"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

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Monday, August 5, 2024

Islamization of Europe > Viktor Orban explains George Soros' written plans to destroy Europe


When extremely wealthy men are godless, there is great cause for fear. George Soros has a plan to remake the world in his own image. Nothing good can come of it.


The Damn Is Breaking. People in the UK are protesting. People in Britain are storming police guarding an immigration hotel Remember we have UNDENIABLE PROOF George Soros paid off these elected officials to flood America & Europe with illegals The Prime Minister of Hungary exposed the document proving George Soros is largely behind the global illegal immigrant invasion Back in 2015, George Soros published his plan, which is now being implemented across the globe to bring millions of illegals into the United States and into Europe. As Hungary's leader Viktor Orban recently pointed out:” Viktor Orbán “I do remember how Mr. George Soros published his plan The Project Syndicate Publication: First, this is a very clear. In 2015, EU has to accept at least a million asylum seekers annually 2nd, he said, adequate financing is critical, and he proposed to issue long term euro bonds for financing the migration crisis and the migrants social and welfare taking care when they arrive in the European Union.” “I do remember how mister George Soros published his plan in English in a project syndicate publication. It was done 2015, September 26. And he published a plan. He said that he is my I'm quoting, here are the 6 components of my comprehensive plan. — He said that, quoting them, safe channels safe channels must be established for asylum seekers starting with getting them from Greece and Italy to their destination countries, which means to bring them to Greece to Hungary and then have them to go to Ocen. — It was written. It was published. It's known. So we are fighting to get an organized gang called Empire of George Church and NGOs who are just supporting everybody who is transgusting our legal system and our regulation and, uh, financing illegal activity against our nation. So this is this is why the story is not just about migration, but it's about how this European Union is working and how George Soros was able to captive the main positions inside many institutions of European Union Buying out MPs and other leaders and in order to execute the plan, which is written and it's against all the Christian and nation based political forces, it's against us. It's about how to change Europe and how to elevate and push aside all the Christian, conservative, national based political leaders and voters from the European Union decision making bodies. So this is the migration about not just migration”

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