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Saturday, May 4, 2024

Military Madness > Britain and France determined to escalate the war in Ukraine into Western Europe


I used to like David Cameron. He was one of the first national leaders to actually try to do something about child sexual abuse. But his recent decisions on Israel and Russia has revealed that he is just another Deep State war monger. This is stupidity on a colossal level.

Ex-PM David Cameron says Ukraine can use

British weapons in Russia

May 3 (UPI) -- Ukraine can use British weapons inside Russian territory, former British Prime Minister David Cameron said Friday.

Cameron, currently the secretary of state for foreign, commonwealth and development affairs, made the comments during a trip to Kyiv Friday.

"Just as Russia is striking inside Ukraine, you can quite understand why Ukraine feels the need to make sure it's defending itself," Cameron told reporters during the trip, where he also said Britain would supply Ukraine with $3.75 billion ( £3 billion) annually as long as necessary.

Cameron said it should be up to Ukraine, saying it has the "right" to decide how it uses Western weaponry in its conflict with Russia, which entered day 800 Friday.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stressed the need for more military aid while thanking Cameron for the financial commitment.

"First of all, armored vehicles, ammunition, and missiles of various types," Zelensky said Friday during a meeting between the two, according to the president of Ukraine official website.

Russia cautioned Britain's support could further escalate tensions across Europe.

"This is a direct escalation of tension around the Ukrainian conflict, which would potentially pose a threat to European security," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters in Moscow Friday.

Which, of course, is the very opposite of NATO's stated purpose. Their 'stated purpose' and their real purpose, which is to keep the munitions inventory moving, are two different things.

Peskov was also responding to remarks made by French President Emmanuel Macron a day earlier.

On Thursday, Macron said he was "not ruling anything out" when it comes to sending Western troops to Ukraine, should Russian forces break through the front line.

But if Macron sends French troops to Ukraine, he's ruling out the peace of Europe and revealing NATO as the war monger that it is.


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