"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Islamization of UK > UK's Justice Minister is a Muslim - OMG; West Midlands top cop thanks Muslims, 'No Peace' for far-right Brits


UK: Muslim Justice Minister Promises to Lock Up

Englishmen Who Protest Mass Migration

The convergence of leftist totalitarianism and Islamic Sharia law.

And, of course, a free pass for the Muslim mobs whose presence must not even be mentioned.



Mahmood obviously doesn’t refer to herself. She means those opposed to her ideology.

The Starmer regime, unable to fix the economy or anything else it campaigned on, is going Full Reichstag in response to English protests that broke out after little girls were stabbed to death by a Rwandan thug.

The protesters and anyone who supports them are to be rounded up and arrested. A ‘standing police force’ will be deployed with quick arrests and rapid trials and the regime is polling support for bringing in the military.

It has been a few years so the usual gang is really enjoying bringing back their best imitation of a totalitarian dystopia.


This is going on in the same UK where 6 months of Jihadist riots were tolerated. And are still being tolerated because the Muslim mobs who must not be mentioned are often seen with their PLO flags.




The UK is enjoying the benevolent mercy of the convergence of leftist totalitarianism and Islamic Sharia law in which there is a two-tier system under Kier Starmer and Justice Minister Shabana Mahmood.


‘Salam alaikum’ -  'Peace be upon you'  - traditional Arab greeting

UK: West Midlands police top dog begins remarks with

‘Salam alaikum,’ excoriates ‘far right’

It’s clear that the police in the UK are there to serve the Muslim community, not anyone else. I’ve been warning about the Islamization of Britain for years. Everything I warned of is now happening.

He mentions dealing with the far-right should they be active, but no mention of the Hamas supporters, Jew haters, or jihadists. He mentions the Imam's and other Muslim leaders advising him on the effects of far-right protests, but where are the Christian Bishops and leaders? Why are they not pressuring the police to treat Muslim activists the way they treat British activists? 

He also fails to recognize that many of the 'far-right' activists are not far-right, but simply are British citizens who don't want jihadists murdering little girls, or Pakistanis raping and trafficking young British girls. Such horrors haven't been seen in Britain in centuries. Why the government and police seem determined to protect this madness is madness itself.

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