"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Islam Hates Christianity > Fulani Herdsmen kill at least 30 more Christians including mother and baby in Nigeria


Nigeria: Muslims murder over 30 Christians,

including a mother and her baby

No Jews did the killing, or can plausibly be accused of doing the killing, and so this news item, like so many others like it, will pass unnoticed.

Mother, Baby among Christians Slain in Plateau State, Nigeria

Morning Star News, April 25, 2024:

ABUJA, Nigeria (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News)A single bullet killed a young mother and the baby strapped to her back, two of the more than 30 Christians killed in Plateau state, Nigeria in the past two weeks, sources said.

In predominantly Christian Kopnanle village, Bokkos County, more than 50 Fulani herdsmen on April 12 attacked unarmed residents, said community leader Farmasum Fuddang.

“The victims include a 12-month-old girl, Peret Sylvanus, who was brutally killed by the same bullet that killed her mother, Mwanret Sylvanus,” Fuddang said in a press statement. “The bullet pierced through Mrs. Sylvanus’ stomach and hit little Peret, who was strapped to her back, killing both of them instantly.”

They were among 10 Christians killed in the village, he said. The assailants slaughtered about 20 other Christians in Mandung-Mushu and surrounding communities, said Fuddang, an attorney.

“Under the cover of darkness, more than 50 armed Fulani terrorists descended upon the villages of Mandung-Mushu and Kopnanle, targeting innocent, unarmed, and peaceful Christian residents as they slept,” he said.

After the April 12 assaults on Mandung-Mushu village and Kopnanle in Tangur District, the assailants attacked Kopyal village the following day, killing five Christians, Fuddang said.

“The herdsmen carried out these attacks against Christians unchallenged,” he said. “They also attacked Manduk and Njukudel Christian communities, where they injured one Christian, and then proceeded to attack Mandarken village before moving also to Nghahtigut village, where they killed two Christians.”

The attacks also extended to the predominantly Christian communities of Josho village in Daffo District, he said.

“The herdsmen set fire to homes and a place of worship, a church worship building, mercilessly gunning down fleeing Christians while nearby soldiers failed to intervene effectively,” Fuddang said. “These brazen attacks, which predominantly targeted Christians, including women and children, appear to be part of a calculated effort to instill fear and perpetrate further displacement within our communities.”

Fuddang added that in spite of Nigerian authorities “acknowledging that the Fulani were responsible for the six-day attack that claimed the lives of over 300 Christians last Christmas Eve, no effort has been made by Nigeria government to curtail these attacks.”…

Of course not! The government is largely complicit in the genocide of Christians in Nigeria.


Plateau State, Nigeria

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