"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Friday, May 17, 2024

Hamas War > IDF constructs 8th field hospital in Gaza - Bizarre behaviour for genocide army; Who is the real enemy of the Gazan people? Shani Louk's body found in Rafah


Military says it coordinated establishment of new field hospital in central Gaza

by Emanuel Fabian, Times of IsraelMay 11, 2024:

The Israeli military and Defense Ministry’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) announce that they have coordinated the establishment of a new field hospital in the central Gaza Strip, run by the International Medical Corps aid organization.

The hospital was built in the Deir al-Balah area, and began operations in recent days, according to the IDF.

“This coordination is a further part of the IDF and COGAT’s humanitarian efforts to ensure aid, including medical aid, reaches the Gazan civilian population,” the military says in a statement.

Israeli authorities say they coordinated the entry of 150 international medical staff and equipment, including medication, beds, food, water, tents and other materials for the field hospital.



Elder of Ziyon comments here: “A really strange ‘genocide,'” 

Elder of Ziyon, May 13, 2024:

Eight field hospitals built in seven months. It is very strange behavior for a genocidal entity hellbent on wiping out all Palestinians.

Israel is sending more aid into Gaza than Egypt. Bizarre behavior for the Zionists who want to destroy all Palestinians….


‘Palestinian’ columnist: ‘We do not want a ceasefire,

we want ongoing war. Victory is at hand.’

How could he think this? He could think that Old Joe Biden and the witless dhimmi leftist Europeans will force Israel to back off, and Hamas will be saved. It could happen.

Palestinian Columnist In Qatari Daily: "We Do Not Want

A Ceasefire But Ongoing War; October 7 Put The

Palestinian Cause Back On The World’s Agenda” 

MEMRI, May 13, 2024:

In his May 12, 2024 column in the Qatari daily Al-Watan, titled “Palestine Is a State, Let’s Continue the Resistance”, Palestinian journalist Samir Al-Barghouti wrote that the October 7 attack on Israel increased global awareness of the Palestinian cause, as evident from the May 10, 2024 U.N. General Assembly resolution that upgraded Palestine’s status in this body and recommended that the Security Council consider granting it full U.N. membership. Al-Barghouti called to continue the resistance “even if Palestine sacrifices millions of martyrs and wounded,” and added: ” We do not want a ceasefire, we want ongoing war,” because “the enemy understands only a language of force.”…

So, the raping, gangraping, child raping, baby beheadings, massacres, torture, kidnappings, mutilations, etc., etc., were a good thing in his insane mind. 

And what is the Palestinian cause? It is nothing less than the complete annihilation of Jews from the middle east. What does annihilation of the Jews look like? It looks like Oct 7th, a thousand times over.

Do the Palestinians like the idea of being martyrs for the cause of the criminally insane? If so, why are they whining and complaining so much. If not, why don't they do something about it? 

“O people of Gaza, history has never seen a people braver than you, more patient than you [in the pursuit of] the truth, or more generous in sacrificing for the sake of Allah. O our people in Gaza, despite the martyrs and wounded, you are the springboard of the hoped-for national future of the Arabs and Muslims… No matter how deep the wound, we will continue to resist, because this enemy understands only the language of force. Even if Palestine sacrifices millions of martyrs and wounded, we will continue to resist. We do not want a ceasefire, we want ongoing war. Victory is at hand… “

Palestinians, are you reading this? Do you now know who your real enemy is? Wake up!

Who bombs the gates of Gaza preventing food trucks and ships from delivering food? Who steals the trucks full of food for their families and friends of Hamas? Who sells the free food at exhorbitant prices to Gazans and then complains that Gazans are starving to death? Who is willing to sacrifice your lives for their madness?


Shani Louk, symbol of Oct. 7 Hamas savagery,

found dead in Rafah with bodies of 2 other Israeli hostages

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