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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Germany's Islamization > Does Islam make you crazy? Pro-Hamas students attack Jews at U. of Amsterdam; Muslim with chainsaw attacks cops in Scotland - not terror!!!


Germany: Knife-wielding Muslim migrant

terrifies kindergarten children

“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60)

Does Islam make you crazy? 

Confused knife-Syrian scares kindergarten children

translated from “Macht der Islam etwa verrückt? Verwirrter Messer-Syrer versetzt Kindergarten-Kinder in Angst,” by Bettina Sauer, Journalisten Watch, May 3, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

On Thursday, a “confused man” – specifically a 30-year-old Syrian Faeser guest – put kindergarten children and staff in Aschaffenburg in fear of their lives. The “man” was walking around the facility’s garden with a knife in his hand. The employees were able to bring the little ones into the building to safety. The police overpowered the man. A short time later it became clear again that the guy was mentally confused. Question: Do all of these Allah believers really have someone on their hands? Or is it their religion that makes them crazy?

'Someone on their hands' appears to have lost something in translation. The next question, however, is answered by ex-Syrian psychologist Dr Wafa Sultan, “I came to the absolute conviction that it is impossible…impossible…for any human being to read the biography of Mohammed and believe in it, and then emerge a psychologically and mentally healthy person.” 

A “man” – the politically correct mainstream media term – ran around with a knife in the garden of a kindergarten in Aschaffenburg on Thursday. The employees had the presence of mind to bring the small children inside and call the police. A patrol in turn overpowered the “man” with pepper spray. According to the police, the staff and children were then looked after together with their parents by specialists from the Bavarian Red Cross and trained officers. The background to the man’s behavior is currently the subject of investigations, it said.

Nevertheless, the Lower Franconian police already seem to know that the “man” – and here we will be specific again: a 30-year-old Syrian Faeser guest – is mentally confused. At least that’s what the headlines of the mainstream media suggest, which from Bild to Zeit consistently frame the Syrian as a “confused man in Aschaffenburg”.

Since Angela Merkel opened the borders of this country to millions of young Muslims, the majority of whom are male, there has been an increasing number of brutal acts of violence in which her guests appear as allegedly mentally disturbed perpetrators. Even when these wielding machetes and shouting their Islamist battle cry “Allahu Akbar” dismember their victims, in this country they are almost always considered incapacitated due to mental illness.

However, anyone who dares to ask the question whether such Allah believers are really all on the wrong track or whether it is perhaps their religion that makes them crazy will end up in court quicker than they can say Allahu-Akbar. AfD politician Björn Höcke, who stabbed two young craftsmen on the street and critically injured a young man in a drugstore in 2022 after a knife attack by a Somali in Ludwigshafen, posted:

“The perpetrator is probably mentally ill and suffers from the widespread disease among immigrants that makes those affected scream ‘Allahu Akbar’ and distorts their perception so that they see the ‘infidel’ hosts as unworthy lives.” The 27-year-old was – as Höcke predicted – acquitted and placed in a psychiatric hospital – at taxpayer expense – because he is said to be suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. Höcke, however, had to answer for his precise prediction in court for sedition.

In this respect – due to its frequency – the incident on Thursday in Aschaffenburg was a completely normal day in the best Germany we have ever had. And don’t forget: This used to happen and the Germans do it too. Keep walking, there’s nothing to see. And: Islam means peace!

Netherlands: Pro-Hamas students attack

Jewish students with boards

The pro-Hamas thugs know that the authorities don’t dare act against them, for fear of charges of “Islamophobia.”

Scotland: ‘Allahu Akbar’:

Muslim with Chainsaw Attacks Cop

It’s an upgrade from swords.

Who says Islam isn’t progressive? Swords worked really well for beheading infidels in the days of Mohammed, but as we’ve all seen with ISIS, they’re not nearly effective enough in the 21st century. So one enterprising colonist in the UK seems to have stepped up to a chainsaw.


A pair of police officers have been injured, and a man has been arrested, after authorities flocked to a street in Scotland to reports of a chainsaw-wielding man apparently chasing officers down a road in broad daylight.

Footage had circulated online of a police officer sprinting away down a street in Paisley, apparently being pursued by a man running with a chainsaw in his hands.

Later footage shows the individual apparently being arrested, with officers seen piling on to restrain an individual on the pavement by the side of the road as more police and members of the public rush to help.

GB News understands Police Scotland are not treating the incident as terror-related.

Of course not! They haven't made the link between radicalized Muslims and mental illness. What will it take to make that happen?


There’s video of the incident that appears to include a cry of “Allahu Akbar,” an Islamic supremacist cry, but no news story seems to have found that to be newsworthy.

The official word is that there’s nothing to worry about and everyone should go back to their business of being colonized.

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