"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Media is the Message > Genocide is really happening, in Sudan, but who cares?


Unfortunately, the poor people of Sudan don't have an elaborate global propaganda machine that spits out lies at a phenomenal pace, like Palestinians. They can only reveal bits of the truth, which, no-one in the Western media seems the least bit interested in. Is it because the perpetrators are Muslim, and they don't want the world to see Islam in its true light?

World Pays No Attention to Real Genocide in Sudan,

Focuses on Nonexistent Genocide in Gaza

There is no genocide in Gaza. The IDF has done everything it can to minimize civilian casualties. It has dropped more than 14 million leaflets, sent six million messages, made four million telephone calls, all to warn civilians away from sites, and individual buildings — schools, mosques, apartment buildings — about to be targeted. 

Right now the IDF is trying to persuade Gazans in Rafah to leave, in order to be safe when it moves more deeply into the city. So far 100,000 Gazans have moved out of Rafah to safe sites north of the city, as indicated by the IDF, and another 300,000 are right now moving to those sites. That means 400,000 Gazans will have left Rafah in the first week, with the IDF hoping to persuade an equal number to leave Rafah within another few weeks, before it conducts its assault on Hamas combatants in the center. This is a feat that the Bidenites, of little faith, have thought couldn’t be done. Such elaborate attempts by the IDF to lead 800,000 Gazans out of Rafah to safety is no way to conduct a genocide.

Meanwhile, while nitwits on campus continue to denounce Israel

for its nonexistent “genocide,” we learn about the real “genocide” 

in the Sudan here: “UN envoy says world can’t ignore Sudan’s ‘silent war”

Independent, May 10, 2024:

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has warned that genocide is likely to have been committed in Sudan, as the UN’s special envoy to the country has said that global indifference to the civil war has led to a “silent” conflict and famine.

Tom Perriello told The Independent that the world “simply will not engage” with Sudan despite the fact that it has been in the grip of a year-long, vicious civil war. Last April, simmering tensions between its military, led by General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) commanded by Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, broke out into street battles in the capital, Khartoum.

Ferocious fighting has spread to other parts of the country, especially urban areas and the Darfur region. There the World Food Programme (WFP) warned that people are living off grass and peanut shells and that at least 1.7 million people are experiencing emergency levels of hunger. HRW has called for sanctions over the situation in West Darfur in a new report released on Thursday [May 10] that alleged that RSF and its allied militias are committing crimes against humanity and widespread war crimes “in the context of an ethnic cleansing campaign”.

The “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity” are taking place in the context of “ethnic cleansing.” That “ethnic cleansing” in question is being carried out by Arabs against black Africans. The Arabs have not only shot dead tens of thousands of the latter, but also have been destroying their crops and livestock so that they starve to death.

Mr Perriolo(sic) said that, despite the massive humanitarian crisis, soaring death toll and horrific violence, there had only been a “brief blip” in global attention around the anniversary of the conflict last month. Otherwise, interest had died down, with devastating effect.

Please bring more attention to Sudan so that we do not lose the momentum of the last few weeks, which is the first we’ve had in a long time,” he said….

Who cares what happens to the black Africans being slaughtered in Sudan? No Jews can be blamed, so why get upset? Those nitwits on campus have no interest in the blacks being murdered in the Sudan. Even to pay attention to them would diminish attention to the nonexistent “genocide in Gaza” and that, of course, would never do.

Meanwhile, on the nightly news channels all across America, we are daily treated to stories about “famine conditions” that are “just about” to set in in Gaza, though an actual famine never arrives. Meanwhile, hundreds of aid trucks, carrying tons of food and medicine, enter Gaza every day. There is no famine in Gaza, but only a maldistribution of food, because much of that food aid is stolen by senior officials of Hamas, both for themselves and their extended families, and also to be resold at exorbitant prices to ordinary Gazans.

Just like the news agencies, the UN has not devoted a single session to the ongoing “genocide” in Sudan. Not a single protester on an American campus has held up a single sign to deplore what is happening to black Africans at the hands of Arab murderers in Sudan. This real genocide in Sudan gets none of the attention it needs; our collective bandwidth is taken up with the false charges of “genocide” by the IDF in Gaza.

The WPF warned last week that there is a serious risk of widespread starvation and death across Darfur, where at least 1.7 million people are experiencing emergency levels of hunger.”

Leni Kinzli, the WFP’s regional spokesperson, said that the situation in El Fasher, in particular, is “extremely dire.”

She received photos of severely malnourished children in a camp for displaced people in Central Darfur, as well as older people “who have nothing left but skin and bones.”

People are resorting to consuming grass and peanut shells,” she added. “Recent reports from our partners indicate that 20 children have died in recent weeks of malnutrition in that … camp.”

Is there anything like that happening in Gaza? No one in Gaza is consuming “grass and peanut shells.” And even if one were to accept the claim, now being made by so many, that several hundred thousand Gazans “will soon face” (i.e., in the near future, but not at present) famine if more food aid is not forthcoming – and it now is, with hundreds of trucks a day again entering the Strip through the reopened Kerem Shalom crossing (it had been temporarily closed after Hamas killed three IDF soldiers who were policing the crossing) and within a few days, food aid will also be offloaded onto trucks from the American-built pier. Meanwhile, unlike the situation in Gaza, tons of food aid are not entering Sudan, where 1.7 million people are already “experiencing emergency levels of hunger.”

Don’t bother us with Arabs killing and starving black Africans in Sudan. Don’t tell us about the ongoing famines in Burkina Faso and Mali and the severe malnutrition in a dozen other countries where Jews are not involved. We are fixed — fixated — on what the Jews are doing in Gaza. it’s genocide.

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