"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life"

Father God, thank you for the love of the truth you have given me. Please bless me with the wisdom, knowledge and discernment needed to always present the truth in an attitude of grace and love. Use this blog and Northwoods Ministries for your glory. Help us all to read and to study Your Word without preconceived notions, but rather, let scripture interpret scripture in the presence of the Holy Spirit. All praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Please note: All my writings and comments appear in bold italics in this colour

Friday, August 16, 2024

Islamization of Europe > Teens radicalized online are popping up everywhere; Afghan refugees in Germany take holidays in Afghanistan

Most of the acts of terrorism in Europe in the past month have been committed by teens who have been radicalized online. This is an exploding problem that has to be dealt with severely and soon. But I see no indication that anyone else is even aware of it.


Ireland: Muslim teen who was ‘radicalized online’

stabs chaplain at army barracks

The Irish Times is the only source I saw that gives any details at all about the possible motive of the attacker. The details are these:

1. It’s a “suspected terrorist incident.”

2. The attacker was “radicalised online.” This is something that is frequently stated of Islamic jihad terrorists, with the unspoken corollary being that the local mosques teach nothing but love, peace and tolerance.

3. The attacker “had a grievance about the Irish Defence Forces presence in the Middle East.”

Reading these tea leaves, it is clear that this was a jihad attack. Unless, that is, we are supposed to believe that some “right-wing extremist” had a grievance about Irish troops in the Middle East.

The establishment media’s Job One, however, is to conceal or obfuscate every news item that might make people think ill of Islam. And so we have to read clues in this way instead of just getting the straightforward news.

Boy (16) arrested after chaplain stabbed in suspected

terrorist incident at Galway barracks

by Conor Gallagher and Conor Lally, Irish Times, August 16 2024 (thanks to M.):

A 16-year-old boy has been arrested after the chaplain at an Army barracks in Galway city was stabbed in what gardaí are investigating as a suspected terrorist incident.

It is understood Army sentries fired five warning shots and used a baton to subdue the attacker during the incident outside Renmore Barracks at about 10.45pm on Thursday.

Fr Paul F Murphy, who is in his 50s, is being treated for serious but non life-threatening injuries following the attack, which began outside the entrance to the barracks when he was approached by the youth armed with a knife.

Garda sources said it is believed the attacker, an Irish national from Co Galway, had been radicalised online in recent months. The Garda investigation is now being lead by the Special Detective Unit, which is responsible to responding to terrorist threats.

Gardaí believe the youth had a grievance about the Irish Defence Forces presence in the Middle East. His social media postings will form a central part of the investigation….

The teenager is currently being held at a Garda station in the North Western Region. Due to the suspect’s age, gardaí must wait for a parent or other responsible adult to be present before he can be interviewed. A mental health assessment is also expected to be carried out.

The attack began as the chaplain was waiting in his car for the gate into the barracks to be opened. It is understood he was wearing civilian clothing at the time.

The Defence Forces chaplain ran through the barracks gate and was pursued by his attacker.

Army personnel on sentry duty intervened and subdued the teenager and held him until gardaí, including members of the Armed Response Unit, arrived on the scene….

But, but, but, Afghans can't be deported from Germany because Afghanistan is too dangerous!


Afghan ‘Refugees’ In Germany Go On Holiday


Ever since 2015, when then-Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed more than a million Muslims into Germany, famously proclaiming “Wir schaffen das” — We Can Do This! — Muslim “refugees” have been flooding into Germany. They come claiming “refugee” status — meaning that they would be in grave danger if they remained in their countries of origin. Iraqis claim to be threatened by violence at homem but there is no longer war in Iraq. Syrians claim to be fleeing their civil war, but the civil war is over; the Assad regime has won. And eight million Afghans have fled their country, claiming that it is too dangerous for them to remain in Afghanistan. This is what hundreds of thousands have claimed in order to be admitted to Germany as “refugees,” with millions more spread out across other countries in Western Europe.

These “refugees” are in fact not fleeing war; the war is over; the Taliban has won. These Afghans are economic migrants, seeking to batten on all the benefits the generous welfare states of Western Europe offer, including free or greatly subsidized housing, free medical care, free education (both language and vocational training), family allowances, unemployment benefits (without having been previously employed in the country that they have managed to settle in), and more.

Now the Germans have discovered that a great many of the Afghan “refugees’ it admitted because, they claimed, they were in fear for their lives if they remained in Afghanistan, have been returning to Afghanistan on holiday, apparently without a care in the world. 

More on this maddening state of affairs can be found here: 

Documentary reveals how refugees go on holiday in Afghanistan

– authorities look the other way

translated from “Doku enthüllt, wie Geflüchtete in Afghanistan Urlaub machen – Behörden schauen weg,” by Beate Strobel, Focus Online, August 15, 2024 (thanks to Medforth):

An RTL documentary reveals that Afghan refugees are apparently going on holiday to their old homeland on a large scale, even though it is not officially considered a safe country of origin. According to the documentary, the holiday trips are organised by German travel agencies. Federal Minister of the Interior Faeser does not consider herself responsible.

Germany is on summer holidays and half the country is at a standstill. Those who still have holiday days are sitting somewhere on the beach, by the lake or in the mountains. But what is an annual pleasure for some in the country is officially only possible to a limited extent for others. According to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, Afghan refugees, for example, are only allowed to travel to their home country in exceptional cases.

Which is understandable; after all, they came here precisely because they were persecuted and threatened in their home country. Afghanistan is officially considered so dangerous that Germany is not even allowed to send convicted criminals back there. Who would want to go on holiday there voluntarily?

According to research by RTLextra, however, this is exactly what happens, and it happens frequently: Afghan refugees go to their old homeland to see what’s going on, visit relatives there and have fun. Even so-called local forces are among those willing to travel – those former Bundeswehr helpers that Germany took out of Afghanistan after the Taliban took power because they are considered to be particularly at risk.

We keep being told that any Afghans who helped the Western forces in Afghanistan, by serving as interpreters or informants or fixers, must be rescued from certain death by being admitted to the countries whose soldiers they helped. But those who claim they are under threat of such retribution by the Taliban and therefore deserve to be admitted to those same countries turn out to be returning in large numbers to pass their holidays in supposedly “dangerous” Afghanistan. Apparently it isn’t all that dangerous for them.

Afghan refugees report this in a research interview with RTL reporter Liv von Boetticher: ‘Many Afghans from Europe are currently going back on holiday.’ There are also clips on TikTok and other social media that tell of relaxed days in Afghanistan.

According to RTL’s research, various travel agencies support the refugees in planning the illegal trip via Iran to Afghanistan. The required visa – a so-called ‘double-entry visa’ – consists of a loose sheet of paper that can be easily removed from the passport after the journey. Anyone who has ever tried to simply keep their Austrian vignette in their wallet instead of sticking it to their windscreen will be amazed: a visa as a loose-leaf collection sounds a lot like a banana republic.

The reason for the “double-entry visa” is so that these Afghans can hide their holiday trips to Afghanistan from German authorities simply by removing the sheet of paper on which their entry visas to the country have been stamped. Thus the German government is kept in the dark about just how many Afghans make the trip to spend time in “life-threatening” Afghanistan.

All of this is frightening. Even more frightening, however, is how Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser reacted when RTLextra confronted her with the research findings: Preventing travel with the ‘double-entry visa’ is not her job, but that of the local immigration authorities. The local authorities claim that the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees is responsible….

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has long dismissed those warning about the effects of mass Muslim migration on Germany; she seems more determined to make life difficult for the Alternative für Deutschland anti-Muslim immigrant party and its supporters. She has outlawed its publications, harried its leaders, and stood up for Islam: “Our message is very clear” she has said, “we will not allow ethnicity to define who belongs to Germany and who does not.” Of course, it is not “ethnicity” that is worrisome, but the ideology of Islam, which is a threat to all Infidels, whom the Qur’an describes as “the most vile of created beings.”

It’s not surprising that she simply waves off any responsibility for monitoring the use of “double-entry visas.” Nor has she said a word about the Afghan “refugees” now spending their holidays in Afghanistan, where they supposedly are in danger of being killed — the reason they were admitted as “refugees” in the first place.

The failure of the German government to keep track of those it had admitted as “refugees” but who have been returning to spend time in their home countries, the very places which they had insisted were “too dangerous” for them to remain in, is a scandal. The money now being spent on these phony “refugees” who apparently can — and do — return to live for extended periods in their countries of origin, should be spent instead on increasing support for German pensioners, 61% of whom receive less than 1,200 euros a month from the state. So much of the welfare budget now goes to the care and feeding of Muslim migrants that there is ever less money for Germany’s aging population. Thirty-six billion dollars was spent on migrants —overwhelmingly Muslims — in Germany in 2023. The German government must identify those Muslim countries where “refugees” no longer feel themselves to be in danger, as shown by their returning home for holidays, and send all so-called “refugees” from those countries home. Sie können dies tun, people of Germany. You Can Do This.


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