"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Islamic Insanity > Mohamed's gang kills 2 prison guards, seriously injure 3 more; Insane Imam preaches to fools in Miami; French Muslim attacks 'unbelieving' Muslim; Surprising revelations from Global Survey


Criminal Muslim migration into Europe isn't restricted to terrorists, rapists, child rapists, gang rapists, child traffickers, etc. It also includes criminal drug gangs, protection and extortion rackets, and murderers. While Muslims make up a small portion of European society, they often make up 50% of prison populations even when European courts go very lightly on many of them. After only 9 years of mass migration, this is a very ominous sign for Europeans.

Manhunt underway in France after gunmen

ambush prison van, kill guards, free inmate

At least two French prison guards were shot dead and three others seriously injured on Tuesday after heavily armed men ambushed a prison van to free an inmate, French police said, triggering a major manhunt.

The orchestrated attack, which comes amid rising drug-linked violence across Europe, took place Tuesday morning at a toll booth in Incarville in northern France. The inmate and the attackers escaped, police said.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said a major manhunt had been launched.

“All means are being used to find these criminals. On my instructions, several hundred police officers and gendarmes were mobilized,” he wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

Justice Minister Éric Dupond-Moretti said two of the injured officers were in a particularly critical state.

“Absolutely everything will be done to find the perpetrators of this despicable crime,” he told BFM TV.

“These are people for whom life means nothing. They will be arrested, judged and punished according to the crime they committed.”

Images on social media showed at least two men in balaclavas carrying rifles circling near an SUV that was in flames. The SUV appeared to have been rammed into the front of the prison van.

Drug crime has spiraled across Europe, which has been flooded with cocaine in recent years. Marseille has been the epicenter of France’s gang violence, with a particularly violent war between trafficking clans.

Local media reports named the fugitive inmate as 30-year-old Mohamed Amra.

A French police source said he was suspected of ordering a murder in Marseille, and had ties to the city’s powerful “Blacks” gang.

Florida: Imam prays ‘Oh Allah,

annihilate the tyrannical Jews’

Note that he didn’t pray for the annihilation of the “Israelis” or “Zionists,” but of the Jews.

Note also that Muslims are told in the Qur’an that they should be the executors of the wrath of Allah: “Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, and he will lay them low and give you victory over them, and he will heal the hearts of people who are believers. And he will remove the anger of their hearts.” (Qur’an 9:14-15).

Thus Kablawi is directly inciting violence against Jews.

Florida Imam Dr. Fadi Kablawi In North Miami Friday Sermon

Accuses Israel Of Organ Theft, Trafficking, Prays: Oh Allah,

Annihilate The Tyrannical Jews, The Brothers Of Apes And Pigs

MEMRI, April 26, 2024:

In his April 26, 2024 Friday sermon at Masjid As Sunnah An Nabawiyyah North Miami, Florida imam Dr. Fadi Kablawi accused the Israeli military of organ trafficking. He said that they are worse than the Nazia, and he alleged that Israel is stealing the skin and organs of Palestinians. Kablawi suggested: “Go and find who is behind organ trading in this country or this world.” He repeated a conspiracy theory according to which Israeli medical and rescue teams that came to Haiti following the 2010 earthquake engaged in organ theft (for more information, see MEMRITV clip no 2370). Kablawi concluded his sermon by praying that Allah annihilates the “tyrannical Jews,” the “brothers of apes and pigs.” The sermon was streamed live on the Facebook page of the mosque.

Dr. Fadi Kablawi: “[Israel’s army] is the most immoral army, Nazis, they are worse than Nazis – and I apologized to the Nazis last week, because these people have been proven to be worse than the Nazis.


“Oh Allah, support our oppressed brothers in Palestine. Oh Allah, annihilate the tyrannical Jews. Oh Allah, annihilate them, for they are no match for You. Oh Allah, annihilate the brothers of apes and pigs. Oh Allah, demonstrate upon them the wonders of Your might. Oh Allah, cut off their seed. Oh Allah, break up their fellowship. Oh Allah, disperse them and rend them asunder.”

Why is this madness allowed to happen in America. Why are Jews not suing this imam and the mosque for all they are worth, which isn't much in my estimation? Why isn't the government shutting this place down?


France: Muslim attacks another Muslim who was

walking in a park, calls him an unbeliever

The victim says: “My mother fought against radical Islam all her life. I am Arab, Muslim but what I saw was not a Muslim.”

Unfortunately, if the victim’s “partner” was of the same sex, as seems to be implied here, brutalizing him would be quite Islamic. A hadith depicts Muhammad specifying the punishment for homosexual activity: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, ‘Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.’” (Sunan Abu Dawud 4462)

In any case, the victim was doing something that made the attacker think that he was not a Muslim, which would make relevant the Islamic death penalty for apostasy, which is based on the Qur’an: “They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper.” (Qur’an 4:89)

A hadith depicts Muhammad saying: “Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him” (Bukhari 9.84.57). The death penalty for apostasy is part of Islamic law according to all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence.

A walker struck in a park in Écully: ‘I had an animal in front of me'

translated from “Un promeneur frappé dans un parc à Écully : « J’avais en face de moi une bête »,” Le Progrès, May 12, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

While he was walking in a park in Écully with his partner on May 8, a resident of Meyzieu was attacked by an individual who allegedly called him a disbeliever. An investigation has been opened.

“My mother fought against radical Islam all her life. I am Arab, Muslim but what I saw was not a Muslim.” Kader, 48, lives in Meyzieu. On the afternoon of May 8, he was walking with his partner and his dog at Parc du Vivier in Écully.

“At one point, we came across a couple, she veiled, in black from head to toe, he in khaki pants and djellaba….

Kader suspects that the fact that his partner is European and he is a typical Arab-looking man is the reason for the sudden and violent attack: ‘I ended up with a bloody nose.”

This is why Islam tends toward extremism. Devout, radicalized Muslims can never tolerate moderate Muslims who just want to live in peace in Europe. Islam, like sin, is progressive.


Finally, Europeans are waking up to reality!...

(Muslim) Immigration Now the Top Concern of Europeans

A recent survey of Europeans reveals that immigration and terrorism, by which is meant Muslim immigration, and Islamic terrorism, has become the top concern of Europeans, ahead of “climate change” and “Russian aggression in Ukraine.” More on this steep rise in alarm over Muslim immigrants can be found here: 

Reducing Immigration Now More Important to Europeans

Than Climate Change

by Oliver JJ Lane, Breitbart

Concern about immigration and terrorism is rising in Europe while “fighting climate change” as a priority is falling by the wayside among voters, research led by the former Secretary General of NATO has found.

A massive global survey of 63,000 people in 53 countries by the Alliance of Democracies Foundation (ADF) uncovers remarkable global trends including falling interest in the Ukraine war, concern about the damage to democracy done by “global corporations”, and growing belief governments only seek to serve a “small group of people”, not the majority. Among these findings is fresh data on the feeling of Europeans on the threats to their continent, and the priorities they have for their governments.

The ADF, founded by former NATO Secretary General and Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen published its annual Democracy Perception Index this week and it reported “many European countries have seen a sharp rise in the share of people who say that ‘reducing immigration’ should be a top government priority”. At the same time, it said, interest in “fighting climate change” was falling.

Common sense is beginning to challenge the acceptable narrative of Deep State. 

While reducing immigration is a priority for just 16 per cent of people globally, it is trending towards 50 per cent in some European states. As a policy area, in Europe as a whole it overtook fighting climate change this year, and is on course to easily overtake promoting economic growth by 2025, leaving only ‘reduce poverty’ as a greater priority for European voters.

This is a remarkable turn of events, not least because many Western governments have said they are pushing for open borders and high immigration levels precisely to promote economic growth. While this is being ever more widelyacknowledged as either a lie or at least misguided, the new report findings suggest even if mass migration was proven to boost Western economies, Europeans may still rather see arrivals cut than economic growth at any price.

Mass Muslim migration to Europe is a huge cost, but even if it were, instead, a net economic benefit, the peoples of Europe want that migration cut, for they understand the threat to their civilization, its art, its literature, its culture, its legal system, its gender equality, its human rights, posed by millions of Muslims for whom the Sharia must be the only law.

While concern about immigration varies across Europe, the countries ahead of the continent-wide trend on calling it a top priority citizens think their government should address included Germany, Netherlands, France, and the United Kingdom. Tangentially, those interviewed in Germany, Ireland and France were at the forefront of people worldwide calling migration a top global — as opposed to just national — issue, while concern about terrorism is also rising in the continent, and particularly in France.

The study may make particularly uncomfortable reading for the Germany government — a left-wing coalition featuring both the establishment-left Social Democrats and the hard-left Green Party — where encouraging migration and radically changing the economy to suit the environmentalist agenda remains top priorities. This ideological drive has seen some remarkable decisions reached, including shutting down Germany’s remaining fleet of nuclear power stations during an energy crisis and a gas shortage [caused by cutoffs of Russian gas during the war in Ukraine].

The idiocy of the far left is costing and will cost Germany a stupendous amount of money for years to come.

As the Germans are now more alarmed about Muslim immigration than they are about the “global climate crisis,” the Green Party should lose support and anti-immigrant Alternative fur Deutschland gain support, and that is exactly what has been happening.

Germany’s Green Party Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection Robert Habeck subsequently claimed nobody had warned him shutting down nuclear power during a power crisis was a bad idea. (As I said, idiocy.... )

While this may seem obvious, further revelations have suggested the minister may even have been deliberately kept in the dark about such things, allegedly to force the policy through, leading into question both his judgement and the malign influence of his aides….

Far left idiots believe the ends justify the means no matter how idiotic.


An amazing admission by the Green Party’s Habeck, the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, that he had no idea that shutting down nuclear power (which is a clean source of renewable energy, but the Greens don’t see it that way; the word “nuclear” scares them, and they limit their list of renewables to solar, wind and hydro power) would cause a power crisis. Perhaps, it has been suggested, he was not informed about the consequences of shutting down nuclear plants, so that he would go ahead with what has clearly been a disastrous policy.

And now, are they buying American gas? They had a source of cheap Russian gas available until their "allies" blew up the NordStream2 pipeline just as it was supposed to start pumping gas. Who benefitted from that? Certainly not Germany, and yet, Germany is turning control of it's Armed Forces over to NATO, those same allies who blew up Nordstream 2. Germany has to wake up to who is playing them before they are completely colonized by either Islam or America.

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