"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Worst Olympics Ever and they are only 5 days old > "La Cene Sur La Scene Sur La Seine"


OK '72 were the worst Olympics ever, but '24 is a very close second. Not only did they start it off with a parody of the Last Supper (it was actually named "The scene on the Last Supper on the Seine" -  "La Cene Sur La Scene Sur La Seine"), but the hateful actions of antisemites, and the disgusting boxing display of a man beating up a woman are just intolerable. 

Slovakia to boycott ‘degenerate’ Olympics which

‘abused the beauty of sport’

The cowardly, “degenerate” elements among the woke would never risk mocking Islam before the world at an Olympic event, as they did Christianity. They went over the top to smear Christianity in a foul parody of the Last Supper, featuring a salacious display of a scantily dressed man with drag queens prancing about around him. World leaders slammed Paris for the gross indiscretion. Among them was Slovakia’s Deputy Prime Minister Tomas Taraba, who was to represent Slovakia at the closing ceremony, but has now declined to do so.

The abomination was a full exhibit of unvarnished wokeism that Christians are expected to tolerate, since Christians are safe targets.

’Disgraceful’: Slovakia’s deputy premier to boycott

Olympics closing ceremony over Last Supper parody

by Talha Ozturk, Anadolu Agency, July 29, 2024:

Slovakia’s deputy prime minister said he will not participate in the closing ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics over the controversial Last Supper parody during the opening of the games last week.

The organizers of the Olympics in Paris prepared the abomination for the world a performance full of LGBT ideology and an insult to the symbols of Christianity, Tomas Taraba said in a Facebook post on Sunday.

“I was supposed to represent Slovakia at the closing ceremony, but for the normal world, this Olympics will forever remain a symbol of degenerate decadence, which abused the beauty of sport and turned it into progressive political theater. Therefore, I decided not to participate in the closing ceremony,” he added.

The performance on Friday, led by drag queens and dancers, drew significant backlash from the Christian world, who said it was disrespectful to religious beliefs. Organizers have apologized for the performance.…

The Theater of the Absurd

It was also disturbing to me that as the drag queens and other characters danced lustily around the stage, there was a child in their midst. 

They also showed the beginning of the torch relay in Athens when a woman prayed to Zeus and other deceased demigods. The real God is a jealous God and will not easily forget the blasphemy.

Then there was the matter of a Muslim judo wrestler who refused to shake the hand of a Jew. He should have been disqualified if the games had any integrity left.

The next day, as the Israeli national anthem was played, hundreds of people yelled out "Heil Hitler" and waved Palestinian flags.

Then today, a vicious man, almost certainly Muslim, beat up a young Italian woman in an absurd boxing match.

While I feel sorry for the athletes, most of them, I cannot for the life of me bring myself to watch these games. I catch the odd highlight, other than that, I stay away from them.


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