"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Islamization in Europe > Denmark bans burqa in public; Migrants attack cops in Austria; Christian Democrats need to drop the 'Christian'; 2/3rds of German unemployment benefits go to migrants;


Denmark bans wearing the burqa in public

Danish minister calls facial coverings ‘incompatible with Danish values.’

Austria: Muslim migrants attack police officers,

injure six

Should criminal migrants be allowed to remain in the countries where they have settled? Why?

Young thugs injured six police officers in Salzburg

translated from “Junge Schläger verletzten in Salzburg sechs Polizisten,” Salzburger Nachrichten, May 17, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

Several acts of violence by Syrians against police officers occurred on Thursday evening after an official act in Salzburg’s Elisabeth suburb. An Afghan (26) called the police – several perpetrators wanted to steal his cell phone. The police met seven Syrians (15 to 34) on site. When clarifying the facts, they behaved extremely aggressively, resulting in the arrest of an 18-year-old Syrian, in which a policewoman was injured. A 23-year-old Syrian subsequently injured two police officers by kicking them. In total there were four arrests. The quartet were taken to the police detention center. Violence broke out there again – a third, 35-year-old Syrian injured another three officers. Further investigations are ongoing.

Attacks on or acts of violence against Salzburg police officers are anything but rare. In 2022, for example, a total of 212 suspects were reported for (suspected) violent attacks on police officers in the state of Salzburg alone.

These attacks often have very painful consequences for the executive branch: In 2022, no fewer than 69 Salzburg police officers were injured while on duty due to “external violence.”

Why does the government tolerate this madness? Attacking a police officer is attacking the state. They should be deported after a single incident and regardless of the situation in their home country. Protect Austria first, not criminal migrants.


Perhaps Christian Democrats need to change their name.

Germany: Christian Democrats nominate Sharia-adherent,

Erdogan-linked Muslim for local elections

It has reached the point in Germany and elsewhere in Europe where politicians depend on the Muslim vote, and so they don’t dare do anything effective to halt mass Muslim migration, or to stop jihad activity, mass sexual assaults of non-Muslim women, or Islamization.

Every vote is right for the CDU: Pirmasens is fielding hardcore Muslims and DİTİB officials in local elections

translated from “CDU ist jede Stimme recht: Pirmasens stellt Hardcore-Muslima und DİTİB-Funktionärin bei Kommunalwahl auf,” Journalisten Watch, May 20, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

The CDU seems to be entitled to every vote. In the local elections in Rhineland-Palatinate, Akgül Yazici is running for the Christian Democrats in the southwest Palatinate town of Pirmasens. Interesting: The headscarfed Muslim woman is also an official in Erdogan’s fourth column, the DİTİB. The CDU doesn’t care at all about this open Islamization. The main thing is to stay in power.

The DİTİB, the extended arm of the Islamic despot Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Germany, is – thanks to Islamic mass migration – the largest Islamic religious association in this country. Critics repeatedly accuse the store of tolerating Israel-related anti-Semitism and promoting a fundamentalist understanding of Islam.

At least the latter is undoubtedly demonstrated by Akgül Yazici. The Muslim woman, wearing a correctly fitting headscarf, is running for the Christian Democrats in the southwest Palatinate town of Pirmasens in the upcoming local elections. It’s not enough that the CDU is promoting a candidate who wears the fighting symbol of political Islam on her skull. The Turkish-born, 44-year-old Yazici – listed in 44th place – is also an official of the aforementioned DİTİB. The force whose chief, Diyanet chairman Ali Erbas, described Israel as a “rusty dagger stuck in the heart of Islamic geography.” “Zionist Israel,” said Allah Fighter Erbas, “is committing genocide in Gaza with its attacks based on a dirty and perverted faith.”

This is, of course, a Satanic Reversal. A Muslim accusing Israel of doing what Hamas has done and will do again. The dirty and perverted faith is not Judaism. 

The fine CDU should be aware that the Muslim Yazici, who plays local patriots, is a hardcore Islamic official. Because: In 2020, the devotee of Allah ran as the “new chairwoman of the Advisory Board for Migration and Integration”. The local newspaper Rheinpfalz openly wrote at the time that “the aspiring nurse” was involved with the DİTİB. There the association runs the Anadolu Mosque and a cultural center on the parade ground. It was not until April 2024 that Yazici organized a joint breaking of the fast in front of the Johanneskirche in Pirmasens, also as a representative of DİTİB.

But perhaps the CDU is more than aware that Islamization is making giant strides in this best of Germany and that they are just trying to hold on to power and the meat pots for as long as possible. A look at the highly Islamized Gießen makes the conditions clear.

There the Ditib is happy about another Allah hole in the Islamic belly: “We want to start work this summer,” said the Turkish-Islamic society about the construction of a monster mosque. Because the population exchange in Gießen has now progressed so far, the Muslim prayer houses are bursting at the seams and a new mosque for 650 Muslims is to be built there. A community center with a café, a large conference hall, six seminar rooms and 21 apartments will be built adjacent to the mosque. For visitors with cars, the project is supplemented by an underground car park. burst, a demonstration of power is now to take place in the form of a gigantic mosque.

What life is like for the unbelievers in such Islamized areas can currently be seen in Datteln in North Rhine-Westphalia. A primary school there was smeared with “Islamist” slogans – i.e. sayings that come directly from the Koran – and anti-Semitic slogans. First, a school window was smashed. Later, slogans such as “Only Allah is true God” and “No German teacher’s wife has anything to say to you” were sprayed on the wall of the building in garbled German.

Rhineland Palatinate

Two-Thirds of Unemployment Benefits in Germany

Go to Migrants

Wir schaffen das!” — “We can do this” — was former Chancellor Angela Merkel’s claim in 2015, when she opened wide the doors to more than a million Muslim immigrants that year. In other words, “we can integrate these people, we can make them part of our society.” One more bit of evidence that Merkel was woefully wrong in her cheery optimism: it turns out that instead of those Muslim migrants becoming productive citizens contributing to the country’s economy, many of them instead have remained recipients of welfare benefits of all kinds for years beyond what Merkel anticipated. They receive free or greatly subsidized housing, free medical care, free education (or vocational training), family allowances, unemployment benefits (even without an employment record in Germany) and more. It has now come to light that migrants now receive two-thirds of the unemployment benefits paid out by the state. More on this disturbing statistic can be found here:

Two-thirds of unemployment benefit recipients in Germany are migrants as cost to taxpayer skyrockets by 122% since 2010

by Thomas Brooke, Remix News, May 21, 2024:

Nearly two-thirds of German residents receiving unemployment benefits have a migration background, new figures from the Federal Employment Agency have revealed.

The statistics published by the federal agency and cited by the Die Welt broadsheet showed that 63.1 percent of those in receipt of the so-called citizen’s income, or “Bürgergeld,” are of migrant origin, and “most do not have a German passport.”

The German newspaper explained that while employment figures are increasing year-over-year, “because the Federal Republic has long allowed very high immigration of low-skilled people, the number of migrants who are unemployed and receiving social benefits is also increasing.”…

Why did the German government allow in the low-skilled and uneducated migrants, who were almost certain to fail in an advanced economy like that of Germany? These are the people least likely to be hired, most likely to be fired, and consequently those most likely to be unemployed. The Federal Republic could have required would-be immigrants to have attained a certain educational level, or proof of vocational training in certain skills needed in the German economy, but instead the government let in, without distinction, anyone able to make it across the German border.

In 2013, the percentage of the German population with a migration background was 20 percent, with 43 percent of benefit recipients being migrants. Today, 29 percent of the German population are foreign-born and 63 percent of unemployment benefits are handed to migrants….

The foreign-born population in Germany inexorably rises: from 20% in 2013 to 29% today, or a 50% rise in little more than a decade. And there is a concomitant rise in the percentage of benefit recipients who are foreign-born, from 43% in 2013 to 63%— nearly two-thirds — today.

The number of German recipients of welfare benefits has been halved since 2010. The Germans are famously hard-working, unafraid to retrain where necessary in new fields, like solar energy and the production of electric vehicles, so as to possess the skills necessary in a rapidly changing economy. But the largely unskilled foreign nationals seem stuck in a rut of their own making. They are happy to pocket the generous welfare benefits provided by the state, which only decreases their motivation to work. During the same 15-year-period when German unemployment has halved, the number of foreign nationals receiving welfare payments has doubled. Clearly, the Germans have been admitting the wrong kind of immigrants.

Instead of admitting immigrants without distinction, René Springer of the anti-mass migration party AfD says that the government needs to change its immigration policy, to admit only the educated and the highly skilled, who can at once become productive members of the society. The guiding principle, he suggests, is to make sure that the government’s immigration policy does not allow in those who will at once be recipients of the cornucopia of welfare benefits that the generous German state provides. He also suggests that the guaranteed income known as “Burgergeld” should be abolished, as it acts merely as a “magnet” for more immigrants to choose to come to Germany.

The German immigration policy should also take into account those who, experience shows, have the most difficulty in integrating into Germany society. Muslims by and large do not integrate into Western societies; they regard the indigenous Germans as Infidels who, as the Qur’an instructs, are “the most vile of created beings.” How can they, the Muslims who know that they are the “best of peoples,” possibly want to live according to laws and rules set down by such people? They pocket every welfare benefit they can, unashamedly, for they regard those benefits from the German state as a kind of proleptic jizyah.

Here is how Germany might reform its immigration laws:

First, it could insist that immigrants have at least a high-school education, and proof of a marketable skill, such as is needed in electrical work, plumbing, construction.

Second, it could make immigrants ineligible to receive the “Burgergeld.”

Third, it could restrict access to welfare benefits, by prohibiting immigrants from receiving them during the first five years of their residence in Germany.

Fourth, the state should end the policy of family reunification, that has allowed Muslims in particular to bring in their large extended families. No “anchor” immigrants will be allowed to bring in, after they have been admitted, dozens of people who are claimed to be family relatives.

Fifth, quickly deport back to their countries of origin any migrants convicted of a crime, after they have served their sentences. If the sentence is a short one, less than three years, don’t even bother to imprison them; just deport them. That will be punishment enough.

That’s what I would call a good start.

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