"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Hamas War > Gazans' real enemy is Hamas, it is stealing at least half of the aid entering Gaza


Hamas Has Stolen $500 Million From Gaza Aid

Since October 7th

Hamas has been stealing for its own members at least half of the aid sent to Gaza since October 7. This is not surprising. Hamas has been stealing aid money meant for the people of Gaza ever since it took control of the Strip in 2007. 

Just three Hamas leaders, Khaled Meshaal, Mousa abu Marzouk, and Ismail Haniyeh, have among themselves managed to steal the colossal sum of $11 billion in aid. And while Hamas has been complaining about Israel preventing aid from reaching the Strip, it is actually Hamas that has been harming Gazans, by diverting half of the billion dollars sent by donors to Gaza since October 7. More on this can be found here: 

Hamas reaped hundreds of millions off Gaza aid since Oct. 7

JNS, May 20, 2024:

The Hamas terrorist organization has profited by at least $500 million of the humanitarian aid coming into the Gaza Strip since the start of the war on Oct. 7, according to a report that aired on Israel’s Channel 12 last week.

Veteran analyst Ehud Yaari, a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, told the broadcaster on Thursday that, according to a calculation he made with “a friend—I don’t know if I’m allowed to mention his name,” Hamas earned “no less” than half a billion dollars from the aid….

The Tzav 9 (“Order 9”) movement, which has led protests against Jerusalem’s decision to allow humanitarian aid to enter the Strip freely, said that while “the hostages are groaning in captivity, IDF soldiers are risking their lives and the children of the [Gaza] Envelope [Israelis living near the border with Gaza] do not sleep at night,” the terror group “continues to exist and enjoy financial prosperity.”…

The volume of aid provided to the hostile territory has more than doubled since the start of the war, according to data provided by the government to Israel’s Supreme Court in response to a petition by left-wing groups.

According to the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), Hamas terrorists divert at least 60% of the goods entering Gaza for their own purposes….

The Israelis keep explaining to the world that there is no famine in Gaza in this sense: enough food aid is getting through to the Strip to supply the needs of all of its inhabitants, if it is distributed fairly. But it is not. There is a maldistribution of the aid that enters, where Hamas operatives immediately seize about 60% of the humanitarian aid — food, medicines, personal hygiene items — for themselves, their extended families, and their clans. What they do not use they sell, at inflated prices, to the Gazans. Now the Israelis have calculated the enormous size of that diversion of aid to Hamas — at least $500 million worth of aid. But no one protests, no one cares that Hamas does this to the people in Gaza. There is no way to blame the Jews for this grand theft, so it is of no interest.


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