"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Sunday, May 19, 2024

European Politics > Netherlands to move Israeli embassy to Jerusalem; Germany's SPD selling their soul and the country


No confirmation on this X-post, so take it with a grain of salt.

But it sounds good. Insiders say it will be weeks before

the new Dutch government begins to rule.

Tony Vineberg

3 d  · 

Announcements: Netherlands will move embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

The largest opposition party in the Netherlands is now the largest party

• There will be strict border controls

• Abolishing asylum permits of indefinite length

• Deportation of criminal refugees

In addition:

• Lower health insurance deductibles (Private mandatory insurance)

• Lower excise duties on energy

• Lower energy tax

• Ban on prioritizing status holders for housing

• Easing government restrictions on farmers and fisherman

• Where possible, allow drivers to drive 130 km throughout the country

Germany: Far-left Social Democratic Party (SPD)

is executing Islamization

When Germany is an Islamic state, they can look back and congratulate themselves about how they defeated the “racists.”

Extremist networks in the SPD: Reds are executing Islamization

translated from “Extremisten-Netzwerke in der SPD: Rote Vollender der Islamisierung,” Journalisten Watch, May 18, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

The Social Democratic Party (SPD) has not only become one of the main drivers of Islamic mass migration, but also a haven for Islamists. This is the result of research by “Apollo News.” Already during the Hessian state election campaign in September, SPD top candidate and Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser appeared happy and unconcerned with the local Frankfurt SPD politician Mustapha Lahmjahdi. Faeser was apparently unaware of or did not care about his links to the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafist scene. However, this is certainly not an isolated case. SPD politicians frequent radical Islamic groups, while their members hold high positions within the party and the migration business.

In addition to Lahmjahdi, Frankfurt member of the SPD Mohamed Seddadi was also a member of the association ‘TUN e. V.’ (Toleranz Und Nähe -Moschee Frankfurt e.V – Attassamuh Moschee), which was monitored by the Hessian Office for the Protection of the Constitution and was in turn a member of the German-Islamic Association, which was dissolved in 2019. Seddadi is also a member of the municipal foreigners’ representation of the city of Frankfurt am Main, managing director of the Islamic Community Frankfurt e.V. (Abu Bakr Mosque) and coordinator of the Coordination Council of Mosques in Frankfurt (KRMF). In 2014, Seddadi took part in a training course organised by the European Institute for Human Sciences (EIHW) in Frankfurt, which, according to the Hessian Office for the Protection of the Constitution, is a ‘cadre factory of the Muslim Brotherhood’. The certificate of participation was awarded to him by Sheikh Dr Abdullah Al-Judai, the current chairman of the European Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR), an organisation controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood, in which the ‘Islamic Community Milli Görüs e. V.’ (IGMG) is also part of and which maintains contacts with the Turkish Islamo-fascists of the Grey Wolves.

Abdassamad El Yazidi, also a member of the SPD, also maintains contacts with the Grey Wolves and was once a member of the Foreigners’ Advisory Council in Riedstadt (North Rhine-Westphalia). He is also frequently appearing in the media and has appeared on TV programmes such as ‘Hart aber fair’. When asked by ‘Apollo News’, the Riedstadt SPD said that El Yazidi was no longer a party member and that they knew nothing about his contacts with the Grey Wolves. The SPD in Plochingen did not want to comment on its member Davut Özyurt’s contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood. Three SPD members from the ‘Türk Federasyon’ association, one of the three large umbrella organisations of the Grey Wolves, are standing as candidates in the local elections in June. SPD member of the Bundestag Gülistan Yüksel also maintains contacts with the organisation as well as with the Union of European Turkish Democrats (UETD) – now renamed the Union of International Democrats (UID) – a lobby organisation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. This also applies to SPD politicians from Hamburg and Bremen, where they also declined to comment when asked. In Duisburg, four SPD representatives are associated with the Turkish-controlled mosque organisation DITIB.

And that is by no means all. A large number of SPD politicians are closely associated with various radical Islamic groups and are also often members of foreigners’ councils and other bodies through which they can exert influence. The party does not want to know anything about any of this. The Frankfurt SPD reacted particularly sensitively to enquiries from ‘Apollo News’. Because of alleged ‘multiple tendentious reports’, they did not want to comment and asked for ‘compliance with basic journalistic principles’ – which the SPD apparently only understands to mean favourable reporting. All in all, this shows how much the party is now seen as a useful idiot for those completing the Islamisation of Germany. People join the party and then allow themselves to be channelled into the countless committees and associations of the asylum system, where they can have a big impact at local level. You can then be celebrated in election campaign photos as an example of successful integration and present yourself as a pillar of this country. The SPD obviously doesn’t want to see this perfidious game – or, more likely, it is already so undermined that it no longer sees it as a problem.


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