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Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Big Pharma > Utah woman disabled after Astra-Zeneca vax trial sues; New-Onset Psychosis from Covid Vaccine


As I wrote last week, I believed AZ pulled their product from distribution because of law suits, not because of an oversupply. They can't even be honest about that.

More than 50 people have already filed a class-action lawsuit against the drug manufacturer in the UK, alleging they were left with ailments from the vaccine.

Utah mom sues AstraZeneca, claiming she was left

‘permanently disabled’ in COVID vaccine trial

Brianne Dressen, 42, was “the picture of good health” when she started the British-made vaccine’s clinical trial in 2020 — but ended up developing a severe neurological condition, the lawsuit filed Monday alleges.

“I walked into the clinic fine, and walked out the beginning of a nightmare I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy,” Dressen said, per the court papers.

Dressen said she “walked into the clinic fine, and walked out the beginning of a nightmare.”  Video 0.56Brianne Dressen / District of Utah

The former teacher developed side effects just hours after being injected with the vaccine, including arm tingles, blurred vision, a headache, ringing ears and vomiting, according to the court filing.Some of the symptoms worsened and spread to her legs before she discovered she had developed paresthesia — a neurological condition in which nerves are irritated, the suit charges.

After being hospitalized a handful of times, Dressen said, she was diagnosed with “post-vaccine neuropathy” by National Institutes of Health neurologists in 2021.

The mom of two has accused AstraZeneca of breaching its contract by failing to provide adequate compensation to cover the costs of the medical bills associated with her side effects, which she says have “skyrocketed” in the years since taking the vaccine.

The mom of two has accused AstraZeneca of breaching its contract by failing to provide adequate compensation to cover the costs of the medical bills associated with her side effects.Brianne Dressen / Facebook
Brianne Dressen, a 42-year-old mom of two, is suing AstraZeneca after she allegedly became “permanently disabled” after taking its COVID-19 vaccine.Brianne Dressen / District of Utah

She claims she had signed a consent form with the manufacturer at the beginning of the trial that said AstraZeneca would “pay the costs of medical treatment for research injuries, provided that the costs are reasonable, and you did not cause the injury yourself,” the suit says.

Dressen, however, said AstraZeneca only offered her a one-time payment of $1,243.30.

That is a “minuscule fraction of the medical bills and lost wages, among other financial costs, that Bri had incurred and will continue to incur,” the suit says.

After being hospitalized a handful of times, Dressen said, she was diagnosed with “post-vaccine neuropathy” by National Institutes of Health neurologists in 2021.Brianne Dressen / District of Utah

While some of her symptoms have improved, Dressen alleges she is “still disabled” and has become a shadow of herself, is unable to work or parent the way she once did.

“I did everything they asked of me. I honored my obligations to them. They have not honored any,” Dressen said.

“When they needed me, I was there, I cooperated. When I needed them, they were nowhere to be found.”

The AstraZeneca vaccine, which never ended up being approved for use in the US, is credited with saving as many as 6 million lives globally during the pandemic, according to the University of Oxford.AP

More than 50 people have already filed a class-action lawsuit against the drug manufacturer in the UK, alleging they were left with ailments from the vaccine.

An AstraZeneca spokesperson declined to comment on Dressen’s pending litigation.

“From the body of evidence in clinical trials and real-world data, the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine has continuously been shown to have an acceptable safety profile and regulators around the world consistently state that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks of extremely rare potential side effects,” a spokesperson told Bloomberg Law in a statement.

The AstraZeneca vaccine, which never ended up being approved for use in the US, is credited with saving as many as 6 million lives globally during the pandemic, according to the University of Oxford, which partnered with the company to develop the jab.

Oxford was a partner with AZ, so their statistics have to be taken with a huge grain of salt. 


Systematic Review Reveals Many COVID-19 Vaccine

Recipients Experienced New-Onset Psychosis

Only half of the patients analyzed in the review fully recovered, with the remaining half suffering from ‘residual symptoms.’


Individuals who took COVID-19 vaccines were found to have later suffered from psychosis, with Pfizer and AstraZeneca shots linked to most of the cases.

The peer-reviewed systemic review, published in the Frontiers in Psychiatry journal on April 12, examined cases of new-onset psychosis among people who took the vaccines. Psychosis refers to symptoms that occur when an individual has difficulty differentiating between reality and fantasy, with hallucinations and delusions being two key types. The review looked at 21 articles describing 24 cases of psychosis symptoms following vaccination. The researchers concluded that “data suggest a potential link between young age, mRNA, and viral vector vaccines with new-onset psychosis within 7 days post-vaccination.”

“Collecting data on vaccine-related psychiatric effects is crucial for prevention, and an algorithm for monitoring and treating mental health reactions post-vaccination is necessary for comprehensive management.”

Out of the 24 cases, 13 were female. The median age of participants was 36 years. Twenty-two patients (91.2 percent) had no specific history of somatic illness and comorbidities.

Click here to watch the full documentary “The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told”

In 33.3 percent of the cases, administration of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine “potentially induced adverse psychiatric events,” the study said. The viral vector AstraZeneca vaccine was linked to psychotic symptoms in 25 percent of cases.

In 45.8 percent of incidences, psychotic symptoms were reported after the first shot and in fifty percent after the second dose.

“Almost all reviewed cases (95.8 percent) presented with psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations (visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile) and delusions (mostly persecutory and delusions of reference).”

The most common form of hallucination was auditory, experienced in 54.2 percent of the cases, while visual hallucinations were experienced by 12.5 percent of patients.

“Motor disturbances, such as increased or decreased motor activity and bizarre behavior, were mentioned in 83.3 percent of cases. In 3 (12.5 percent) cases, a suicidal attempt was described.”

The psychotic symptoms mostly lasted for a period of one and two months.

The patients were treated using various methods including antipsychotics and steroids, but only 12 out of the 24 made a full recovery. The remaining suffered from “residual symptoms such as decreased emotional expressions, low affect, or residual psychotic symptoms.”

In one case, the patient reported a positive COVID-19 test result. “Previous studies have shown that individuals with documented comorbidities and a history of COVID-19 infection exhibit a statistically significant increase in adverse events following vaccination,” the study noted.

Researchers speculated that inflammatory conditions following vaccination may be a reason behind the psychosis. The study found elevated C-reactive protein levels and mild to moderate leukocytosis—high white blood cell count—as the most common blood abnormalities. Both conditions have links with inflammation.

Another hypothesis suggested in the study was that post-vaccination psychosis could suggest a manifestation of autoimmune anti-NMDA encephalitis, a condition in which the immune system targets the brain neurons by mistake and causes inflammation.

Researchers noted that instances of anti-NMDA encephalitis have been repeatedly reported after vaccinations against infections like influenza, pertussis, yellow fever, and typhus.

“Considering the potential link between post-vaccination psychosis and autoimmune anti-NMDA encephalitis, it is advisable to consider immunological screening in individuals presenting psychiatric symptoms post-COVID-19 vaccination.”

A third possible reason suggested in the study is that the various speculations and uncertainties regarding the safety of COVID-19 vaccines could lead to people experiencing “significant stress,” which could end up triggering the development of psychiatric reactions.

The authors received financial support for the review, with the article-processing charge funded by Riga Stradins University, Latvia. Researchers declared no conflicts of interest in the study.

Post-Vax Psychosis Cases

Episodes of psychosis after taking COVID-19 shots have been detailed in several case studies. In one instance, a 15-year-old boy from Taiwan was sent to hospital two days after taking the second Pfizer shot. He was screaming and exhibiting agitation and uncontrollable limb stretching.

Other bizarre behaviors included sitting up and lying down frequently. The child was prescribed antipsychotics yet his behaviors continued to persist after being discharged for more than a month.

The doctors then put the boy under a steroid regimen, which is anti-inflammatory and helps calm down an overactive immune system. His symptoms then improved.

In another case from Brazil, a woman in her 30s, who was previously healthy, developed refractory psychosis within 24 hours of taking an mRNA COVID-19 shot. The woman had disorganized thoughts, was aggressive, and believed she was being persecuted at the hospital.

Even though she was treated with mood stabilizers and antipsychotics, her behavior showed improvements only after four months of hospitalization. However, her psychosis continued.

A May 2022 review described the case of an 18-year-old woman who developed psychotic symptoms on the same day she took the first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine.

“Symptoms started few hours after the vaccination with irrelevant talk. Over the next three days, it progressed to irritability, delusions of persecution and reference, and visual hallucinations.”

Another case study detailed the situation of a 45-year-old woman with no family history or personal history of mental disorders who ended up developing psychosis a month after she received a COVID vaccine. She quit her 18-year-old job abruptly and displayed erratic behaviors.

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