"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Islamization of the UK > Muslim mob attacks Birmingham pub as police watch; Dhimmi Brits will soon be paying Jizya to Muslims


How Muslim counter-protesters went from

defending a mosque to attacking a pub

by Albert Tait, Telegraph, August 6, 2024:

It started as a gathering to protect a mosque from a rumoured far-Right demonstration.

But a peaceful counter-protest in the Bordesley Green suburb of Birmingham soon turned violent, ending in an attack on a pub and leaving one pubgoer with a “lacerated liver”.

Sean McDonagh, 51, was punched and kicked outside the Clumsy Swan pub after dozens of men, some carrying Palestine flags, broke off from the main group.

Footage on social media shows Mr McDonagh being punched by a man dressed in a black puffer jacket and balaclava in the pub’s front garden.

Mr McDonagh told The Telegraph he was taken to hospital after the attack and rejected a subsequent apology from the Muslim community.

Muslim men wearing masks and hoods first gathered outside the Village Islamic Centre mosque in the Bordesley Green suburb of Birmingham at around 5pm.

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Waving Palestine flags and chanting “Allahu Akbar”, the crowd had turned out following rumours that far-Right protesters planned to descend on the quiet neighbourhood on Monday evening.

After six days of riots across the UK, in which mosques had been targeted, the young Muslim men had come out in force. One man was seen to be wielding what appeared to be a large bat.

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As the evening progressed, it became clear the reports were inaccurate and no right-wing mob appeared.

But what had started as a peaceful gathering to protect a mosque soon turned into a violent romp through the city’s streets….

Ms O’Toole said: “I was there from the beginning, I can tell you that there was one police wagon parked at McDonald’s and not one policeman got out while I was there. It’s two-tier policing….

The incident also caught the attention of Elon Musk, the owner of X, formerly Twitter, who has provoked a row with Downing Street over how widespread riots are being policed across the UK.

Mr Musk branded the Prime Minister “two-tier Keir” in a comment on X in response to a video showing the protesters attacking the pub.

He captioned the video with the message: “Why aren’t all communities protected in Britain?”

Muslim in UK: ‘Pretty soon, England will be

paying the Jizya to us Muslims’

This is the future for the UK that its political elites have chosen.

“Fight against those who do not believe in Allah or the last day, and do not for- bid what Allah and his messenger have forbidden, and do not follow the religion of truth, even if they are among the people of the book, until they pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.” — Qur’an 9:29

Here is the one place where Muslims are explicitly directed to make war against and subjugate Jews and Christians, the “people of the book,” who once subjugated enter the dhimma, the protection of the Muslims, and become dhimmis, protected (or guilty) people. 

The Tafsir al-Sadi explains: “This verse contains instructions to fight the disbelievers among the Jews and Christians.” Islamic tradition places this command within the context of Muhammad’s attempt to take on the army of the Christian Byzantine, or Eastern Roman, Empire. Ibn Kathir says: “Allah commanded His Messenger to fight the People of the Scriptures, Jews and Christians, on the ninth year of Hijrah, and he prepared his army to fight the Romans and called the people to Jihad announcing his intent and destination.” 

Ibn Juzayy says that this verse is “a command to fight the People of the Book” because of their claims that Allah has a son (9:30). Muslims must also fight them “because they consider as lawful carrion, blood, pork, etc.” and because “they do not enter Islam.” He says that “scholars agree about accepting jizya [a religious-based poll tax] from the Jews and Christians,” and adds that “the Magians/Zoroastrians have been added to them going by the words of the Prophet, ‘Treat them as People of the Book,’” although “there is disagreement about accepting it from idolaters and Sabians.” He specifies that “it is not collected from women, children or the insane,” and that it signifies “submission and obedience.”

The Tafsir al-Sadi adds that the “aim of that fighting” is so that non-Muslims turn over “wealth that is given in return for the Muslims not fighting them and allowing them to stay among the Muslims, granting them safety for their lives and their property.” A hadith depicts Muhammad saying: “I have been commanded to fight against people so long as they do not declare that there is no god but Allah, and he who professed it was guaranteed the protection of his property and life on my behalf.” That is, his property and life are not protected if he does not make this declaration.

Ibn Kathir says that the dhimmis must be “disgraced, humiliated and belittled. Therefore, Muslims are not allowed to honor the people of Dhimmah or elevate them above Muslims, for they are miserable, disgraced and humiliated.” The seventh-century jurist Sa’id ibn al-Musayyab is said to have declared: “I prefer that the people of the dhimma become tired by paying the jizya since He says, ‘until they pay the jizya with their own hands in a state of complete abasement.’” As-Suyuti elaborates that this verse “is used as a proof by those who say that it is taken in a humiliating way, and so the taker sits and the dhimmi stands with his head bowed and his back bent. The jizya is placed in the balance and the taker seizes his beard and hits his chin.” Zamakhshari agreed that the jizya should be collected “with belittlement and humiliation.”


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