"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Islamic Paradox > Playing out in Lebanon; On the BBC; In British Courts


The oft stated goal of Islam is to create a global caliphate under Sharia Law. Politicians all over the world either don't know this or don't believe it with a few exceptions. Consequently, they purposely protect Muslims against their own native people to whom it has become obvious that Islam is incompatible with any other ideology or religion. This is what I call the Islamic Paradox

In this article, Islam declares the end of Christian influence in Lebanon. Last year, Christians were driven out of Nagorno-Karabakh. In this century, Gaza has changed from a strongly Christian influenced enclave to where there are fewer than 1% Christians remaining. This is the work of Hamas! All across the Sahel, Christians are being murdered, raped, enslaved, and driven into refugee camps as murderous Islamic groups commit genocide in country after country.

According to the brilliant Eva Vlaardingerbroek, Muslims are a majority in more than a dozen of Europe's greatest cities, and the mayor of many of them. Sadiq Khan is the mayor of London for his second term.

God, open the eyes of the blind! Forgive the astonishing stupidity.

Pro-Hizballah commentator gloats:

‘Let everyone know that the role of

Christians in Lebanon has ended!’

Watch for similar gloating in the coming decades in Britain, France, Germany and Sweden.

‘Christian role in Lebanon has ended,’

says Hezbollah-affectionate commentator

by Ohad Merlin, Jerusalem Post, August 19, 2024 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

Pro-Hezbollah Lebanese commentator stirred up a virtual storm in Lebanon following a sharp attack against his Christian compatriots in Lebanon, where he claimed that the Christians’ role in Lebanon is over and alleged that American battleships are coming to the region to take them away.

In his controversial rant given during an interview with Lebanon On News, Reda Saad addressed his “Christian brethren in Lebanon,” as he named them, warning them to pay attention carefully to his words.

“I fear that the Christians in Lebanon will face a similar destiny to that of the Afghans when they clung to the wheels of the American planes and are thrown from the sky,” he said provocatively. “I fear that you won’t have an airport or a port [to flee]. And perhaps the foreign warships are coming to take you, to the last of you.”

Saad lashed out against the Christian population in his country. “Unfortunately, did you see where you ended up? You can’t even appoint a president!” he said, adding that the Christian Lebanon “became synonymous with the American and Israeli ones” and accusing them of collaborating with the French mandate and favoring French over Arabic.

“So let everyone know that the role of Christians in Lebanon has ended!” he declared. “You have become a minority in this country, and yet you still hold high positions… Nobody would accept this issue. The next generations will not accept it. They will not accept that the president must be Christian; he must be a Sunni Muslim or Shi’i. We represent the majority in this country, and we want our share in this sectarian regime,” Saad stressed, referring to the ‘sectarian method’ secured in Lebanon following the 1989 Ta’if agreement, which ended the civil war, and in which Christian Lebanese were allocated a majority of seats in parliament in addition to the office of president….

Lebonese Christians have had little or no existential support from the Christian world since Ta'if, while Islam has been heavily supported by Syria and Iran. Why America has largely ignored Lebanon is an unfathomable mystery to me.


UK: BBC features ‘misogynistic, racist and homophobic’ imam

who prayed for ‘victory’ over Israel on Oct. 7

What do you expect? The BBC is nothing if not consistent.

Radical Islamic preacher invited on BBC to discuss riots

by Camilla Turner and Henry Bodkin, Telegraph, August 17, 2024:

‘Misogynistic, racist and homophobic’ imam prayed for ‘victory’ over Israel on Oct 7 and linked rioters to Zionism.

The BBC interviewed a radical Islamic preacher who has been condemned by the Government’s counter-extremism commission and blamed the riots on those with a Zionist “agenda…

How far the great voice of the British people has fallen. The BBC, giving voice to such madness is playing right into the Islamic Paradox. Are they really that stupid, or have they been taking orders from some treasonous oligarch?


UK man gets eight months prison for allegedly

mocking Muslims and making ‘slurs’ against Allah

Authorities in shattered, staggering, dhimmi Britain are impatient. The UK isn’t even a Sharia state yet, and they’re already jailing people for mocking Allah. Maybe they hope their new masters will give them favored positions in the coming Islamic regime.

‘Stirring Up Hatred’ — UK Man Jailed After Mocking Muslims at Non-Violent Anti-Migration Protest

by Kurt Zindulka, Breitbart, August 17, 2024:

A British man has been jailed for “stirring up hatred” at a non-violent anti-migration protest in Leeds, during which he allegedly mocked Muslims and made “slurs” against Allah.

Phil Hoban, 48, the founder of the “paedophile hunter” Predator Exposure group, has been sentenced to eight months in prison after pleading guilty to racial abuse towards pro-Palestinian counter-protesters during a non-violent anti-mass migration demonstration in Leeds on August 3rd, the BBC reports.

The court heard that during the protest, Hoban was seen imitating the way Muslims pray in “order to mock their religion” and had made supposed slurs about Allah. He was also reportedly seen rubbing his lips “towards a person of colour”.

Recorder of Leeds, Judge Guy Kearl KC told Hoban his conduct and that of his group “was designed to stir up hatred.”

Or, was it designed to stir up mirth? How did the Recorder determine one against the other? 

The father of three told the court that he was not racist and claimed in his police interview that he was not chanting Allah but rather making a reference to a man named “Alan”….

Alongside Hoban, James Gettings, 35, was also jailed for eight months by the Leeds Magistrates Court for “religiously aggravated harassment/alarm/distress by using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour or disorderly behaviour” during the same August 3rd protest.

Like Hoban, the court was told that Gettings had mocked the manner in which Muslim people pray.

Gettings reportedly told police that he was “disgusted” by his own behaviour and that as a result, he has been disowned by members of his family. He said that, “three seconds of madness” had ruined his life….

It's hard to defend the actions of these two men, even though both seem to otherwise be men of good character. But do they really deserve prison terms for making fun of something? Will Muslims who make fun of Christianity also be imprisoned? Not bloody likely! It hasn't happened yet.

Now Hoban is likely to be put into a prison with some of the paedophiles he helped arrest. Can anything good come from that?

UK Man Gets 3 Years for Islam Tweet, Muslim Gets Suspended Sentence for Threatening Jews with Knife

The best justice system this side of Saudi Arabia.

The UK under the Starmer regime has the same quality of justice and fair jurisprudence as Saudi Arabia.

A man who posted material on social media to stir up racial hatred during recent unrest across the UK has been jailed for three years.  

Wayne O’Rourke, who had more than 90,000 followers to his X account, posted misinformation about the killing of three young girls in Southport on 29 July and praised the burning of a car in Sunderland.

The 35-year-old, of Salix Approach, Lincoln, admitted publishing written material online to stir up racial hatred between 28 July and 8 August.

Sentencing him at Lincoln Crown Court, Judge Catarina Sjolin Knight told him: “You were not caught up in what others were doing, you were instigating it.”

She added: “The flames fanned by keyboard warriors like you.”

The court heard among his posts on 29 July was a reference to the death of the three children in Southport, alleging it was a terrorist attack carried out by a Muslim.

Was the terrorist not a Muslim? Do we know that for sure? His parents were migrants from a Muslim country and he committed a crime that only Muslim terrorists have committed in this century in Europe. If the terrorist wasn't a Muslim, the far-left British media would have shouted it from the cathedral spires of Canterbury.


The number of Muslims sentenced to anything for posting misinformation about events in Israel or the UK to justify violence is zero. Even driving around in a car making direct in person threats, not ‘keyboard warrior’ nonsense, is no big deal.

Charges of stirring up racial hatred have been dropped against two men who travelled to north London in a “Convoy For Palestine” during the war between Israel and Hamas in May last year.

In the viral video, cars with Palestinian flags were seen driving through areas of London with many Jewish residents, while protesters honk their horns and scream “F*** their mothers, rape their daughters.”

For that matter a Muslim threatening Jews with a knife is practically a victimless crime.

A knifeman who terrorised staff at a kosher supermarket has been spared a prison sentence by a judge.

Gabriel Abdullah, 34, was arrested in January after storming a Golders Green shop with a large blade and demanding to hear people’s views on “Israel and Palestine”.

Though police initially treated the attack as a hate crime, he was charged with affray and possession of a knife.

Abdullah pleaded guilty and has now been handed two concurrent suspended sentences, along with a nine month alcohol treatment requirement.

Reacting to the verdict, Yosef Reitman, who intervened to prevent the attack, told GB News: “When I first heard about the suspended sentence I was utterly surprised.

Speaking to the JC earlier this year, Evyatar Reitman, 48, said he had to fight off Abdullah when he approached them with “hate in his eyes”.

He claimed: “He came to ask about Israel Palestine and seemed to want us to say we were pro-Israel so he had a reason to attack.”

But, I'm sure he wasn't trying to stir up racial hatred!!!  

Reitman’s son, Yosef Chaim, used his martial arts skills to fight off Abdullah.

This isn’t about cracking down on racial hatred, it’s about terrorizing people into keeping quiet about Islamic violence and any opposition to the Starmer regime.


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