"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Monday, May 20, 2024

Islamization of Europe > UK revokes Palestinian student's visa, would you believe? Jewish tourists attacked in Belgium; Allahu Akbar screams becoming commonplace in France; 14 y/o Austrian girl plots massacre


My question is, is this like an experiment to gage the reaction? Or, could it be an attempt to rachet down the rhetoric. Or, could it be the beginning of the Tories demonizing Muslims (which requires no effort whatsoever) in order to wake up British voters to the dangers of Islam (meaning the rise of Labour with Muslim candidates). It's not like the Tories actually care about young British girls being raped, gangraped, trafficked, drugged, and tortured; Hell, Labour cares even less. But when it comes to votes....

UK, of all places, revokes visa of pro-Hamas

‘Palestinian’ student who cheered Oct. 7 massacre

This is a truly shocking and remarkable development. Just as the conquest and Islamization of Britain is becoming apparent to the entire world, and while jihad preachers recruit new jihadis all over the country with impunity, the Home Office decides to act against a “Palestinian” student who is not a jihad terrorist, but who cheered them on. It’s a positive development, but it’s wrongly focused: there are much greater threats in shattered, staggering, dhimmi Britain today than Dana Abuqamar. It is also far, far too late for the suicidal Britons.

‘National threat’: Pro-October 7 Palestinian student

has UK student visa revoked

by Danielle Greyman-Kennard, Jerusalem Post, May 17, 2024:

Dana Abuqamar, a Palestinian law student studying at the University of Manchester, had her student visa revoked by the UK’s Home Office, according to multiple media reports from the last week.

Speaking to Al Jazeera, Abuqamar claimed that the Home Office revoked her visa as she was a “national threat” after she stated she was “full of joy” over Hamas’s October 7 attacks against Israel.

Hamas, which is a registered terrorist organization, killed over 1200 people on October 7 and kidnapped over 250 more – including a number of British citizens.

“This is the first time that something like this happened in modern-day history – for 16 years Gaza has been under blockade and for the first time they’re actively resisting, they’re not on the defense, and that is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience,” Abuqamar had said during a speech, which reportedly led to the UK’s decision. “We are both in fear of how Israel will retaliate, but also we are full of pride, and full of joy at what has happened.”…

And what has happened? Babies were beheaded, women and girls were raped, gangraped and mutilated, videos of their rape and mutilation were sent to the girl's family. How can anyone half human have joy and pride in that monstrous behaviour? 

“Essentially the Home Office claims that my presence in the UK threatens national security; they have said that the statements that I’ve made support some sort of extremist views,” she told Al Jazeera, which is now banned in Israel for its affiliation with terrorist groups. “Keep in mind, I am a 19-year-old law student – all I have done in life is go to school and receive an education and advocate for social justice.”

She added that her legal team has “launched a human rights appeal against the Home Office’s egregious decision” to revoke her student visa and called the decision “completely baseless.”…


Israeli Father and Daughter Attacked

by Mob in Belgium

Apparently, it’s open season on Israelis all over Europe. In Bruges, Belgium, an Israeli father and daughter were set upon by a pro-Hamas mob (religion not specified, but it seems clear that they were Muslims, enraged that the two had removed an anti-Israel sticker from the wall of a train station). They threw the father down on the ground, and proceeded to kick him in the head, breaking the 64-year-old father’s jaw. More on this latest display of antisemitic savagery can be found here: 

Israeli Tourist Attacked by Mob in Belgium, Suffers Broken Jaw

Algemeiner, May 17, 2024:

A 64-year-old Israel tourist was attacked by a mob in the Belgian city of Bruges and suffered a broken jaw after he and his daughter removed an anti-Israel sticker in a train station on Friday, according to the European Jewish Association and Israel’s Embassy in Belgium.

The assailants saw Amnon Ohana and his 29-year-old daughter Shira removing the sticker from a wall at a Bruges train station and proceeded to attack the father, punching and kicking him.

The Israeli tourists fled to a lower floor but were pursued by at least one of the attackers, who knocked Ohana to the ground and continued to strike him.

After the assailants left the scene, Ohana was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with a broken jaw.

According to several reports, passersby ignored the father and daughter’s pleas for help.

Evil wins when good people do nothing. Or, perhaps there were no good people there.


Was it because they shared the mob’s hatred for Israelis? Or was it simple cowardice, fear of being attacked themselves by the mob, if they tried to help Amnon Ohana and his daughter, if only by calling on their attackers to stop?

Ohana filed a complaint with local police against the assailants but reportedly said the authorities did not seem willing to prosecute them to the full extent of the law, despite the attack being filmed by his daughter and security cameras….

This lackadaisical attitude on the part of the police, who were not interested in going after those who had beaten Amnon Ohana and broken his jaw, does suggest a palpable want of sympathy for the Israeli victim. The beating had been recorded both on security cameras and by Ohana’s daughter. How hard would it have been to identify the violent malefactors, given that they had been captured on several cameras? Would the police in Bruges have behaved differently if the tourists who were attacked were not Israelis, but Americans or British or French? You bet they would. But it’s open season on Israelis, whose ongoing “genocide” in Gaza makes them fair game, all over Europe.

Rabbi Menachem Margolin, head of the European Jewish Association, condemned the assault and the rise in antisemitism, noting that the incidents have been escalating to full-scale violence against Jews and Israelis.

“It is no longer just verbal violence or spitting but real physical attacks that can end in disaster,” Margolin said, according to Israeli media reports. “Don’t wait for us to be murdered to understand that you must act more decisively against the troublemakers. Today it is against Jews and tomorrow the incited mob will attack anyone who looks Western in their eyes.”

Margolin then called on Belgium to prosecute the assailants to the fullest extent of the law.

“It cannot be that a Western country claiming to be a state of law like Belgium will not act for the immediate arrest of the antisemitic assailants and refrain from immediate enforcement to prosecute them to the full severity of the law,” he added.

But the police clearly have been dragging their feet. They should not have had to be prodded to investigate this crime, but they were. Maybe some of them are just not interested in protecting Israelis, citizens of what has become, since October 7, the most vilified country on earth. Some in the police probably think the Israeli tourists were asking for it, for hadn’t they removed an anti-Israel sticker from a wall in the rail station? What business was it of theirs to pull it off?

Israeli tourists have been attacked by a mob gathered outside an Israeli-owned hotel in Athens, where only the arrival of police saved the tourists inside from attack. There have been attacks on Israeli tourists in London and Paris and Rome. A Jewish cemetery in Vienna was vandalized. In North America, a 14-year-old Jewish girl was savagely attacked in a Canadian schoolyard by a classmate who jumped on her from behind. Classmates watched. No one came to her aid.

In Brooklyn, Orthodox Jewish children were playing on a sidewalk, when a bicyclist rode up to them, dismounted, and started to beat them. The assailant smacked one of the children on the face, kicking him to the ground. The man threw another child to the ground before repeatedly kicking him. The children fled, and the man returned to his bicycle.

This January, a couple from Israel were attacked at a restaurant in northern Berlin after an Arabic-speaking man overheard them chatting in Hebrew.

These are just a handful of the attacks Israeli tourists and Jews in Europe and North America have been enduring. No passersby have jumped in on the side of the victims. The police have been largely, though not always, indifferent. Since October 7, the stench of antisemitism has been in the air. The world seems to have forgotten who were the victims of atrocities on October 7, and who the perpetrators.

France: Knife-wielding Muslim screaming

‘Allahu akbar’ causes ‘not too much panic,’

as police intervened quickly

Or, is it because this is just becoming so commonplace in France?

“There was not too much panic, because the police intervened very quickly.”

That’s the sound of the frog adjusting to a minor — so minor as to be insignificant — adjustment in the water temperature. No, that is not a slur on the French. It is a reference to the old story of how to boil a frog. Increase the temperature gradually enough, and the frog won’t jump out of the pot.

Seine-et-Marne: a man tasered in the middle of the street

after shouting ‘Allahu akbar’ armed with a knife

translated from “Seine-et-Marne : un homme tasé en pleine rue après avoir crié « Allahou akbar » armé d’un couteau,” by Sébastien Blondé, Le Parisien, May 19, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

There was an uproar this Sunday morning in Brou-sur-Chantereine, near Chelles, after a man displayed a knife in the street while shouting “Allahu akbar.” The events took place a little before 9:30 a.m., on avenue Jean-Jaurès, in front of a bakery. A worrying scene which prompted a trader to alert the police.

The latter obviously took the alert very seriously. Three police cars quickly arrived on the scene. In the meantime, the man, who allegedly appeared threatening, did not attack anyone. The police found him and then tried to arrest him, but the individual would not let them do so.

“He is known to have psychiatric problems”
The police had to use their electric shock gun, according to them, to force him to comply. After using their taser, the police found on him the knife which had been displayed a little earlier in front of the bakery.

“There was not too much panic, because the police intervened very quickly,” confirms Stéphanie Barnier (PS), the mayor of Brou-sur-Chantereine, who was kept informed of the events. As for the individual in question, he is someone known in the neighborhood to have psychiatric problems and who regularly makes incoherent comments. 

Which is par for the course for radicalized Muslims. 

Following his arrest, the man was to undergo a psychiatric examination, in order to determine his condition and to consider whether or not possible compulsory hospitalization. The Meaux public prosecutor’s office, for its part, did not respond to our requests.

Of course, he should be segregated from French society, as should all radicalized Muslims. They are all insane.  

Austria: 14-year-old girl plots jihad massacre

of ‘infidels’ with knife and hatchet

Austrian authorities should ponder whether it was wise to bring large numbers of people into the country who would raise their children to think this was a good thing to do. But they won’t.

With knife and hatchet: Girl (14) wanted to carry out a terrorist attack in Graz

translated from “Mit Messer und Beil: Mädchen (14) wollte Terrorangriff in Graz verüben,” Exxpress, May 18, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

A 14-year-old girl is said to have planned a terrorist knife attack on Jakominiplatz square in Graz. Police officers secured objects prepared for the attack as well as IS propaganda material belonging to the girl. Chats recovered had started the investigation.

The 14-year-old girl did not confess and refused to make a statement to the police. The public prosecutor’s office in Graz ordered the arrest and committal of the 14-year-old girl to Jakomini prison, and she has already been remanded in custody due to the risk of the offence being carried out and the risk of a cover-up.

Investigators from the Styrian State Office for State Security and Counter-Extremism (LSE) were put on the girl’s trail by a tip-off from a European security authority. A chat history was seized in which there was obviously talk of planning a terrorist attack on Jakominiplatz square in Graz. The girl had already prepared weapons for this purpose – an axe and a knife – as well as special clothing. She sent pictures of them via Messenger to apparently ‘like-minded people’ abroad. The attack was to target ‘infidels’.

Based on her social media activities, the police managed to track down the 14-year-old girl from Graz, who has Montenegrin roots. The officers seized the alleged murder weapon, the clothing mentioned in the chat and several data carriers. The data carriers contained IS propaganda material as well as numerous combat and execution videos.

Insanity starts young in radicalized Islam.

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