"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Friday, August 23, 2024

Islamization of Europe > Massacre avoided in Sweden with German arrests; Diversity celebrated in Germany - at least 3 dead 5 injured; IS uprising in Russian penal colony - at least 5 dead


Germany: Two Muslim migrants arrested plotting

jihad massacre in Sweden over Qur’an burnings

Jihadists are moving freely throughout Western countries, thanks to globalist leaders who either welcome them or are lax regarding migration. Among these jihadists are aspiring “martyrs” who are ready to murder non-Muslims for exercising their right to the freedom of expression.

As the numbers of thwarted plots continue to rise, citizens become so accustomed to hearing about them that the growing threat is minimized or ignored outright.

German prosecutors charge 2 men accused of planning an attack in Sweden over Quran burnings

Associated Press, August 21, 2024:

BERLIN, GERMANY — Two men accused of planning an attack in Sweden for an affiliate of the Islamic State group in response to the burning of copies of the Quran have been charged in Germany, where they were arrested earlier this year, prosecutors said Wednesday.

The two Afghan citizens, identified only as Ibrahim M.G. and Ramin N. in line with German privacy rules, were charged with conspiring to commit a crime and violating export laws. Ibrahim M.G. was charged with membership in a terrorist organization and Ramin N. with supporting one.

The men were arrested on March 19 near Gera in eastern Germany. Federal prosecutors said they filed the indictment on Aug. 12 to the state court in Jena, which will decide whether and when the case goes to trial.

Ibrahim M.G. is accused of joining an IS affiliate that has carried out attacks in Afghanistan and elsewhere, known variously as ISIS-K, IS-K or ISPK, in August 2023. Prosecutors said that prior to that, the two suspects collected about 2,000 euros (US$2,220) in Germany in donations for IS.

Ibrahim M.G. allegedly was tasked by the IS affiliate in summer last year with carrying out an attack in Europe as a reaction to Quran burnings in Sweden and elsewhere. The two suspects planned to kill police officers and other people near the Swedish Parliament in Stockholm using firearms and made “concrete preparations” in close consultation with members of the group, prosecutors said in a statement.

The two men conducted online research on the location and tried repeatedly but unsuccessfully to procure weapons, prosecutors said.



None of the many media reports on this atrocity attempt to describe the terrorist even though he is still at large. The ear-markings of the attack are obvious, but one doesn't dare suggest what it might have been anymore. You can go to jail for telling the truth, but omitting the truth is no better than lying. Satan is the father of lies and liars. 


Knife attack at German festival leaves several injured, dead

The suspect reportedly remains at large, after randomly attacking festival-goers in the western German city of Solingen.


German media reports have indicated that a knife attack targeted a “Festival of Diversity” held to mark the anniversary of the founding of the city of Solingen, leaving several people dead.

An official death toll has not yet been released, but The Associated Press has quoted local police as saying three people were killed and four seriously injured.

Solingen Mayor Tim-Oliver Kurzbach addressed the attack in a statement on social media, confirming that a number of people had been wounded and killed, though he did not provide specifics.

“This evening, we are all facing shock, horror and great sadness in Solingen. We all wanted to celebrate our city’s anniversary together, and now we have to mourn dead and injured people,” Kurzbach wrote.

“It tears my heart apart that there was an attack on our city. I have tears in my eyes when I think of those we have lost. I pray for all those who are still fighting for their lives.”

The Bild newspaper reported that the assailant had fled the scene after attacking festival-goers seemingly at random around 9:45pm local time (19:45 GMT).

The attack took place at the Fronhof, a market square in Solingen where live music was taking place. Law enforcement has cordoned off the city centre as investigations are under way.

A video circulating on social media appeared to show festival organiser Philipp Muller at the event, announcing that nine people were fighting for their lives after the attack.

Solingen, a city of nearly 160,000 residents, sits in western Germany near its border with the Netherlands, in the North Rhine-Westphalia state.

The “Festival of Diversity” began on Friday and was scheduled to be a weekend-long event, designed to celebrate the city’s 650th birthday.

Russia: Islamic State jihadis take control of prison,

cut guard’s throat, taunt Putin

ISIS fanatics take control of Russian jail cutting guard’s throat and taunting Putin before gruesome siege ends in bloodshed when inmate ‘fails to blow himself up’ and is ‘liquidated’ by special forces along with three others

by Miriam Kuepper, Will Stewart and Elena Salvoni, Daily Mail, August 23, 2024:

ISIS fanatic inmates who took took control of a Russian penal colony, slashing a guard’s throat and forcing maimed hostages to beg Putin for help, have now been ‘liquidated’ by snipers, according to security forces.

Video emerged of knife-wielding prisoners at the ‘harsh regime’ IK-19 penal colony in Volgograd saying they were ‘mujahideen’ of Islamic State seeking revenge for their ‘brothers’ who carried out the Crocus City Hall massacre.

One of the hostage-takers, identified as Rustamchon Navruzi, 23, a native of Tajikistan, is said to have strapped himself with explosives the prisoners made in the jail workshop using petrol and industrial liquids.

The four attackers posted gruesome videos showing them holding a knife to the neck of a terrified guard while other uniformed officials were seen lying on the floor bleeding.

A wounded prison officer – his face covered in blood – was seen in another video being forced to beg Vladimir Putin to intervene inside the Surovikino prison compound.

The hostage-takers reportedly demanded a helicopter, £1.5 million in cash and an air corridor to the southeast in order to leave the country, and threatened to kill the hostages if their demands weren’t met.

But the siege came to a dramatic end as Russia’s feared special forces moved in with Navruzi trying and failing to detonate his suicide vest – before being ‘liquidated’ along with his three fellow attackers.

Video emerged of a prisoner holding a knife to the neck of one of the guards, whose blood appeared to be all over his uniform

In the Kremlin, a pale-looking Putin was seen discussing the crisis with officials.

In their bloodthirsty videos, the perpetrators described themselves as ‘Mujahideen of the Islamic State’, and at least one spoke Arabic, as they said they had seized control of the penal colony they were held at.

Mash news outlet said it is believed the four hostage takers had become radicalised inside the jail.

Russia state media said at least one member of the prison staff is believed to have been killed.

Footage shows at least four uniformed prison officials lying or sitting in pools of blood. Three guards of the guards were lying motionless and one appeared to have had his throat cut….

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