"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Islamization in Europe > Le Monde concerned about Muslims in Sweden; Iranian attacks police in Germany with knife; Bin Laden Aide retires to London


With France24 website down for some reason, I resorted to France's Le Monde for news, knowing that it was as far-left as France24. In my first and only use of Le Monde, it became apparent that it is evern further left than France24. What chance does France have to survive the Islamic invasion when all their news sources are doing their best to ensure that it doesn't? Is there money here from George Soros or some other wealthy maniac?

Concern grows over anti-Muslim hate incidents in Sweden

Accounts abound of regular insults and attacks against Muslims, fueled in recent years by dehumanizing public rhetoric.

Of course, what really fuels the islamophobia is the dehumanizing attacks by Muslim migrants on Swedes, especially young girls and women who are raped and gang-raped like never before. What makes it worse is that the media, the government, and the police under-react to these and even cover them up. They appear to be protecting the criminals at the expense of the victims. 

By Anne-Françoise Hivert (Skövde (Sweden) special correspondent)

Published today at 12:45 am (Paris), updated at 9:08 am 

3 min read


A protest by Islam-critical priests Jade Sandberg and Salwan Najem outside the Medborgarplatsen mosque in Stockholm, on April 10, 2024. PATRIK ÖSTERBERG/STELLA PICTURES

On the night of Tuesday, May 28, a car parked in front of the Skövde mosque, which opened in 2023, just outside the town between Gothenburg and Stockholm. The driver threw the corpse of a wild boar against the building, which is in a small wood, before driving off, unaware that the surveillance cameras installed by the Bosnian Islamic Association had filmed the action. "Unfortunately, we're used to this sort of thing," said Mirza Babovic, 66, an employee of the association. He reeled off incidents such as Islamophobic tags painted outside the former prayer hall, the remains of a pig dumped on the building site and the windows of a container smashed.

This time, Imam Smajo Sahat, who reported it, decided not to publicize the incident, "so as not to give publicity to its perpetrator, nor to give ideas to others." He did not want to worry his followers either. But local journalists got wind of it and before long, the national media began to report it, "no doubt because it happened just a few days before the European elections," said the imam, still dismayed by the violence of the discourse against Islam and Muslims during the campaign.+

In November 2023, far-right leader Jimmie Akesson – whose Sweden Democrats party has been allied with the right-wing coalition government since October 2022 – declared that he wanted to destroy mosques, ban the construction of new buildings and wiretap Muslim religious communities in order to combat "Islamism." His right-hand man, Richard Jomshof, president of the parliamentary legal affairs committee, followed suit, calling for a ban on all symbols of Islam in public spaces, which he likened to "the swastika."

Shocking remarks

On social media, party officials have constantly denounced the "Islamization of Sweden," claiming that "Swedes are on the verge of becoming a minority in their own country."

The rest of the story is behind a paywall. Please go to Le Monde for more.

Germany: Knife-wielding Muslim migrant

attacks three federal police officers

“There is no danger to the population.”

Well, not in the short run.

Knife attack on three police officers – attacker shot down

translated from “Messerattacke auf drei Polizisten – Angreifer niedergeschossen,” Welt, July 1 (thanks to Medforth):

In Lauf an der Pegnitz near Nuremberg, according to police, a man attacked three federal police officers with a knife. This led to the use of firearms. The attacker died at the scene. The background to the incident is still unclear.

A man who is said to have attacked three federal police officers with a knife in Lauf an der Pegnitz near Nuremberg on Sunday has died after police firearms were used. The 34-year-old succumbed to his injuries at the scene at the train station, a spokesman for the Central Franconia police said in the evening. First aid measures that were immediately initiated could not save his life.

“There was also a knife involved”

According to the spokesman, the attacker initially attacked a federal police car on patrol. When the officers got out, he also attacked the officers themselves. “There was also a knife involved,” said the spokesman. In the evening, the police released details about the attacker. According to them, he was an Iranian citizen.

The officers were therefore unharmed. The spokesman initially did not provide any information on how many shots were fired, who fired and where the shots hit the man.

The police had previously announced on X that police firearms had been used following a previous attack on federal police officers. In another post on X it was stated that a larger operation was underway. “We have numerous forces on site. Please avoid the area. There is no danger to the population.” According to the police spokesman, the area in front of the train station was cordoned off.

As long as there are devout Muslims, there is danger to the public!


UK: After 20 years in prison, bin Laden aide lives in

taxpayer-funded home, wants to mentor Muslim children

British citizens who pay for this man’s upkeep can be grateful that authorities in shattered, staggering, dhimmi Britain don’t make him prime minister.

Bin Laden aide who spent 20 years in jail over terror attacks on

US embassies says he wants to mentor British Muslim children

by Milo Pope, Daily Mail, June 30, 2024:

A former aide to Osama Bin Laden has said he is keen to mentor British Muslim children after spending 20 years in jail for his involvement in terror attacks on US embassies.

Adel Abdel Bary said he wants to give youngsters ‘skills’ and a ‘vision’ as he plans his first public interview since returning to the UK after his release from a US prison.

The 64-year-old was convicted over his role in the 1998 embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania.

Since his return to Britain, Bary has been living with his wife, a UK citizen, at their taxpayer-funded Maida Vale home.

In a profile piece on the Islam21c website, which claims to ‘educate and inspire’ Muslims, Bary is quoted as saying: ‘The best things for our world now are the basics … Go play with the children, give them skills, give them a vision,’ The Times reports.

Bary, a former lawyer, first came to the UK in 1991 to seek asylum from his native Egypt after he had been imprisoned and tortured for his implication in the assassination of President Anwar Sadat….


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