"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Monday, May 27, 2024

Islamization in Europe > Muslim Students in Italy Spared Dante; Sadiq Khan's London; Attempted Suicide by cop in Heidelberg

Formatting issues originate at Blogspot. 

Dante's The Divine Comedy is once of the great classics from the Middle Ages, and compulsory teaching in Italian schools. Except for Muslims in at least one school. Why? Because Dante put Mohammed and his brother Ali in Hell. 

Why should Muslims be spared when hopelessly, Catholic Italy requires Italian students to study Dante, who also put at least three Popes into the Inferno?

If Catholic kids can take it, why not Muslim kids? Well, because Catholics don't become hysterical and extremely violent when the Pope, or even Jesus Christ, is blasphemed.


Backlash as Muslim children in Italy exempted from studying Dante

by Nick Squires, Telegraph, May 24, 2024 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

An Italian school’s decision to exempt Muslim children from studying Dante because the mediaeval poet placed Mohammed in hell in The Divine Comedy has sparked a backlash and a debate over cancel culture.

Politicians from both the Left and Right said that Dante was a pillar of Italian literature and that it was unacceptable for children to be exempted from studying his writing because of their faith.

The row broke out after a secondary school in Treviso in the north of the country reportedly allowed two Muslim children, aged around 14, to not attend classes in which The Divine Comedy was being studied.

Written at the start of the 14th century, it is an allegorical poem that revolves around a man’s journey to Hell, Purgatory and Paradise, aided by two guides, Virgil and Beatrice.

In the epic work, Dante places the Prophet Mohammed and his cousin Ali in Hell, where they are tortured by sword-wielding demons.

“How is Mohammed mangled! Before me walks Ali weeping, from the chin his face cleft to the forelock,” Dante wrote.

The exemption was criticised by MPs from across the political spectrum.

‘Shameful case of cultural cancellation’
Simona Malpezzi, a senator with the centre-Left opposition Democratic Party, said it was “deeply wrong” to deprive any pupils of the chance to acquire the “deep knowledge of Italian culture that studying Dante brings. Knowing Dante does not take anything away from children’s religious faith and adds a great deal to their knowledge of Italian culture”.

Federico Mollicone, an MP from Brothers of Italy, the party led by prime minister Giorgia Meloni, said: “This is just the latest shameful case of cultural cancellation. An exemption like this not only undermines our national identity but deprives new generations of formative scholastic study.”



UK: 4 hurt in clashes between Iranian regime

supporters and opponents in Sadiq Khan’s London

Sadiq Khan has been fomenting the “clash of civilizations” for some time. He welcomed in mainly Muslim illegals; then, as crime soared, he focused police resources on “hate.” His focus was selective. In 2018, Khan invested $2,000,000 (USD) in taxpayer money in a police hunt against “offensive communication.” In 2021, he said he personally felt threatened in the UK by alleged “racists and Islamophobes”; never mind the stabbings, bombings and acid attacks that have come to define London.

Meanwhile, “Gaza protest marches involving incidents of antisemitism and support for Hamas terrorism” following October 7 managed to escape Khan’s notice. In February, Tory MP Lee Anderson stated that “Islamists have got control of Sadiq Khan.”, Then Jews started fleeing London in record numbers because of antisemitism. Now that London is nearly unrecognizable, these “Islamists,” as Lee Anderson referenced them, are quite at home in Khan’s London, a place where tensions over the Iranian regime are now playing out. “Reports of disorder at a venue in the west London area of Wembley” came to police, “where an event was being held to mark Raisi’s death in a helicopter crash.” Too many locations in the West are becoming little hubs of Iran, Gaza and the Palestinian territories, thanks to globalist leaders who betrayed their countries.

Four people ended up hurt and one was arrested in the scuffle that broke out between pro-regime supporters and those opposed to the regime. The West will continue to sink, and to reflect the consequences of its nations’ reckless open-door immigration policy. Rule of law, order, and equality for all are becoming attributes of the past.

4 hurt, 1 arrested after clashes between Iranian government supporters

and opponents in London

Associated Press, May 25, 2024:

LONDON — British police say four people were hurt and one was arrested when supporters of Iran’s authorities clashed with anti-government protesters at a London event marking the death of President Ebrahim Raisi.

The Metropolitan Police force said officers were called Friday evening to “reports of disorder” at a venue in the west London area of Wembley, where an event was being held to mark Raisi’s death in a helicopter crash. Protesters had gathered outside the venue and clashes broke out, police said.

The force said one person was arrested on suspicion of violent disorder. Four people were treated by paramedics for injuries that are not thought to be life-threatening or life-changing….

Dying in a terror attack is the highest calling for a Muslim. Mohammed will reward such murderers of women and children a place in paradise where they will be attended to by 72 virgins, according to the Quran.

The Bible suggests something far more horrifying - "where the fire is never quenched and the worm never dies".

German Police Stop Muslim Terror Attack

on Synagogue

One of the Muslim men was shot after attacking a police officer.

We hear a lot of talk about “Islamophobia”, but the proportion of Muslim terror plots against other people’s houses of worship is incredible and a truly global phenomenon. There are so many that all you can do is say, “here’s another one.”

And here’s another one.

German authorities said on Friday that they have arrested two men suspected of plotting a knife attack on worshippers at a synagogue in the southwestern city of Heidelberg, The Associated Press reported.

Attempted suicide by cop 

The pair discussed “the killing of one or more visitors in the attack on the synagogue followed by death as martyrs, whereby the two persons wanted to be shot to death by police,” authorities said in a joint statement quoted by AP.

The two suspects are German citizens, with the 18-year-old also holding Turkish nationality, authorities said. Their names were not released.

One of the Muslim men tried to attack the police.

The 24-year-old, armed with knives, was shot during the search around three weeks ago when he ran towards a police officer and did not respond when spoken to. He was injured. According to earlier statements by investigators, the suspect suddenly fled out of a window with several kitchen knives during the operation. There he deliberately threw a knife at a police officer and ran towards him with other knives.

He was doing what his religion taught him to do. And these two men were far from alone. There is a reason this keeps happening over and over again, and it’s not about Israel or even Jews. It’s about Islam.

The sooner we come to terms with that reality, the sooner we can intelligently address the situation.

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