"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Friday, May 10, 2024

Islamization of Germany and the UK > Terrorist extorting German courts; Islam extorting Keir Starmer


Ex-IS terrorist demands 144,000 euros

to leave Germany

translated from “Ex-IS-Terrorist fordert 144.000 Euro, um Deutschland zu verlassen,” Freilich, April 25, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

A former IS supporter who served more than five years in prison for planning terrorist activities in Germany caused a stir yesterday before the Regensburg Administrative Court. The 36-year-old Abdulhadi B. is fighting against his prison conditions and made an unusual offer to the Free State’s lawyers during a break in the negotiations: “If I go, it will be voluntarily and only if I get 144,000 euros from you,” he said.

The proceedings against Abdulhadi B. began when the judiciary learned of his terrorist activities after he appeared in court over an incident with his girlfriend. He was finally sentenced to more than five years in prison by the Munich Higher Regional Court in 2018. The charges were advocating for IS, attempted incitement to murder and bodily harm. The Federal Court of Justice confirmed the verdict a year later. In addition to recruiting suicide bombers, he also planned a bomb attack and the recruitment of a seven-year-old boy as a child soldier.

Abdulhadi B. is now defending himself in court against the conditions imposed on him, including not leaving Tirschenreuth and not using internet-enabled devices. He argues he was wrongly convicted and is demanding compensation for his time in prison. The Syrian sees himself as a victim and is willing to leave Germany if he receives the sum demanded. His lawsuit has not yet been decided, and so far his efforts in court have been unsuccessful. A deportation to Syria is out of the question for the German authorities due to the ongoing conflict and the uncertain situation in the country.

The case has been critically commented on by the legal policy spokesman for the AfD, RenĂ© Dierkes: “The facts at hand make it clear why the deportation policy of the old parties fails. The Syrian terrorist, who seems to be quite sure of his ideology, is confronted by a completely effeminate state that even allows debate about sponsorship of terrorism in a court of law. This embarrassment must be stopped.” With a “sensible remigration policy,” this person would never have reached Germany or would have been “immediately remigrated,” Dierkes told FREILICH.

UK: Muslim group issues ’18 Demands’ to Labour top dog,

insisting he promise to cut ties with Israel and more

The Muslim Vote group knows who is in the driver’s seat in shattered, staggering, dhimmi Britain. Starmer or some future Labour leader will give them all they’re demanding and more. Britain is finished.

Revealed: The ’18 DEMANDS’ Muslim Vote group issued to Keir Starmer

after dozens of pro-Gaza activists were elected to councils across UK – 

from cutting military ties with Israel to ‘ensuring insurance quotes

don’t cost more for someone called Muhammad'

by Matthew Lodge, Daily Mail, May 6, 2024:

Pro-Gaza activists have dramatically issued a list of 18 demands to Sir Keir Starmer and threatened to withhold their support at the next general election if he does not fulfil them.

The Muslim Vote has called for the Labour leader to promise to cut military ties with Israel, allow followers of Islam to pray in school and stop people with the name ‘Muhammad’ being charged more for insurance should he become prime minister.

It has also demanded a law that criminalises spiritual and religious leaders from instructing their congregation how to vote is scrapped and wants seven per cent of public sector pensions to be invested into ‘ethical and Islamic funds’.

The group, which has vowed to ‘punish’ MPs who it sees as not being supportive of Palestine by mobilising the four million Muslim voters in the UK, said it would only consider backing the Labour leader if Sir Keir caved in to their demands.

The activists claim to have more than 25 organisations backing them, although it was revealed earlier this year that at least two of them were being investigated over extremism concerns. One of its supporters Muhammad Jalal, who has appeared on the campaign’s social media pages, was previously head of the now-banned Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir.

Sir Keir said he was ‘determined’ to win back voters who deserted Labour at the local elections over his party’s stance on Gaza, after dozens of pro-Palestine campaigners were elected as councillors in place of Labour candidates….


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