"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

This Week's Islamic Massacres > 3 murdered, several kidnapped in DRC; 50 Villagers and 20 Catholics shot down in Nigeria; 30 More Christians murdered by Fulani Herdsmen in DRC

ADF Terrorists Kill Three Christians,

Abduct Several Others

International Christian Concern, July 22, 2024:

7/22/2024 DRC (International Christian Concern) — The sounds of gunfire and screams shattered a peaceful night as the Islamist Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) attacked a Christian village on July 16 near Mamove, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The terrorists killed three Christians and kidnapped several others….

The attackers also burned seven homes.

“The army was alerted well before, but it could not succeed in protecting this population,” a civil society leader in Mamove lamented.

While calling on locals and surrounding communities to be vigilant, the Bishop of the Anglican Church of Beni asked the Congolese Armed Forces to strengthen the military units based in the area to gain control.

“As we are praying to God to bring this to an end, we also urge the government security organs to step up surveillance in these volatile zones to protect its citizens from the incessant attacks coming from the ADF Islamic group,” he said….


Nigeria: Muslims murder 50 people in jihad raid on village, 

storm Catholic church during mass and murder 20 more

The establishment media will ignore this because it doesn’t reinforce its narrative. For a story of this kind to be reported in the establishment media, it has to have Muslim victims and non-Muslim perpetrators.

Jihadist Militia Murder Congregation of Believers,

Stuff Local Wells with Corpses

by Mike Odeh James and Olikita Ekani, Truth Nigeria, August 11, 2024:

Leave Trail of 50 Dead in Benue State

(Makurdi) In the late hours of Thursday, August 8, 2024, the world was watching the high drama of the Paris Olympics. American pundits were watching Donald Trump’s Mar a Lago Presser.

But Akika Tsav, a farmer and resident of Ayati village in Central Nigeria, was watching his world fall apart….

“It was around 4:30 pm when I heard the sound of motorcycles approaching our compound,” Tsav told Truthnigeria. “I was by the fireside, preparing dinner for my two kids, when suddenly I heard the staccato of automatic rifles. I knew that sound all too well, having heard it just two weeks prior.”…

“I counted up to 15 gunmen shooting indiscriminately into huts and at people running for their lives. They shot point-blank at anyone they saw, ensuring those shots were killed with a bullet to the head.”

Tsav’s voice cracked as he described the slaughter of his family members. “I watched in horror as my two brothers, my cousin, and her 8-month-old baby were gunned down before my eyes. My mother, over 90 years old, died of shock. The trauma of that day will haunt me forever.”

50 Killed by Gun-Toting Fulani Bikers

Survivors of the Ayati massacre, still reeling from the trauma, have so far counted about 50 lifeless bodies, brutally shot point-blank by approximately 30 terrorists speaking the Fulda language of the Fulani tribe. The Fulani Islamist bandit gangs have been linked to sectarian massacres and kidnapping for ransom for more than a decade.

Ayati Ahangba, another resident and Benue State Government official, recalled it, his voice cracking with emotion. “The terrorists, 30 gunmen, came to Ayati on motorbikes, seeking revenge after a shootout with a military checkpoint the previous day, (Aug. 7)” Ahangba said….

“In a heinous attack, the Fulani terrorists also stormed St. Peter Catholic Church in Ayati, where innocent worshippers had gathered for Holy Mass. “The congregation, unaware of the horror that was about to unfold, was mercilessly gunned down, leaving 20 innocent lives lost,” Ahangba said.

“The attackers, with prior knowledge of the ongoing mass, deliberately targeted their church,” said Terso James.

“They opened fire on the unsuspecting worshippers, killing those who attempted to flee. Their bodies were left to lie in the sacred space where they had sought solace and peace.”…

“They made disparaging remarks about our faith and community, saying we Catholics would pay heavily for not allowing them to graze on our lands. And pay we did! On July 2nd, the terrorists attacked the local church, killing 11 innocent faithful,” Tsav said….

“By downplaying the ethnic, religious, and economic dimension of the carnage, State Department diplomats are appeasing the Nigerian government, misleading Congress, and deluding themselves,” former Assistant Secretary of State Robert Destro told The Epoch Times in 2022….

The survivors of the Ayati Precinct massacre are now facing a new nightmare: a looming epidemic outbreak. Charred and decomposing bodies litter the farms and homesteads, and water wells have been poisoned by rotting corpses….

Islamic Rebels Kill More than 30 Christians in Eastern DRC

International Christian Concern, August 12, 2024:

The remains of more than 30 people were found on July 24 following yet another brutal attack on a Christian community by Islamic extremist Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) in Eastern Congo. 

The bodies, many of which had been decapitated, were discovered in the Batangi-Mbau area of the Beni territory in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Léon Siviwe, chief of Beni-Mbau, said the attack was part of a week marked by escalating violence. The victims were primarily from several villages within the Babila-Bakaiku locality, including Kotanarespe, Nakota, Musangwa, and Akwekwe. 

“These are our brothers, sisters, daughters, and sons who, in the end, have lost their lives because of the ADF, who kill while speaking the Arabic language,” one survivor recalled. “I remember the day when my neighbor was taken and, in the end, he was found dead.” 

Another resident described the emotional toll the attack had on families. 

“The recent killings have shattered our community,” he said. “We are left with empty chairs at our tables and memories that haunt us at night. Mourning is a constant presence in our lives, and the trauma we experience is something that will be passed down to our children. They should be playing and laughing, but instead, they carry the weight of fear and loss….


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