"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Islamic Insanity > Islamic hysteria on the Champs Elysee; Britain spending £17billion a year on illegal migrants; German politician fined for quoting official stats


France: ‘By Allah, I will **** you,’ Muslim hits passersby,

injures four cops

The celebration of diversity in France just keeps reaching dizzy new heights of joy.

‘By Allah, I will **** you,’ four police officers injured by a repeat offender

translated from “[Info VA] Paris : « Par Allah, je vais te baiser », quatre policiers blessés par un délinquant multirécidiviste,” by Amaury Brelet, Valeurs Actuelles, May 7, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

A man, arrested by agents of the territorial contact brigade (BTC) for aggravated willful violence after having hit passers-by on the Champs-Elysées, injured four police officers during his police custody in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, this Monday May 6, according to our information.

During his transport between the police station and Bichat hospital, around 8:40 p.m., Skander B. A., 26 years old, handcuffed because he was virulent, struggled strongly, headbutted the vehicle, spit on the police officers and insulted them: “I’m going to **** your mother”, “By Allah I’m going to **** you”, “I’m going to beat you,” “Big s**t,” “I’m going to say that you hit me, you big s**ts.” The pedestrian cameras are then activated.

In the waiting room, the suspect again showers the officers with insults: “I’ll take you down son of a bitch,” etc., then deliberately butts his head against the hospital wall. Held by an arm lock to protect him, he then bit the left leg of a police officer, forcing the latter to strike him lightly in the chest to make him let go. Virulent and unleashed, he tries again to bite the agents who decide to accompany the nursing staff. The doctor declares the individual fit for police custody. Dissatisfied, he tries to hurt himself again.

New outbreak of violence on the way back. In the vehicle, he is out of control and lunges at the police officers with his mouth open to bite and hit them. Two new percussions are practiced. Arriving at the police station, the officers removed the handcuffs to carry out a security search when the individual kicked them numerous times. Reinforcements must intervene. Their injunctions remaining unanswered, the police use a Taser, but nothing helps. A bag of cannabis resin was finally found in custody after a very difficult search.


They should have practiced percussing his teeth down his throat! 

Results: four police officers injured. One suffering from swelling and pain in his right wrist was taken immediately to hospital, the others suffered from pain and a bite. They filed a complaint for violence and insults.

Skander B. A. is very unfavorably known to the services for multiple traffic incidents, drugs, refusal to comply, violence, etc., according to our information. “The police are angry to see this individual still at large injuring four police officers, including one transported to hospital,” fumes a police source.

Islamic insanity doesn't just include the insane things that rdicalized Muslims do, but the insane things that host countries do in defence of Islamic migrants. 


UK: Illegal migrants costing taxpayers

$17,434,060,000 annually

Jihad Watch covered it in March: UK: Illegal migrant crossings of English Channel hit highest level this yearHomelessness in the UK was up over 25%, as the government put thousands of mostly Muslim illegal migrants from the Middle East and Africa in plush hotels, at a cost to taxpayers of $8.5 million USD a day. Many UK military families were reported to have no heat or hot water, while the government continued to do nothing beyond issue empty promises.

The cost to Britons far exceeds the accommodation of unvetted illegals, and it’s steadily rising. There are the costs of processing them, legal costs, welfare costs, healthcare costs, as well as mention security costs, which have dramatically risen. It’s all reflected in the £14 billion (17.5 billion USD) that British politician Dame Andrea Jenkyns noted.

How long can British citizens afford this? Particularly after COVID and the subsequent damages to the economy. Recently, with elections nearing, the Rishi Sunak government began rounding up illegals for deportation to Rwanda, just to make it look as if the government was handling the problem. That, too, cost money, and who knows how much more money is paid out in the myriad deals that the UK’s Conservative government has spent on optics. Failed promise after failed promise have shown that the government intends to do nothing but attempt to deceive the public at any cost.

An aside: there were also no expectations of illegals with regards to COVID vaccinations. Only law-abiding taxpayers faced threats of losing their jobs for refusing the experimental vaccine. They, too, are now footing the bill for illegals.

According to the Migration Observatory at the University of Oxford, “In 2020, the top five most common countries of nationality of people seeking asylum in the UK were Iran, Iraq, Albania, Eritrea, and Sudan. Of all refugees resettled in the UK from January 2010 to December 2020, around 70% were Syrian.”

Illegal migrants cost the taxpayer £14 billion every year,

says former minister Dame Andrea Jenkyns

by Martin Beckford, Daily Mail, May 6, 2024:

A prominent critic of the Prime Minister will today warn that illegal migrants are costing the country at least £14billion a year in public services alone.

Dame Andrea Jenkyns will tell MPs that illegal immigration is posing an ‘existential threat’ to British society and security.

But she will say that it also imposes ‘astronomical’ costs on taxpayers which the ‘vast majority’ of the British public see as unacceptable.

Dame Andrea will cite official figures putting the cost of public services including health and education at £12,000 a year per person, and estimates of the illegal population at up to 1.2million.

‘Even the most basic calculation puts the economic burden on British taxpayers for an illegal migration population of 1.2million at £14.4billion, just shy of 10 per cent of NHS England’s budget for this year. Imagine that as a cash injection for our national health service,’ she will tell a Westminster Hall debate.

In addition, she will point out, the Home Office expects to spend £482million on immigration enforcement this year along with almost £8million a day in accommodation for those who have crossed the Channel in dinghies. The Government is also giving £370million to Rwanda in its flagship deportation scheme, and will give £476million in ‘handouts’ to the French so they can help stop the cross-Channel boats.

‘For too long, the UK has been seen as a free lunch. Study, work, marry or smuggle your way in and soon you are guaranteed a lifelong all-you-can-eat buffet for you and your extended family,’ Dame Andrea will say at the Westminster session……



Germany: Politician fined for publishing statistics showing Afghan migrants have high levels of gang rape activity

The truth is the enemy of the political and media elites, though they claim, via instruments of defamation and suppression such as NewsGuard, to be its guardians and protectors.

Germany: Young AfD politician convicted for publishing

gang rape statistics in connection with Afghan migration

by John Cody, Remix News, May 7, 2024:

Alternative for Germany (AfD) politician Marie-Thérèse Kaiser has now been convicted for publishing gang rape statistics in response to news that Afghan migrants would be moved to her district.

The 27-year-old politician was found guilty in the Verden regional court in Lower Saxony on Monday for “inciting hatred” against local Afghan workers.

She is ordered to pay a fine of €6,000 and being charged €60 a day for 100 days. She will also have a criminal record.

The case relates back to a post from August 2021, in which she made a post on social media, writing: “Afghanistan refugees; Hamburg SPD mayor for ‘unbureaucratic’ admission; Welcoming culture for gang rape?”

The politician linked an article showing that Afghans in Germany feature particularly high levels of gang rape activity. Kaiser was responding in 2021 to Hamburg’s First Mayor, Peter Tschentscher (SPD), who announced that 200 Afghan workers would be arriving in Hamburg. Kaiser protested this decision with her statistics, saying she was concerned about immigration and the potential for rape from “culturally alien masses.”

Kaiser had perhaps mistakenly believed resorting to data would protect her, which shows that foreigners are represented in half of all gang rape cases, according to official government statistics. Afghans’ roles in serious crimes, including rape and gang rape, are tremendously high relative to their population.

The case has sparked international attention, with major X accounts reacting to the news of the conviction, including X’s owner, Elon Musk, with at least two of the posts generating over 40 million views.

Others pointed to statistics showing the vast overrepresentation of Afghans in serious rape offenses.

The AfD politician was defiant during the appeal process, writing on X before the most recent verdict: “My appeal hearing for alleged incitement will take place at the beginning of May. Simply naming numbers, dates and facts is to be declared a criminal offense, just because the establishment does not want to face reality. I will not allow myself to be silenced,” she wrote.

However, despite freedom of speech protections in Germany, Judge Heiko Halbfas still found Kaiser guilty, stating that “anyone who attacks human dignity cannot invoke freedom of expression.”…

Human dignity! Is that what she attacked? I thought it was gang-rapists she criticized. Here, truth is no defence, which means lying is a defence acceptable to the courts. Oh, Germany, wake up before you go down a dizzyingly stupid road again.


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