"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Bangladesh Convulsions > Will it go full-on Sharia? One village outlaws music as Islam forbids it


The violent coup in Bangladesh performed by students has left the predominently Muslim country in a state of chaos. What it will look like when it emerges from these convulsions has yet to be seen, but it's a good bet that it will become more devoutly Muslim, like Pakistan or even Afghanistan. 

Bangladesh: Islamic group calls for Sharia:

‘We want this country should adhere to Islam’

“If Islamic law is implemented, everyone will have rights in the form of justice. We shall base our decisions about music on what is permissible in Islam. We don’t like art or music. We will oppose it. I’ll strongly speak against it.”

Think of what great human achievements will be lost forever as Sharia spreads.

Islamist outfit Hefazat-e-Islam calls for Sharia Law in Bangladesh:

Read about the extremist group that was behind the 2021 anti-Modi protests

OpIndia, August 19, 2024:

Vice President of the Islamist organisation Hefazat-e-Islam (protector of Islam) Bangladesh, Muhyiddin Rabbani, recently stoked controversy when he argued that the nation should adopt Islamic law as opposed to its current legal and constitutional structure, a long-standing objective of the outfit. Notably, the country has grappled with violent anti-quota protests followed by multiple targeted attacks on minority communities and their religious places, especially Hindus by extremist forces after former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned on 5th August. Rabbani made it explicit that they intended to create an Islamic state in Bangladesh. According to him, an Islamic government would safeguard Islam and its precepts while also bringing justice to the populace.

Rabbani highlighted that Pakistan was formed in the name of Islam, insinuating that Bangladesh was earlier a part of the country before it gained independence in 1971.

“Islam was the basis of the creation of Pakistan. Pakistan was created for Islamic rule. We are Muslims and the majority in Bangladesh. We want this country should adhere to Islam and our demand is which is genuine. When we gained freedom, Muslims claimed that this country would be governed by Islam and we continue to seek the same. Islam even considers the rights of non-Muslims which is not the case in any other religion.” (Pffft!!!) However, the miserable condition of minorities, particularly Hindus in the neighbouring Islamic states of India proves otherwise. He also alleged that no one was persecuted in the days of Prophet Muhammad. (Truth has no place in Islam).

When countered with reports of assaults on Hindus, their properties and temples in several parts of Bangladesh since 5th August, he claimed that the outfit appealed to the politicians to protect the temples and churches in the country. Raabbani who studied in India’s Deoband, in a further demonstration of the maximalist ideology of the group, referred to the Ahmadiyya community as Kufar or Kafir (infidels), akin to demands of radical outfits in Pakistan. He declared, “We do not consider Ahmadis as Muslims. They are infidels,” as he reiterated that Hefazat-e-Islam wants Bangladesh to remain a part of the Islamic system. He even had a message for Indian Muslims urging them to live peacefully with Hindus, “The message to Muslims in India is that you are our neighbours. You are our sincere brothers. Live in harmony with Hindus as we live in Bangladesh,” he claimed, to downplay the oppression of Hindus by jihadis in Bangladesh.

Meanwhile, he insisted that India is already ruled by Hindus citing its overwhelming Hindu population, adding that it should adopt the same principles as Hefazat-e-Islam wants for Bangladesh. Rabbani defended himself and stated that it was acceptable when it was argued that the Constitution, not any particular religion, governs India. He added that the majority should rule the nation, according to Islam and emphasised that although there are various nations, there is only one Allah.

He clarified that there will be no place for music or arts in the country under Islamic rule, “If Islamic law is implemented, everyone will have rights in the form of justice. We shall base our decisions about music on what is permissible in Islam. We don’t like art or music. We will oppose it. I’ll strongly speak against it.” He once again voiced that matters including the Hijab would be subjected to consideration under the Sharia after the country executes Islamic Law.

The outfit even wants statues of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the nation, and other prominent figures to be taken down. Rabbani conveyed, “We will request that the statues built across the country be demolished.” He claimed that while idols in Hindu temples should be preserved, statues of political personalities, especially those associated with the nation’s secular origins, should be demolished. Interestingly, the stance finds resonance with the Taliban, who demolished the Buddhas of Bamiyan to illustrate their aversion to shirk. Shirk in Islam is a sin often roughly translated as idolatry, polytheism or association (with God)….


The question here is, will it catch-on and spread to other villages, towns, and cities?

Bangladesh: Muslims ban music in village Chiksa of Tahirpur,

say Islam forbids it and loudspeakers are causing distress

OpIndia, August 19, 2024:

On 18th August, the Muslims of village Chiksa of Tahirpur Upazila of district Sunamganj in Bangladesh banned music at weddings, birthdays or any other events, as per reports. It has been decided that anyone who plays music or any musical instrument will face legal action. The rule was implemented by the elders of the village.

A report in Desh Rupantor claimed that the rule was introduced as music was being played at high volumes during social events that disturbed the patients, elderly and children in the village. Furthermore, as music is forbidden in Islam, the elders decided to implement the rule that no one would play music in the town anymore. The Hindu residents of the town did not resist the directives.

It is pertinent to note that Hindus are a minority in Bangladesh and have also come under severe attack after the fall of the Sheikh Hasina government. There have been several cases of houses and businesses of Hindus being vandalised, Hindu women being raped, men being attacked and temples being vandalised….


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