"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Islam hates Christians > Muhammad pushes Christian woman into machine, cut's off her ear; Someone in France beheads Virgin Mary statue again


No such thing as justice for Christians in Pakistan. You should all leave! Abandon the godless country to Satan.

Pakistan: Muslim pushes Christian employee

into chaff cutter, tearing off her ear, she is denied justice

Christians are always at risk in Pakistan. Muslims such as Muhammad Mustafa know that the authorities will side with them. They can abuse Christians with impunity.

Justice Denied Christian Woman Cast into Chaff Cutter in Pakistan

Morning Star News, May 15, 2024:

LAHORE, Pakistan (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) Saima Bibi was serving tea to guests at her quarters in Punjab Province, Pakistan when her Muslim employer dragged her outside and pushed her towards an electric chaff cutter, tearing off her ear and cutting most of her scalp, her husband said.

The 24-year-old Christian mother of two children was working last month with her husband, Shahzad Masih, on the farm of two Muslim landlords in Ram Diwali Chak No. 6 village, Faisalabad District, he said. Relatives had come to visit them on April 12, the third day of the Muslim festival of Eid Al-Fitr, Masih said.

His wife was making tea for them when one of the landlords, Muhammad Mustafa, arrived and rebuked them for not cutting fodder for the cattle, he said.

“I immediately got up and started to cut the fodder in the electric chaff cutter, but as soon as my wife came outside to give me tea, Mustafa started hurling abuses at her and told her to get to work,” Masih told Christian Daily International-Morning Star News. “When Saima said that she’ll begin work in 10 minutes, Mustafa pulled her from the hair and pushed her towards the chaff cutter, causing her to fall and hitting her head in the running machine.”

Besides the wounds to her right ear and the skin of her head, the chaff cutter also injured her right eye, he said.

“Blood started gushing out of Saima’s head, and she screamed and cried in pain,” Masih said. “Seeing her in a bloody mess, Mustafa fled the scene.”

Her cries brought a large number of villagers to the site, including the other Muslim landowner, Muhammad Imran, who took her to a hospital in his car, Masih said. Upon reaching Government Allied Hospital, however, Imran warned them not to tell anyone how she had been injured.

“Imran threatened me with even more serious consequences if we did not say that the incident was the result of an accident,” he said. “Saima was in great pain, and naturally my priority was to get her treated immediately. The doctors gave her first aid and shifted her to the plastic surgery ward, where she’s still under treatment.”

The impoverished Catholic laborer said that on April 24 he tried to file a case against Mustafa with the Nishatabad Police Station in Faisalabad, but officers refused to accept it….

France: Statue of Virgin Mary beheaded and

fire set in Sainte-Thérèse church in Poitiers

Leftists have in recent years indulged in several orgies of destroying statues, but their favored method of destruction is pulling them down, not beheading them. Still, a Leftist may have done this, but could it have anything to do with the introduction into France of a large population of people who believe that Christianity is a false religion and that they are commanded to fight unbelievers so that Allah may punish them by the hands of the believers (cf. Qur’an 9:14-15), and that they should behead the unbelievers (cf. Qur’an 47:4)?

Could it have anything to do with the Qur’an’s suggestion that the destroyed remnants of ancient non-Muslim civilizations are a sign of Allah’s punishment of those who rejected his truth? “Many were the Ways of Life that have passed away before you: travel through the earth, and see what was the end of those who rejected Truth.” (Qur’an 3:137) The ruins of non-Muslim civilizations thus bear witness to the truth of Islam. What ensues from that idea? The creation of more ruins.

Or is this the work of Leftists who are unwittingly (or knowingly) advancing the same agenda as that of the Islamic State and the Taliban?

Vienne: a fire started in a church in Poitiers and a desecrated Virgin

translated from “Vienne : un incendie allumé dans une église de Poitiers et une Vierge dégradée,” La Nouvelle République, May 15, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

Firefighters intervened at the Sainte-Thérèse church in Poitiers, this Tuesday, May 14, 2024, for an arson attack.

Who is targeting the Sainte-Thérèse church in Poitiers? The religious building has now been attacked for the second time, marking another extreme.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 in the morning, benches gathered in a pile were set on fire in front of the choir.

Father Albert opened the church Tuesday morning around 8:30 a.m., without noticing anything unusual.

“The church was full of smoke”
“I had an appointment at 11 a.m. with a person for fire safety,” says the delegate in charge of material life. “We opened the sacristy and when I wanted to join the choir, he told me not to come. The church was full of smoke. As he is a former Paris firefighter, he took the necessary measures. »

The firefighters intervened with significant resources, the start of the fire was quickly brought under control and the benches and chairs, set on fire and partially charred, were taken out of the church.

Already targeted for early 2022
A statue of the Virgin, located on the side of the choir, was the victim of vandalism. She was found with her head severed. Like two years ago. It had since been repaired.

In 2022, in addition to this statue of the Virgin, there are figurines that had been broken.

A company must come on Wednesday May 15 to establish an estimate for cleaning soot on the walls, floor and works.

A complaint will be filed by the diocese, private owner of this church, built after the law of 1905 returning religious buildings to the heritage of the municipalities or the State.

The church was closed to the public and the religious burial ceremony which was planned for Wednesday was moved to Migné-Auxances.

(1) The diocese, the City of Poitiers and the National Rally, each denounced this damage in a press release and provided their support to the community of parishioners attending this church.

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