"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Monday, May 6, 2024

Islamic Terrorism > Muslim teens plot attack on French patriots in Lyons; Wave of Muslim Terror in Australia


France: Muslim teens plot jihad massacre at bar

affiliated with Generation Identity movement

Yet French authorities are far more concerned about Generation Identity, which wants to preserve French culture and civilization, than they are about jihadis.

Attack against Génération Identitaire: a trial required

against two individuals close to the jihadist movement

translated from “Attaque contre Génération identitaire : un procès requis contre deux individus proches de la mouvance djihadiste,” Valeurs Actuelles, May 3, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

Two young people aged 17 and 19 will be tried in a trial requested by the national anti-terrorism prosecutor’s office (Pnat), reports Le Figaro. They are accused of having prepared an attack against a Lyon bar affiliated with the Generation Identity movement. Justice requests that the suspects be tried for terrorist conspiracy, advocating terrorism. For the minor there is added: death threats in relation to a terrorist enterprise.

The suspects refute the accusations, they wanted to “give themselves an image”. 

They've got one now, whether they want it or not. Patriotic French will certainly be labelled far-right and considered dangerous while the real danger continues to be  ignored by the hapless French elite.

Indeed, a spy infiltrated a Telegram encrypted messaging group who met these two individuals. He discovered that the youngest did not know how to use weapons, that he threatened to behead an identity activist on social networks and created a group on Telegram called “the French Islamic State.” The eldest tried to leave for Syria without success. The 19-year-old suspect then decided to organize an attack on French soil. The young men also entered into contact with members of Oumar Diaby’s jihadist group. In their exchanges on the Internet, they threatened to attack the police, the military, Jews, transsexuals, and identitarians. The suspects deny the accusations made against them. They explain that they wanted to “impress” and “give themselves an image.”

These people were arrested in Yvelines in March 2023 before being indicted and then placed in detention. Recently, the 17-year-old was placed under judicial supervision, after 13 months of pre-trial detention.


Australia is Suffering From a

Wave of Muslim Terror

Another week, another Muslim terror stabbing.

The “Islamophobia” alerts are really flashing red in Australia.

This started with a Muslim teen stabbing a bishop in Sydney, Australia. That led to the arrests of 7 Muslim teens. It turned out that they wanted to go on a rampage killing Jews.

And now a white teen 16-year-old convert to Islam stabbed a man in the back in Perth and was shot dead by police.

The 16-year-old was apparently in an “online radicalization” program for years which suggests that he’d converted to Islam a while back and the authorities had been tracking him for some time.

The authorities and the media are assuring us that he was “mentally unstable,” but there seems to be a particular outbreak of “mental instability” involving Muslim teens and knives.

Of course he was mentally unstable. All radicalized Muslims are mentally unstable. The only question is whether he was mentally unstable before becoming radicalized, or whether he became unstable because of the radicalization.

Surely a pattern that only an ‘Islamophobe’ would notice.

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