fighting in the area.”

Kan quoted the official as saying, “The disaster at Majdal Shams could signal a change of direction in the war.”

They continued, “This is an incident we will not gloss over. There will be a severe response.”

Sheikh Muafak Tarif, the spiritual leader of the Druze community which lost children in the attack, said, “It’s impossible to image and describe the horrific images of children and their smashed [body] parts strewn on the grass.”

He continued, “A proper country cannot allow the continuous harm to its citizens and residents. This is the ongoing reality for nine months in northern communities. This evening crossed all possible lines.”

Media Buries Jihad Rocket Killing 12 Kids on Israeli Soccer Field

As bad as you think the media is, it always manages to be worse.

The media routinely plays up civilian casualties in any Israeli air strike. But as the headlines show the game is played very differently when Islamic terrorist attacks kill children.

After the Islamic terrorist group Hezbollah struck a soccer field in the Israeli Golan Heights killing a dozen Druze children (Druze are a non-Jewish minority group in Israel whose members often serve in the Israeli military), the media did its best to write the most ambiguous headlines possible.

Rocket From Lebanon Kills at Least 12 in Israeli-Controlled Golan Heights – New York Times

The New York Times keeps it ambiguous while MSNBC manages to front load claims of an “Israeli occupation” in the attack.

Rocket attack in Israeli-occupied Golan Heights leaves multiple dead and injured – MSNBC

But the overall prize goes to NPR for its “Israel had it coming” headline.

A rocket hit Israeli-controlled Golan Heights, after Israel struck a Gaza school – NPR

As bad as you think the media is, it always manages to be worse.

No hint in these headlines that almost all the victims were children. Legacy media is rabidly antisemitic and godless. They make a big deal out of the IDF hitting a school in Gaza when schools are closed there. Also, Hamas uses schools and, when possible, children as shields so they can tell the world how evil Jews are for killing children. 


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