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Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Islamization > 0.43% of Saxony's Asylum Seekers actually faced persecution - What a mess Germany is in


Germany's 'Mother' Merkel did so much good for Germany, the people just trusted her. Then she opened the gates and let Hell come in.

In Saxony, only 75 out of 17,484 asylum seekers 

had actually faced political persecution

These aren’t really refugees at all. They aren’t fleeing anything. Why do Germany and other European states feel an obligation to take them in and pay them benefits? Are they deliberately trying to destroy their societies?

Saxony: Of 17,484 asylum seekers, only 75 were politically persecuted

translated from “Sachsen: Von 17.484 Asylbewerbern waren nur 75 politisch verfolgt,” Freilich, April 22, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

Dresden. – A major inquiry from the AfD provides interesting insights into the Saxon asylum seeker statistics. Of a total of 17,484 asylum seekers in 2023, only 75 were recognized as politically persecuted under Article 16a of the Basic Law, which corresponds to around 0.43 percent.

For a further 6,597 migrants, “protected status” was established through other legal means. In contrast, 5,097 applications were rejected. Last year, the costs of migration for the Free State alone amounted to 652 million euros; in 2021 it will be 376 million euros.

This number is particularly interesting because, according to the current police crime statistics (PKS), migrants have definitely contributed to an increase in crime. The number of recorded crimes increased by 12,631 cases compared to the previous year. What is particularly noteworthy is the significant increase in the number of suspects identified to a total of 92,358 people – an increase of 5,143 compared to the previous year. A large part of this increase can be attributed to non-German suspects, who are significantly overrepresented in the PKS. In 2023, a total of 24,313 foreigners were registered as suspects, compared to 19,905 in the previous year. This corresponds to a proportion of 26.3 percent of all suspects.

Hardly any politically persecuted people
Sebastian Wippel, domestic policy spokesman for the AfD parliamentary group, comments on the results of the inquiry. He points out that the vast majority of asylum seekers are not recognized as politically persecuted within the meaning of the Basic Law. This means that considerable costs could be saved if only those who were actually politically persecuted received protection.

According to Wippel, it is particularly noteworthy that of the 73,320 recognized asylum seekers in Saxony, 88 percent only received temporary protection status. This situation requires regular checks, particularly among the large group of people entitled to subsidiary protection, to see whether the security situation in the countries of origin has improved and whether return is possible. He also points out that many European countries have already started repatriations to Syria, while the CDU has been announcing this since 2017 but is not implementing it.

Remember, a number of those who were indeed persecuted in their home countries were Yazidis, Christians, or other groups who were persecuted by some of the very Muslims who are claiming asylum. 


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