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Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Antisemitism on Campus > What stupid Western University students are fighting for


When reading this article, keep in mind that Khamenei's interest in Palestinians is not sympathetic, it has to do with Iran's hegemony ambitions in the Middle East. They have significant influence in Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, and Yemen. The first three border on Israel. The last several presidents of Iran have promised to destroy Israel.

Iran: Muslim cleric links US pro-Hamas campus

protests to Khamenei and the Islamic regime 

Whether or not Khamenei’s letters had anything to do with the American campus protests cannot be proven or disproven. But Iran is unquestionably a significant player. What is known is that Iran is a chief funder of Hamas, and that Iran is watching America closely as America stumbles over the pro-Hamas thugs who are holding campuses hostage.

One mistake is captured in this statement:

The Iranian regime’s focus on these events contrasts sharply with its treatment of domestic dissent, where student activists face harsh penalties for similar activities.

The pro-Hamas agitators are not merely protesters; and they certainly are not dissenters fighting for freedom, as are Iranian dissidents. They are a threatening menace, backing a savage, terrorist entity that seeks the annihilation of the Jewish state.

Khamenei himself has seized on the protests as a victory for the pro-Hamas sentiment among Western students, interpreting their actions as a global sensitivity to the Palestinian cause.

For Iran, they do represent a “victory.” Many Western useful idiots who join them have no clue what the Palestinian “resistance” is really about.

How America and the West reacts in the coming weeks and months will determine Iran’s next step.

Islamic Cleric in Iran Links US Campus Protests to Khamenei’s Letters

Iran International, May 10, 2024:

An Islamic cleric in Iran is claiming that letters penned by Iran’s Supreme Leader are the driving force behind pro-Palestinian student protests in American universities.

Ahmad Alamolhoda, is a close associate of Khamenei’s and father-in-law to the country’s current President Ebrahim Raisi.

The cleric claims that the protests on American university campuses today are a result of Khamenei’s letters to Western youth in 2014 and 2015.

Alamolhoda, who is known for his violent rhetoric, once said that the British Ambassador to Iran should be “chopped into pieces”.

The protests on US campuses have garnered significant attention inside Iran and are often portrayed by the regime’s media outlets as a form of validation of their anti-Western stance.

The Iranian regime’s focus on these events contrasts sharply with its treatment of domestic dissent, where student activists face harsh penalties for similar activities.

The discrepancy has not gone unnoticed by the Iranian public, who have criticized the regime’s apparent hypocrisy.

Khamenei himself has seized on the protests as a victory for the pro-Hamas sentiment among Western students, interpreting their actions as a global sensitivity to the Palestinian cause….

Hamas is one of the major shock-troops of Iranian hegemony. They are beginning to make their presence felt in Lebanon and will probably take over the West Bank and Golan Heights from the Palestinian Authority in the next year or two. 

Campus Hamas protestors are therefore, fighting for Iran, who are not just trying to eliminate Israel, but are trying to overthrow Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. Then all will be united under Sharia Law, Ayatollah Khamenei's interpretation.

That means women will be largely uneducated and invisible and eligable for marriage at a young age. Girls who rebel against the invisablilty law are fair game for arrests, beatings, torture, rape, and murder. 

This is ultimately what stupid western university students are fighting for.


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