"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Friday, July 5, 2024

Have you ever heard anything so stupid in your life? > ‘Queer liberation is Palestinian liberation’

There is only one country in the Middle East that allows Pride Parades and that is Israel. The rest of the Muslim dominated Middle East does not allow gay or lesbians in any way, shape or form. So, why do LGBTQetc identify with people who would murder them in a heartbeat, against a country where they actually have rights and freedom? Astonishing stupidity!

Canada: Fredericton Palestine Solidarity

is Pride Parade Grand Marshal, 

‘queer liberation is Palestinian liberation’

Yet again, gay activists supporting “Palestine” (which hates them) are out making a spectacle of themselves, this time via Fredericton Pride in New Brunswick, Canada:

Fierté Fredericton Pride is happy to announce that Fredericton Palestine Solidarity is our Grand Marshal for our Pride Parade taking place on Sunday, July 21st at 3pm.

We believe, as Fredericton Palestine Solidarity does, that queer liberation is Palestinian liberation

Fierté Fredericton Pride stands in solidarity with UNB (University of New Brunswick) students, faculty, alumni and staff activists asking for the university to disclose and divest from all Israeli investments and partnerships, as well as those with any arms manufacturers..

“UNB” is the University of New Brunswick, which cowardly rushed to distance itself from Israel in May under questioning about its investments in Israel. Its administration stated that “currently UNB does not have any active partnerships with Israeli institutions” except for “a small fraction of its endowment” in Israel-based companies.

The Queers for Palestine movement is so antisemitic that it’s “forcing LGBTQ+ Jews back into the closet,” according to a Jerusalem Post report. Compounding the issue in Fredericton is taxpayer-funded government support.

Among the sponsors’ logos presented at the upcoming Fredericton Pride event are those of the Government of Canada and the city of Fredericton.

The city of Fredericton is represented by Liberal MP Jenica Atwin.

The province of New Brunswick, however, is governed by Premier Blaine Higgs of the Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick, which issued a statement in January about rising antisemitism after an attack on a Fredericton synagogue. Conservative Minister of Justice and Public Safety Kris Austin stated:

There is no place in New Brunswick for antisemitism. I want to express my support to the Jewish community and assure them our department has already engaged with local police to offer support and any needed assistance as they investigate.

Since October 7, we have seen a horrific rise in antisemitic and Holocaust-denying activity both online, and in streets across Canada and around the world.

The Palestinian cause and “resistance” is packaged under the anti-racism banner, and is fuelling the rise in antisemitism. Its organizers know how to harness and manipulate Western wokesters, while concealing the truth about how Palestinians view gays, as well as the fact that the “resistance” is aimed at annihilating Israel from the River to the Sea.

The truth is that gays are despised, scorned, and utterly rejected among Palestinians. They are under threat of violence. It is only in Israel that the gay community can live in peace, including Palestinian gays. 25-year-old Ahmad Hacham Hamdi Abu Marakhia, a gay Palestinian, “was kidnapped and brutally beheaded in Hebron.” His body was then paraded through the streets of a Palestinian neighborhood. The incident happened three months after a prominent sermon by Al-Aqsa Mosque Islamic scholar and cleric Imam Mohammed Saleem Ali, who stated passionately:

The Palestinian people will not allow a single homosexual on our land; such perversion brings the wrath of Allah on us all.

Mohammed Saleem Ali also discussed the “killings of female students in the Arab world, saying that this is a result of the ‘immorality’ of mixing the male and female students in universities.”

Gay-hatred is not the exception among Palestinians. It’s the rule. Crowds attending Friday prayer at al-Aqsa reach tens of thousands. During Ramadan, over 250,000 have attended.

So what do Western gays supporting “Palestine” really think they’re doing? Western gays who support a “free Palestine” from the River to the Sea are being played for fools. Just days ago in Halifax, Canada, two lesbians who were merely celebrating a birthday night out were beaten up by a group of Muslim men.

Since Fierté Fredericton Pride members are supporting Fredericton Palestine Solidarity as the “Grand Marshal for our Pride Parade,” why host such an event in the Palestinian territories, since “Queer liberation is Palestinian liberation” in their view? They certainly won’t have any problems raising funds and publicity for such an event. 

In Western countries, pro-Hamas gay activists face gentle opposition in response to their antisemitism such as petitions like this one — click HERE. Just imagine what they’d face if they took their anti-Israel activism in a gay pride parade to the Palestinian territories, exhibiting their full flamboyance, rainbow flags and Palestinian flags.

Their rabid and blind support of the Palestinian “resistance” isn’t reciprocated.

It must be quite a joke in Islam. How stupid can those westerners be?

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