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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Military Madness > Germany thinks attacking Russian missiles over Ukraine from NATO countries is legal, it's completely insane, but legal


Anneke de Laaf

17 h  · 

Idiots. 😠

Even if it were legal, this would still be fighting on the side of Kiev against Russia. And we all know that the moment that Russia would target these NATO missiles, they could invoke article 5.

MOSCOW, May 19 – RIA Novosti. Attacking Russian missiles over Ukraine with the aim of destroying them from the territory of the North Atlantic Alliance does not contradict the UN Charter and international law, said Nico Lange, a senior researcher at the Munich Security Conference, in an interview with Tagesschau .

“According to Article 51 of the UN Charter, this would be absolutely legal. From the point of view of international law, this is also doable,” he claims.

How can such a thing be legal when the missiles are clearly not aimed at any NATO country? This sounds like a Deep State argument to sell more weapons systems which, of course, will kill thousands more people and drive Ukraine further back into the Middle Ages.

Lange proposed destroying Russian missiles and drones from the territory of Poland, Slovakia and Romania. This initiative will supposedly allow the Ukrainian Armed Forces to move their air defense systems from the western part of Ukraine closer to the contact zone to protect front-line territories, for example, Kharkov, he concluded.

Last week, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported that several German parliamentarians supported the idea of ​​using Western anti-aircraft systems from NATO countries to counter Russian missiles over Ukraine.

As Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov previously stated, Europeans see that the situation is rapidly changing and is fraught with a complete collapse for Ukraine, so they are deliberately escalating tension.

As if that's a good thing! Only the makers of weapons systems will benefit from such an insane idea.

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